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JimJam (DayZ)

Let's have less hi-tech guns available

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Right now there are a plethora of hi quality military grade weapons available. As people have mentioned, you can find them quite quickly.

This is not really realistic, most people in 3rd world countries do not have military grade sniper rifles, they have pistols, shotguns and iron sight hunting rifles.

So my suggestion is to reduce the amount of the military grade hardware, and increase the amount of shotguns, rinky-dink pistols and Lee-Enfields.

Would make it easier to move around without having to worry about every high location being populated by a guy with a .50 cal and getting nailed by some guy 1000 meters away too. Would provide for more mano a mano up close stuff. Then those who had the bandit tendency would perhaps be a little more careful about starting a firefight.

Edited by JimJam
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I started last night on the Laughing Man servers...they are removing the dmr's and the 50 cals replacing them with the hunting rifles. I agree to a certain point the higher tech gear should at least be more rare.

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Chernarus(Based on Russia) is a third-world country?

Do you happen to be from the States, by any chance?

Servers can have their own loot-tables. Anybody can modify drop-rates on their own server, so just find one that has generally less (high-end)weapons.

As for official DayZ-hive servers, well, you just have to wait or play somewhere else.

Edited by Dancing.Russian.Man
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Chernarus(Based on Russia) is a third-world country?

Do you happen to be from the States, by any chance?

My understanding it is based on a country in the Caucasus, which is not Russia.

And people there would not have the income of the US or 1st world country.

And no, not from the US.

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My understanding it is based on a country in the Caucasus, which is not Russia.

1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caucasus - Part of Russia is within Caucasus.

2. http://community.bis.../wiki/Chernarus - "Chernarus is a fictional post-Soviet country, accurately recreated from geographical data of real landscape."

3. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Chernarus#People - "The population of Chernarus is a combination of Chernarussian and Russian people."

And on the half of in-come, I have nothing to say. There's nothing I can say, because it's fictional.

Edited by Dancing.Russian.Man

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Their military would. Plus, this is Russia, what soldier doesn't have an Ak-74 or 47?

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I'll be honest, I've been playing on non private regular servers for a week now. Finally at the end of day 7 raiding the NE airfield I found an AK-74 kobra and an 870. First off the 870 sucks juicy balls. The AK is okay, but it took me FOREVER to find the damn thing. So I don't really agree with your assessment that these weapons are "common"

Also, as far as effectiveness goes, a Lee Enfield will be just as effective as any assault rifle since its damn accurate and does almost double the damage. Also, the Winchester 1866 is hands down the best shotgun due to being able to one shot any zombie and having a 15 round capacity. And it would 2-3 shot a survivor too.

What would removing military weapons accomplish? More Enfield battles? The only reason people don't already do that is lack of confidence. The only guns trully fear inducing are the straight up sniper rifles such as AS50 and M107 due to their ability to instakill and 1000meter range. As far as guns with iron sights go, its a fair fight no matter which way you twist it.

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Take away the scopes and the shit gets real. That's when the real men and women come out to play.

You'll take my Winchester from my cold dead hands. Iron sights forever.

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What with Dayz and authenticity ruling the realism,why not make weapons authentic also.Make 50 caliber rifles 2 shots to kill and up the amount that the lower weapons geneed by one.Fixing the pistols while there is needed!

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How about just leaving the game alone, stop trying to change everything, and play as was intended? I can almost guarantee if the AS-50 and M107 were removed, there would be another weapon that's too "overpowered" and the nerf train starts rolling once again. Take this a step further, and we should just use spears, rocks, and bows.

Sorry, I would hate to see a great game start to get picked apart simply because someones evasive skills are poor or are too lazy to flank a position.

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How about just leaving the game alone, stop trying to change everything, and play as was intended? I can almost guarantee if the AS-50 and M107 were removed, there would be another weapon that's too "overpowered" and the nerf train starts rolling once again. Take this a step further, and we should just use spears, rocks, and bows.

Sorry, I would hate to see a great game start to get picked apart simply because someones evasive skills are poor or are too lazy to flank a position.

Oh shit, it's confirmed. THere's no such thing as game balance. Just people being pussies not playing a game the way it was meant to be played.

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The arguments on this topic can only be solved once the duping is removed.

Until then we really can't get good data, hopefully the Standalone will give us the data needed to find a balance on this but I believe what will give us balance is the guns being able to jam and show wear and tear as we use them, making the player need to clean the gun with a kit ever so often/based on usage.

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What with Dayz and authenticity ruling the realism,why not make weapons authentic also.Make 50 caliber rifles 2 shots to kill and up the amount that the lower weapons geneed by one.Fixing the pistols while there is needed!

Make a .50 cal 2 shots? That thing can rip you apart in one shot

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Make a .50 cal 2 shots? That thing can rip you apart in one shot

ENOUGH! Have you been shot with a 50 cal? Do you know of someone who has been?

If shot in the leg or arm, it will NOT be a one hit kill. It may cripple you, it will cause severe bloodloss, shock, etc. There is more to this than reality, there is game balance. Make the gun deal 10000 damage. It will be crippling, causing passing out, bloodloss and probably limb breakage. Thats enough to kill someone as is. But there is no reason to suddenly crumple to the ground dead because a bullet grazed your ass.

