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quatre Script restriction errors #38, #41, #45 etc

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Not sure. A guy was getting kicked from a server I was playing on for putting a Ghillie suit on though. Script 45.

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Server admins just need to remove the offending lines in scripts.txt or change them to log instead of kick I assume.

Quick Fix - Edit your Scripts.txt file


Find: 5 setHit

Add: !"[player,\"legs\", (_fractures select 0)] call object_setHit;" !"[player,\"hands\", (_fractures select 1)] call object_setHit;"

Ensure you add it in as a new line of code.

Edited by smasht_AU

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Oh and i didn't die, didn't change clothes either so not sure what caused it however i think i got kicked by some noob admin after i killed him so maybe that is the source

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lol someone is talking about login in to navicat while we are all talking about the official hive servers.

not only private servers have this issue but ALL dayz servers.

anyways i tried to do that fix but its not working for me either.

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Not sure what time the BE update was rolled out but I got kicked at 9:30 - 10:00 last night while in a server.... just as I killed somebody. (No changing of clothes) restriction #45.... tried logging into multiple servers and keep getting the same restriction..... and I've had a #39. 100% massive pain in the arse. I play with 2 friends regularly and they are having no issues :-s stuck roaming namalsk on my own till BE sort it out I guess?

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Server admins just need to remove the offending lines in scripts.txt or change them to log instead of kick I assume.

How about realeasing an FIX update?

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A google search gave me very little about this but other people had this problem when entering vehicles on Arma 2 servers, while I get this on fresh spawn. It doesn't always happen, but it's happening enough to be annoying and I have no idea what it means or what I can change to fix it.

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It's a general issue with the newest patch; you're gonna have to wait for them to release a hotfix.

Alternatively, downgrade and play the previous patch until they release the hotfix.

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i get that problem now and again but not often, im doing what mzltv suggested.

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yeah i got the same thing i shot someone then got kicked for script restriction 45 !! why is no one helping its obviously an isue only had the game 3 days ! wish id saved my money or at least spent it on something that would work for longer than 3 days !

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This keeps happening to me and a couple of my friends. It happens when you change into a bandit/hero. Not sure if it does it with other skin changes such as camo clothing/ghillie suits.

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Regarding Script restriction #45:

It's easy to fix for server admins. Unfortunately many admins are not capable of doing their job.... But I'm sure it will be updated by Dwarden soon.

In the mean time:


Find: 5 setHit

Add: !"[player,\"legs\", (_fractures select 0)] call object_setHit;" !"[player,\"hands\", (_fractures select 1)] call object_setHit;"


Add also this for setHit: !"z\addons\dayz_code\compile\object_setHit.sqf"

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Same here! Since the Update: Script restriction 41#

What is this for an error? And nobody has an idea how its get fixed.

Thats sucks :(

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same need a solution

Edited by fazmond

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a 'workaround' ^^ for me is to join DE 3572 then waiting for the character to create. when thats done you may join whatever server you like. until someone fixed this it might help you guys!

let me know if it works for you too pls

Edited by Itchy_Scrotum
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How about realeasing an FIX update?

The script restrictions have to be adjusted by the server admins, the dev team aren't really in a position to be able to manage individual servers BattlEye filters.

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The script restrictions have to be adjusted by the server admins, the dev team aren't really in a position to be able to manage individual servers BattlEye filters.

50% of the Admins give a shit on the BattleEye Filters! The Most Admins dont know about the Problem. I find this is the assignment of the dayz team. This will be like in a lottery to find a right server.

Edited by Taxman

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yeah i got the same thing i shot someone then got kicked for script restriction 45 !! why is no one helping its obviously an isue only had the game 3 days ! wish id saved my money or at least spent it on something that would work for longer than 3 days !

you spent nothing on dayz. you bought arma. get the server admin to fix their server.

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it will only be a matter of time before eveyone cant get on cause at some point there gonna cause BE to kick them even if they aint been kicked yet

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a 'workaround' ^^ for me is to join DE 3572 then waiting for the character to create. when thats done you may join whatever server you like. until someone fixed this it might help you guys!

let me know if it works for you too pls

Fixed it for me, now works on all servers.

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