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Brack (DayZ)

I hate hackers so much.

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Well. I finally found my first chopper. Worked hard to repair it, on my 40 day character which had AS-50 and M24 with shitload of mags. So, i went to pick up my friend. He told that he earlier had just fell down, no gun shot, not anything. Insta death. So, we went to berezino, and he got out of the heli too early so he broke his leg. I was thinking of going to hospital, but he said he had to go. So, i went back to my chopper, taking off. When suddenly, the character gets out, broken legs, and insta-death. Just fucking awesome. After 3 respawns though, i spawned to Solnichiy, which is close enough to Berezino. Im now making my way up to berezino, and will keep updating until im there.

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I didn't find anything good to replace the M24... anyway got my chopper and all my gear back :)

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  On 12/2/2012 at 12:04 AM, Rage VG said:

The forums are not a blog.

  On 12/2/2012 at 12:07 AM, Skrewy said:

why did u have the m24 and an as50... ur not a smart man.

These posts pretty much sum the entire topic up.

Edit your post if you feel like something needs to be added or changed. Don't double/triple post.

And.. M24 is not a high-end weapon. And why would you ever use two sniper rifles? Both of those are useless anyway during night-time. I would understand AS50 and a DMR or something..

Edit; So you couldn't find anything to replace it. So? I would've dropped it when I found an AS50. It's not worth mentioning if you claim to have a 40-day-old character. (And how is it that in 40 days, you couldn't find anything else but an AS50 and M24? Any assault rifle would be better if you have an AS50.)

Edited by Dancing.Russian.Man

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I have been looking for a weapon already to replace M24 but i haven't found anything good to replace it so at this time i still have it.

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  On 12/2/2012 at 12:04 AM, Rage VG said:

The forums are not a blog.

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  On 12/2/2012 at 8:58 AM, pixellcraft said:

Why 2 sniper rifles? Well it's pretty hard to find ammo for AS50

It's hard to find a good weapon on ONE server (I don't like to hop to other server to get loot as well as many players). I mean you have to wait like 20 mins to have a chance to get a good weapon - but you have to be pretty fast.

dude i have 10-15 mags for it... and about the M24.. i got the as-50 and m24 at the same time and i wanted to test the M24 so i kept them both -.- and i rly didnt need anything to replace the m24 or as-50.. so please all, shut the fuck up, and try to understand, fucking dumbasses...

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Sucks about the hackers.... Am I the only one whom is compassionate?

You guys should be a shame of yourselves! This poor man just lost a chopper, I can't remember the last time I sat in one. I hope you and your chopper find each others paths again.

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Thanks for the kind words, but i ran up to the chopper, got all my gear back, chopper was all fine... so i still have the chopper this day.. though the server is down now the one the chopper is in :(

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  On 12/2/2012 at 8:58 AM, pixellcraft said:

Why 2 sniper rifles? Well it's pretty hard to find ammo for AS50

It's hard to find a good weapon on ONE server (I don't like to hop to other server to get loot as well as many players). I mean you have to wait like 20 mins to have a chance to get a good weapon - but you have to be pretty fast.

what u mean with "like 20 mins to have a change to get a good weapon -" ENGLISH PLEASE

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