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Zombies.. that can smell

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I was just browsing the forums and all of a sudden I smelt beans in the kitchen and thought of a simple idea that can be put into the game to make zombies more recognizable as creatures that are manipulated by their instincts. My idea was that zombies can not only hear and see.. but smell too.

You're probably wondering of the mechanics that go into this, but it's as simple as showering to lower the risk of being smelt or the environment you're in, e.g. in the rain; because the rain is interfering by washing the sweat off your body therefore removing the smells (another small idea may include deodorant cans). So if you've been in high action situations you may sweat more, giving you a reason to shower. Or after you've been bleeding and bandaged yourself your blood will be stained in your clothes so you have to wash your clothes and skin to make sure that zombies can't smell your blood. Even if you're carrying a blood bag to help your friends it increases the risk that a zombie will smell it.

I'm aware it's not a major game changers, but it could possibly be implemented later on in standalone or whatever. It's just another addition to the whole heap of suggestions, but I would love to hear feedback.

Edited by Mitunzz_
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Good idea, adds another element to consider when surviving and of course give you a reason in game for good hygene. Washing and regularly fidning or washing clothes to decrease zombie detection is someting that I'd like to see in the game for sure. Good post fella!

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I like it, then you try cleaning yourself in a pond and catch a disease because someone else has taken a dump and dragged some corpses into it.

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  On 12/6/2012 at 3:17 PM, smasht_AU said:

I like it, then you try cleaning yourself in a pond and catch a disease because someone else has taken a dump and dragged some corpses into it.

I swear this is now going to be my prefered method of killing! Hero skinned pond polluter, YEAH!

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Rocket did mention that disease will play a more important role in the game, with areas of concentred population being more dangerous because of the decay and even human feces! I think it sounds promising.

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This is probably the most original and awesome idea I've heard in a month. Have teh beans.

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I love it!

I'm all for making zombies into monsters, not just mindless, static corpses that punch you.

I want to be prone near one and have it "perk up", so to speak, flair the air for my scent.

I want to know it's looking for food. For me.

This suggestion would work best if there's some sort of visual cue (ie, the zombie looking around and sniffing) to show they're looking for you.

Edited by Very Ape
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...and you can use old cans of Lynx, or old bottles of Paco Robane, to mask the smell.. fantastic!

Seriously though, really good idea. Beans for you good sir. :thumbsup: :beans:

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Yah know... it actually works the opposite way IRL... ive done a few longish tactical patrols, in the tropics (3/4 weeks) in my younger days... and you can smell a washed person from a LONG way off... because soaps etc are foreign, where as the unwashed grunt, with the rotting uniform... smells like everything else in the jungle, rot. (yah still wash as best yah can, with water on sweat cloth or what ever to prevent J rot/ prickly heat... but youd get charged for using soap... because you are giving away position)

So great idea... but washing(with soap) makes people stand out like dog nuts compared to back ground smells.

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Time to musk up

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  On 12/6/2012 at 4:30 PM, KingOchaos said:

Yah know... it actually works the opposite way IRL... ive done a few longish tactical patrols, in the tropics (3/4 weeks) in my younger days... and you can smell a washed person from a LONG way off... because soaps etc are foreign, where as the unwashed grunt, with the rotting uniform... smells like everything else in the jungle, rot. (yah still wash as best yah can, with water on sweat cloth or what ever to prevent J rot/ prickly heat... but youd get charged for using soap... because you are giving away position)

So great idea... but washing(with soap) makes people stand out like dog nuts compared to back ground smells.

He suggested just washing blood off with water.


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  On 12/6/2012 at 4:30 PM, KingOchaos said:

Yah know... it actually works the opposite way IRL... ive done a few longish tactical patrols, in the tropics (3/4 weeks) in my younger days... and you can smell a washed person from a LONG way off... because soaps etc are foreign, where as the unwashed grunt, with the rotting uniform... smells like everything else in the jungle, rot. (yah still wash as best yah can, with water on sweat cloth or what ever to prevent J rot/ prickly heat... but youd get charged for using soap... because you are giving away position)

So great idea... but washing(with soap) makes people stand out like dog nuts compared to back ground smells.

