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Suggestion for DayZ standalone.

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Make factions for the DayZ standalone.

Split them into 3 factions. One faction will consists of the survivors, the other one will be for bandits, and the third one zombies.

Give survivors and bandits different skin so you'll know who to shoot. Allow group invites and such.

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No. I think it would be a heck of a lot better if there were no systems restricting factions or morality or stuff like that because it leaves so much more room to be dynamic and more interesting.

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This is a sandbox game.

Again, your suggestion is absolutely stupid because of that.

Edited by Inception.
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This is a sandbox game.

Again, your suggestion is absolutely stupid because of that.

Whatever loser. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. was a sandbox game too and they had factions: Loners, Duty, Freedom, Military, and Bandits.

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Stalker was far from being a sandbox game. It had a strong narrative driving you towards the conclusion. Basically the opposite of a sandbox game.

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Whatever loser. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. was a sandbox game too and they had factions: Loners, Duty, Freedom, Military, and Bandits.

DayZ isn't S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is it?

Factions would defeat the purpose of so many things.

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Sure it was. At least have some respect for the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series by adding the dots. Give me some prime examples of a "sandbox" video game? By your definition. When I google "sandbox" it directs me to "open world" which include such games as GTA and S.T.A.L.K.E.R..

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Whatever loser. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. was a sandbox game too and they had factions: Loners, Duty, Freedom, Military, and Bandits.

Stalker is a single player game,..DayZ is not.

DayZ is meant to see how will player deal with a harsh world with no rules except the ones they create.

Stalker's factions create rules and a structure to the game to help give player quests and these factions are being used to substitute having other players.

DayZ doesn't have these set factions because they have multiple players and factions would simply remove certain freedom's and creativity from the player.

Stalker and DayZ can't be compared in the macro game design.

They can be compared on the micro level.

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You want a faction? In Dayz, it is known as a squad. They can range from 2 players to 30 or more. How about you make one yourself?

Problem solved.

Oh and I almost forgot! Use the frigging search function for crying out loud! This is quite possibly the most suggested idea on these forums.

Edited by Regicide

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Well, the OP of this thread has received a 3 day posting ban for abusive behaviour on another thread. Shame, it could have been a good debate. OP - please use the search function, many thanks.


Edited by Fraggle

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