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What Should I Upgrade to Improve FPS Rate?

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I got this amazing game two days ago, but I noticed that my FPS rate is a little low.... Even on lowest settings, my FPS is near 15 when I go through cities or large forests. I was wondering what parts would be the cheapest and easiest to upgrade on my computer to help improve my FPS rate (if you have any suggestions on what to get specifically that would be great). All I know about my computer is that I have a Intel Core2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40 GHz processor with 2 gigs of RAM, and an NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS display card.

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Your ram is fine, your Graphic card is outdated though. It's a GTS which is a standard card for a computer that's not built for gaming. You could get a much better card today around 130 dollar/90 euro that will be huge for you. Then you can start thinking about ram.


I didn't watch your file you linked as well, but I'm guessing you are running Vista 32bit, which can't hold more than 2gb ram. Keep that in mind, so I suggest you atleast go up to a i5 cpu with around 3.3 ghz, it's cheap and enough. But if money is not an object than go hard on i7, update to Windows 8 64bit and run 8gb ram, you dont need more at the moment and a graphic card that is good enough to hold for atleast 2 more years.

Edited by Snilex

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What ever you end up doing, don't download any "tweak programs" to do it for you.

You'll lose your key and/or get labeled as a hacker when you come back, asking about a global ban.

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I think if you had an Nvidia your set. I have a 2.3 GHz laptop which runs DayZ on medium settings with acceptable fps. Your graphics card is a negative though, upgrade that and I think your set.

Good Luck

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I'm running Windows 7

Your ram is fine, your Graphic card is outdated though. It's a GTS which is a standard card for a computer that's not built for gaming. You could get a much better card today around 130 dollar/90 euro that will be huge for you. Then you can start thinking about ram.


I didn't watch your file you linked as well, but I'm guessing you are running Vista 32bit, which can't hold more than 2gb ram. Keep that in mind, so I suggest you atleast go up to a i5 cpu with around 3.3 ghz, it's cheap and enough. But if money is not an object than go hard on i7, update to Windows 8 64bit and run 8gb ram, you dont need more at the moment and a graphic card that is good enough to hold for atleast 2 more years.

Bitch, please, I'm running Windows 7 64-Bit, and Windows 8 is shit, so I am not looking into upgrading. But yeah, I was definitely thinking atleast an i5 processor with 8gb of RAM. Thanks everyone!

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I'm running Windows 7

Bitch, please, I'm running Windows 7 64-Bit, and Windows 8 is shit, so I am not looking into upgrading. But yeah, I was definitely thinking atleast an i5 processor with 8gb of RAM. Thanks everyone!

you're running 64bit with 2 gigs of RAM? lolwut.

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