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8 hours of DayZ ruined - Got to love them Hackers!

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So I start a new guy on a high population server and anyone who has played on 30 - 40+ Pop servers knows that getting off the shore line is like walking across the beaches on D-Day. I manage to get north, get a gun or two from some huts and make it ALL the way up to Green Mountain without becoming Bandit Fodder! I am belly down crawling around the Giant tower as I hear Flys, there is a Helicopter sat with a bandit not even looking at me so I line up my shot thinking this couldnt have been a better day and how much fun im going to have looking through the goodies this guy has stored up whilst bombing around in a working chopper... and then... me and everyone else on the server free fall from 3,000 feet to our death!!

Unlucky... maybe!

So pissed off I move on to another server, Nice crowd, some clans battling it out but not too serious. I start on the other side of the map this time and I manage to make it up to the Factory above Dolina. I scope it from a distance and there are 2 UAV's, 2 ATV's and a motorcycle... at this point I thought that the Horse shoe I must have sat on was rewarding me for my helicopter heart ache! I get over there, cut the barbed wire and im in, again, belly down crawling between the vehicles and salivating over the gear and trying to decide which vehicle to take and what gear I want... and then that familier breeze began to blow through my hair as myself and everyone else were AGAIN dropped from the sky into a mushy pile of corpses...

Now I love this game... I truly do... its like Rocket reached into my head and pulled out exactly what I have been waiting for in a video game since Battlefield 3.... but whats the point if 1 geeky little twat who downloaded something that they dont even understand, can hit 1 button and destroy everything that you have been working for in the time it takes you to hit the floor!

I cant wait for the standalone, I am already addicted however can someone PLEASE point me in the direction of a safe server that has a good population... I dont care if I have to DONATE i just want to play the game, have fights with bandits, eat Beans and be merry and not have to worry about some Dick head in his mums basement dropping me out of a plane with no parachute and destroying 4 hours of collecting shit!

Rant over, hopefully someone has some good news for me!

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I know, mate. It's heart breaking. Happened to me yesterday and I've never really had many problems with those scriddies, I won't call them the H word, they're just dumb children.

You know what I'll say - maybe try a private hive. They work for me, usually. :thumbsup:

Sorry, I can't recommend a server as I'm in the UK.

Edited by Sula

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Sorry to see this.

We're actively working on anti-cheating measures, both in the mod and with BIS / BE.

We're setting up a few communitydev servers with 20min backups so we can backup quickly incase of big issues.

As for public hive, still thinking about ideas on how to mitigate serverwide hackings.

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If you compare hacking now and 3 months before, you would see that hacking dropped significantly! Hacking will always be an issue in Arma, but BE really cut down most hacks

Edited by TSAndrey
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+1 for Sula's recommendation.

I have a toon on the official hive which has to be 200+ days old now. Not from careful playing but from giving up on public servers and sticking to private. Admins are quick to act plus they use more protection than what public offers.

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join the FOGEYZ server. Good admins, helpfull people on the server and hackers get dealt with immidiately. You might have to be whitelisted.

To be whitelisted go register at www.fogeyz.co.uk

register and ask to be whitelisted.

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If that happens disconnect RIGHT before you hit the ground and reconnect. Sometimes you will start back in midair but I find if you do it enouth it will eventally spawn you on the ground.

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Thanks for all the tips guys! I will try that US303 later tonight! If your about Mojo my toon is called The Butcher

Thanks again! If there are any other servers that you can think of drop me a line... looking for somewhere to call home until standalone


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If you're dropped from the air, log out, log in, log out, log in, log out, log in and etc, until you're a safe distance from the ground as to not hurt yourself.

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HEY. It's a hell of a lot harder for the script kiddies to screw up your day than pressing one button!

They have to copy and paste first.

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So I havent played in about 3 months as I have been studying for my Real Estate Exam, but yesterday after watching some Youtube Clips for Origins, I got a craving that only the undead and a tin of beans could fix! An hour of updates later and im in, excited to see my spawn spot and what the next few hours would hold for me on the 52/55 population server! Spawn in and im in the middle of a field... look at the bottom left corner and see "WTF.... really...." Im 5 seconds in and im already hit by a hacker...

Change Server - Loading... excitment building, frustration passing... Finally im in AND.... I find myself in a field doing gagnam style, music and all.

Change Server - Loading... not really excited at all anymore, not even frustrated just kind of bored. I will give it one more go though, even though I knew that I wouldnt enjoy it half as much as I would have if the first time had worked! Finally, in I go, I miss the bottom right hand corner telling me my location but I notice that I am just east of Cherno so start making my way down the road. 45 minutes in, Makarov in pocket, Hatchet in hand, just dispatching my 3rd Zombie working my way toward the hospital then Suddenly! 400ft Free fall...

3 Times in the space of about an hour and a half... All I can say is that thank Fuck Its been changed to Client side Hosting in the Standalone because this shit gets old REALLY fast and I wont be visiting again until SO's release.

Rant over.

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  On 11/24/2012 at 9:30 PM, TSAndrey said:

If you compare hacking now and 3 months before, you would see that hacking dropped significantly! Hacking will always be an issue in Arma, but BE really cut down most hacks

This is completely false, and private hives are far from being the solution as well. One solution is to join low population servers as they don't give a hacker the satisfaction as higher population servers do; but unfortunately that means a lot of boringness.

Hacking has been ramped up, if anything in my opinion. Hacking occurs in public or private hives, and generally in higher population servers where more people can be effected by their moronic ways.

Another solution I've seen is the password protected servers.

Edited by Dreygar

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Last night me and a fellow squad mate encountered a wierd hack/glitch, any time we shift+left clicked to place a waypoint on the map we automatically teleported to that spot. Not sure if someone hacked the server or if it was a glitch but it was some wierd shit!

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All the servers this happened on last night were Private Hives... and your right Dreygar... Low pop servers would fix some of the hacker issues but it is boring as hell with no real threat (Bandits).

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Yup. I've only been playing a week and yet the one time I actually managed to get matches, a hunting knife AND a hatchet... a hacker blows up the supermarket I'm in.

I mean, I just want to cook some meat, is that so much to ask for?

Harlico - I do have good news for you: when standalone comes out, the script kids will have to rely on their cunning to kill you. And at present the only cunning they have is spelt with a 'T'.

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Machoman UK11 is a white listed private hive on Taviana. The admins are pretty much on the ball and there is nearly always one on. But as it is now whitelisted we get no hackers.

Server is being updated to the new patch today where Cherno will be the map until Taviana is compatible with the new patch.

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Basically you need to play on a private HIVE with active & responsible admins.

It is extremely annoying to have all of your time spent taken away but rollbacks are the answer.

On our server we can usually roll the server back within a few minutes and only by 15-30 mins so it definitely helps to lessen the annoyance people experience from hackers.

I used to believe that hacking was extremely widespread, in fact I heard from some people that it may be as high as 50% of players but we have monitored our server closely and it appears that between 5-10% of players hack, so it isn't as bad as i thought.

Edited by vonlinchen

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Sorry, I also have been a victim of hackers in the last couple of dayz. It's the new version, guess most servers where not ready for it, it will get sorted out in a day, or two.

As of today, I have had a very enjoyable time, without any hacks, on a couple of UK servers, the ones beginning with a 3, and on two ES servers...so it seems to have been fixed...also on a US, and GE server (can't remember which ones...I always choose dusk, or dawn).

Good luck, stay safe...bandit activity seems to have resumed, and everything is back to normal...the Zeds are stupider then before, and just a minor nuisance :)

PS» All these servers are Public, I don't use Private, or white-listed servers...

Edited by NorthWolfe

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