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Is it worth buying now?

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Well I just got finished building my first ever gaming rig and well I want to play DayZ so badly but is it really worth buying now when in a couple of weeks, the standalone will be released?

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If you want to pay $30 for a one month alpha preview of DayZ Standalone, go for it.

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Worth pointing out that ArmA 2 is a good game in itself. You could download the free version of ArmA and then just buy OA seperately. Look around a bit you may find it pretty cheap (My copy was £10, which is like $16-17?).

No one knows when it'll be released, but end of year, beginning of next is along the right lines.

Edited by Maze

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Well i say BUY it.

You are NOT buying the MOD, you are buying Arma2 and Arma2Operation arrowhead, This game needs to be in your collection, trust me, alot of people i play DayZ with are now also really loving playing Arma.

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I'd say buy it now it will be money well spent. Not just for DayZ but the endless entertainment you can have from the Arma series alone. Click on link and have a look for yourself http://www.armaholic.com/

Between the Addons/Scenarios/Mods ect. The possibilities are in fact endless.. But at the end of the day its up to yourself.

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If you're not really interested in playing Arma 2, just DayZ, then you'd probably be better off waiting a couple more weeks for the SA. I doubt you have much disposible income if you're asking this question, but if you do then I say try it out; no harm no foul.

Edited by Jony_RocketInMyPocket

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Buy it now, it still fun. Who knows how long we'll have to wait for the standalone. You also get Arma to play too, so maybe look up Arma OA and that might interest you.

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It's the most intense gaming experience I've had in 30+ years of playing computer games. It's an alpha- it has glitches, bugs and hackers, and I still recommend it without reservation.

If you think that spending more than $10 for a meal at a restaurant is too much, don't buy it- wait for SA, and see how that pans out.

If you think that spending $15 for a meal at a restaurant is too much, maybe.

If you think that spending $20+ for a meal at a restaurant, is fine, even once in a while, buy it, you'll get more than $20 of fun out of it over the next few weeks; SA may well be delayed too.

Hope this helps,


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Aw man, you JUST missed a steam sale XD

Prices slashed by 40%.

Ah well, standalone will be coming this month or the next, but if you REALLY want to play and have an extra 30$ than sure, buy it.

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