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I want to live in a Chernarus where people rejoice at finding a double-barreled shotgun or a Winchester. Actually rejoice, not just pick it up because they're on the coast.

Imagine feeling powerless all the fucking time, not just cause you don't have a gun. Imagine actually being "comfortable" using just a revolver! Prizing it, loving it.

I want to live in a Chernarus where I can find a Lee Enfield and feel like the hand of an angry god.

Weapons like the AS-50, however rare, make the game so... impersonal.

Edited by Very Ape
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^ THIS. This to infinity. To be fair, I was still reluctant to give up my Winchester. I fucking love that thing.

Edited by Happymrsnowman
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I wouldn't mind this:

Crowbar - Very common

Hatchet - Very common

Makarov PM - Very Common

Double-barreled shotgun - Common

M9 - Common

M1911A1 - Common

Revolver - Common

Glock17 - Uncommon

PDW UZI - Uncommon

Winchester - Uncommon

AK-74 - Rare

Lee Enfield - Rare

M1014 - Rare

M9 Silenced - Rare

Bizon PP-19 SD - Rare

MP5A5 - Rare

AKS-74U - Rare

Grenades - Rare

CZ 550 Scoped - Very Rare

AKM - Very Rare

RGO Grenades - Very Rare

M16A2 - Very Rare

MP5SD6 - Very Rare

RPK-74 - Extremely rare

M16A2 203 GL - Extremely rare

Edited by Very Ape

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I wouldn't mind this:

Crowbar - Very common

Hatchet - Very common

Makarov PM - Very Common

Double-barreled shotgun - Common

M9 - Common

M1911A1 - Common

Revolver - Common

Glock17 - Uncommon

PDW UZI - Uncommon

Winchester - Uncommon

AK-74 - Rare

Lee Enfield - Rare

M1014 - Rare

M9 Silenced - Rare

Bizon PP-19 SD - Rare

MP5A5 - Rare

AKS-74U - Rare

Grenades - Rare

CZ 550 Scoped - Very Rare

AKM - Very Rare

RGO Grenades - Very Rare

M16A2 - Very Rare

MP5SD6 - Very Rare

RPK-74 - Extremely rare

M16A2 203 GL - Extremely rare

Actually, as someone from Ukraine, There's some advice I've got, in former Soviet countries, RIFLES AND SHOTGUNS are usually LEGAL TO OWN. And HANDGUNS are usually ILLEGAL, or require hard to obtain permits.

This leads me to think that the double barrel should be VERY common, the winchester to be common, and the enfield to be common-uncommon. Most of the pistols would be uncommon at best, with the exception of a revolver or makarov which people would have hidden away from the older days.

Also, the AKM would be more common than the AK-74 since it is basically a revision of the venerable ak-47, so there would be more copies of it around, even at military barracks. The 74 would be SLIGHTLY SLIGHTLY less common.

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Here's some other older lo-tech weapons which I think would be fun and which would be likely to be around:

Moisin Nagant 1891 (regular model and sniper)


Mauser Kar98




Wouldn't it be fun to run and gun in Cherno with the PPsh and its 71 round mag?

"Zombies??? We don't care 'bout no freakin' Zombies!!!"

Edited by JimJam
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Here's some other older lo-tech weapons which I think would be fun and which would be likely to be around:

Moisin Nagant 1891 (regular model and sniper)


Mauser Kar98




Wouldn't it be fun to run and gun in Cherno with the PPsh?

I agree with mosin and kar98, since those are old-timey rifles much akin to the enfield. HOWEVER, you are completely delusional about the PPSh. There are not a lot of those guns (despite massive productions in WW2). It went out of service relatively soon, and it certainly wouldn't be a civilian item. No farmer/townman would own one of those. Also, it uses a 7.62x25 cartridge. If the Tokarev pistol was added into the game, there might be an argument for it, but as it stands, you're dreamin. There is no way to justify that weapon being in the game, especially if we're trying to stay authentic.

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I agree with mosin and kar98, since those are old-timey rifles much akin to the enfield. HOWEVER, you are completely delusional about the PPSh. There are not a lot of those guns (despite massive productions in WW2). It went out of service relatively soon, and it certainly wouldn't be a civilian item. No farmer/townman would own one of those. Also, it uses a 7.62x25 cartridge. If the Tokarev pistol was added into the game, there might be an argument for it, but as it stands, you're dreamin. There is no way to justify that weapon being in the game, especially if we're trying to stay authentic.

not to mention they trashed so many of the 98's at the end of the WW2 that these days it is a collector item, would propably be rare than CZ550.

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I wouldn't mind this:

Crowbar - Very common

Hatchet - Very common

Makarov PM - Very Common

Double-barreled shotgun - Common

M9 - Common

M1911A1 - Common

Revolver - Common

Glock17 - Uncommon

PDW UZI - Uncommon

Winchester - Uncommon

AK-74 - Rare

Lee Enfield - Rare

M1014 - Rare

M9 Silenced - Rare

Bizon PP-19 SD - Rare

MP5A5 - Rare

AKS-74U - Rare

Grenades - Rare

CZ 550 Scoped - Very Rare

AKM - Very Rare

RGO Grenades - Very Rare

M16A2 - Very Rare

MP5SD6 - Very Rare

RPK-74 - Extremely rare

M16A2 203 GL - Extremely rare

Grenades are rare? I have 20 of the fucking things.

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