Hence the reason why I said the zombies run off instinct, much like a shark. A shark will smell blood and automatically go to that location because that is instinct, if a shark smelt soap I'd assume it wouldn't go towards it because it lacks the ability to make conscious decisions much like a zombie. But of course I'm not shark expert, there is always a possibility that the shark would go and see just because it is curious as to what the smell may be.

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Good thinking there dude.

The hygiene aspect of apocalypse survival would have a major effect on hunting too.

Beasties that smell soap on you won't be hanging around. Could be part of a see-saw between making yourself Zombait, and being able to catch your dinner.

Just throwing it out there.

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Another add on to the suggestion could be the possibility to actually rub mud, dirt and walk through brushes that have leaves with a distinctive smell to the zombies and the zombies could be tricked into thinking you're just part of the land ultimately stopping detection.

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*Proceeds to leaving a brownie for the bronies at the closest military installment* There is your extra flavor for mil spots ;D

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  On 12/6/2012 at 4:35 PM, Pinkie_Pie said:

He suggested just washing blood off with water.


I was really referring to the deodorant part o the suggestion ;)

Yea the hunting thing too. Most animals associate, chemical smells with us... id assume after the first 24 hours zombies would associate the smell o people (deoderant/soap perfumes) with dinner... The longer you are in an environment the more you will smell like the environment (which in the cities, would be rot)

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Then you would have to implement a way to tell what direction the wind is blowing and the effects of wind on a bullet. I find this addition unnecessary.

Edited by TreeSap

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hmmm....If Zeds can smell.....

Does that mean I want my player to smell good or awful??

Smelling clean might make me a taste meal...

If I smell like vomit and have 5 diseases will i become more invisible to the Zed or will I find a crawler humping my leg,..thinking it's in love....?!


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  On 12/6/2012 at 8:47 PM, logan23 said:

hmmm....If Zeds can smell.....

Does that mean I want my player to smell good or awful??

Smelling clean might make me a taste meal...

If I smell like vomit and have 5 diseases will i become more invisible to the Zed or will I find a crawler humping my leg,..thinking it's in love....?!


:D i am so headed down the leg hump path xD

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  On 12/6/2012 at 8:47 PM, logan23 said:

hmmm....If Zeds can smell.....

Does that mean I want my player to smell good or awful??

Smelling clean might make me a taste meal...

If I smell like vomit and have 5 diseases will i become more invisible to the Zed or will I find a crawler humping my leg,..thinking it's in love....?!



  On 12/6/2012 at 5:54 PM, Mitunzz_ said:

Hence the reason why I said the zombies run off instinct, much like a shark. A shark will smell blood and automatically go to that location because that is instinct, if a shark smelt soap I'd assume it wouldn't go towards it because it lacks the ability to make conscious decisions much like a zombie. But of course I'm not shark expert, there is always a possibility that the shark would go and see just because it is curious as to what the smell may be.

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I can see it now...

Player hears his friend saying he is running to him but there is a Zed following him.

Player sees both of them and says,..wait! ..I can't tell which one is which?! You both look all disgusting with flies around you both.

Friend as he is running, says " Shoot the more smelly, disgusting one...that is the Zed...quick before I'm killed by it!


Player says,.. OK I shoot the Zed! You are safe now!

Friend " No, you shot me! I'm dead! The Zed is hitting my dead body now, ugh...What happened!"

Player " You said shoot the smelly disgusting one and I did."

Argument continues...

Then fades to black and a Survivor(Bambi) and Bandit comes on screen talking to the viewer.

Remember players,...being smelly and dirty might help you with escaping Zeds,...but will get you killed by your friends.

Always have a signal and remember to be dirty but not dirty to the point where your friends think you are the Zed.

This was a message from the Bandit and Bambi society...

"Only you can stop mistaken KOS"

"Keep KOS purely a Bandit right of passage"

Bandit turns to Bambi,

Bandit: "Do you have any beans?"

Bambi " Sure!"

Bandit shoots Bambi and takes the beans

Bandit looks over dead character and says " Thanks Bambi !"

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