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Bandits, safe zones, death penalty, item spawning, zombies suggestions

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I actually like the insanity idea. Players with alot of murders and bandit kills could have random peripheral dots appear or maybe hear sounds that don't exist. Would add to the fear aspect of the game.

Personally, I don't like this at all. You can't decide globally if human players have consciense or not.

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Left 4 Dead, is in my opinion an awful game. Dead Island, is much better... Though both are fast-paced Arcadey games.

Day Z, in my opinion would fare better with The Walking Dead, slower zombies. Awareness needs to play a larger role on smell, as well as hearing and vision.

This has been discussed over and over again however and the only thing I can say to the people who want harder, faster zombies... To actual envision them in the game. Take how Zombies slow down into more traditional Zombies while indoors, remove that feature and have them burst in after you. Is it harder? Yes, does it make it better? Not for me.

Or have an "oopsie" and get a hoarde of zombies after you out in the open. Try to engage 12 zombies with just a hatchet.

The primary focus of this game, despite some would think, is not about the Zombies. They are just a PvE element in the overall scheme of things.

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Left 4 Dead, is in my opinion an awful game. Dead Island, is much better... Though both are fast-paced Arcadey games.

Day Z, in my opinion would fare better with The Walking Dead, slower zombies. Awareness needs to play a larger role on smell, as well as hearing and vision.

This has been discussed over and over again however and the only thing I can say to the people who want harder, faster zombies... To actual envision them in the game. Take how Zombies slow down into more traditional Zombies while indoors, remove that feature and have them burst in after you. Is it harder? Yes, does it make it better? Not for me.

Or have an "oopsie" and get a hoarde of zombies after you out in the open. Try to engage 12 zombies with just a hatchet.

The primary focus of this game, despite some would think, is not about the Zombies. They are just a PvE element in the overall scheme of things.

Challenge accepted. I want it difficult. An "oopsie" is an oopsie...a mistake. Mistakes lead to crunchy situations that need to be dealt with. Why change the zombies so there's less possibility for mistakes instead of forcing the player to learn? This game is literally bragging with the short lifespan of an average player. They shouldn't steer away from this. It's what makes it so interesting. Lots of people think "1 hour? Oh I can top that easily/I must try to top that.", and then have an "oopsie" with a pistol with 2 bullets in it.

It's what makes it different than all those FPS multiplayers - it's NOT a run and gun, or shoot first, ask questions later.

It's a survival game. Making the zombies not challenging will eventually bore down a lot of players. People will start shooting each other way too often, and that would just make it a different Call of Duty.

IMO, of course.

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