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Be aware, I'm going to start banning.

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Props to the server hosts who fork out thier own money to run servers for the community, its about time you guys started wrestling some powers back for your OWN servers. Not just the development team who deserves credit, this mod would be no where without all those servers available to play on.

IMO, your server, your rules.

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I say do it. If Rocket doesn't like it tell him to shove it up his New Zealand ass.

I hope you're joking... You're telling the developer of the mod to shove it up his ass if he doesn't like you disobeying his 1 of only a few rules?

Props to the server hosts who fork out thier own money to run servers for the community, its about time you guys started wrestling some powers back for your OWN servers. Not just the development team who deserves credit, this mod would be no where without all those servers available to play on.

IMO, your server, your rules.

IMO, his mod, his rules.

As much as I'm for getting rid of players alt+f4ing to get out of dangerous situations I hate seeing server owners thinking they're top shit and can tell regular players to "get fucked" and not listen to the creator of the mod they're using. Just make sure you fraps or use some other recording device before engaging targets.

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simple solution, clans should not run servers.

Not all clans are immature noobs...and not all admins are immature noobs...when will people realise that there are mature people out here admin'ing servers that aren't doing this kind of stuff. I am yet to restart the server because I've been killed or my 'base' has been raided. maybe to be an admin we should have to take an iq test and be over 25years old or something? but then again there are always petty people no matter what age.

I ban disconnectors, but i clearly say that in my messages as you join my server...so you are warned. I also kick idlers from the lobby whenever I see fit. the only way to keep yourselves safe as an admin is if you are going to ban someone have fraps running and have the logs ready (yes its more work but then you are safe) other than that...just kick them from the server...while fraps is running and after giving warnings on global.

thats just my thoughts. I support you banning disconnectors :P but maybe not the all out assualt view of this thread...its just guna feed the trolls

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Not even five minutes later we had a Dev inform us we can't do that, despite he knows its an exploit and its just so rampant they can't do anything about it or prove that they really did it with how Arma2 works.

I think the most surprising thing about this is that these guys can even get in touch with a Dev. How do they do it? And is this really what the Devs should be wasting their time with?

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I think the most surprising thing about this is that these guys can even get in touch with a Dev. How do they do it? And is this really what the Devs should be wasting their time with?

Don't ask me. I honestly have no idea. It took them least then five minutes to get into contact with us over it.

My speculation, its srsus buznus, or they knew a Dev or who knows what. It honestly didn't matter to us because it was a sad realization for myself and Ebian. They talked to us rather calmly about it and we understood where they were coming from.

We didn't drag our feet, we simply just moved on. All we can do is pass the blame. Not that we want to, but everyone is really shifting the blame. "Someone said this so we can't do this, the reason they said that is for these reasons. These reasons happen because of this mod/build." Ect, ect.

Instead of just complaining about it. We just keep on trucking along. It takes a lot to get under my skin or nerves. Maybe thats why this doesn't really bother me? I don't know. I can't expect everyone to be like me. Just explaining it from a neutral standpoint or, to put it bluntly. 'It doesn't matter either way to me.'

Edited by U.B.C.S. Ravin
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You talk a lot about nothing, i can see 1650 server so if you ban a Alt - F4 guy he have like 1649 server for play. You already have a lot of power over Dayz, and you whine for ban more people.

This is an alpha and as you know there are lots of bug, and you do not have the right to ban for alt F4. So for now it is a part of the game, do it too if you want to be at their level or off your server and waits for the real release of the game

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All the people who don't support this man are the ones who disconnect themselves. Yesterday, I lost an AS50, M4A1 CCO SD, Rangefinder, NVG, Gps, and every tool in the game to a ghoster/disconnecter. I shot him 3 times with the M4A1 CCO SD, he disconnected, moved to the tower in Cherno (the tall building) - mind you I was one floor down ambushing people coming up the ladder -, and just shot me from the top with a M1911. Most disgusting thing I've ever seen.

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Meh, I must admit I've dc'd a few times to get rid of zombies on rare occasions, never in PvP though. I seem to get quite lucky with the people on my server, I've encountered very few hackers and exploit users so far.

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Here's a post from Dev Team Member Ander just yesterday in the thread "Need clarification on bannable offenses"


Nobody gives a fuck what Ander says. When is the last time they blacklisted a server? Weeks ago?

Ban people for DCing in pvp and keep doing it. I've been doing it for weeks and will keep doing it. It doesn't ruin anyone's game but the guy exploiting. He keeps his character, and he just goes to another server whoop dee doo. At least he won't be pulling his crap on my server anymore.

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Ban people for DCing in pvp and keep doing it. I've been doing it for weeks and will keep doing it. It doesn't ruin anyone's game but the guy exploiting. He keeps his character, and he just goes to another server whoop dee doo. At least he won't be pulling his crap on my server anymore.

When you ban a player from your server, you steal:

  • all the tents the player owned
  • all the loot within those tents
  • all the vehicles the player owned
  • all the loot within those vehicles
  • all the razor wire, tank traps, bear traps, and fortifications the player had set up

This is why we need universal rules on bans.

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When you ban a player from your server, you steal:

  • all the tents the player owned
  • all the loot within those tents
  • all the vehicles the player owned
  • all the loot within those vehicles
  • all the razor wire, tank traps, bear traps, and fortifications the player had set up

This is why we need universal rules on bans.

Thats why admins should ban, it makes players think twice before they fuck around and exploit.

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When you say that, what it really ends up meaning is that they should avoid doing anything that might make you believe they're exploiting, and only in your tunnel-visioned view of the server as a player within it.

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When you say that, what it really ends up meaning is that they should avoid doing anything that might make you believe they're exploiting, and only in your tunnel-visioned view of the server as a player within it.

I've stated before and I'll state it again. The server logs show if someone gets hit and then subsequently disconnects. My rules are in the MOTD, if you don't like them, go play somewhere else. Maybe they can play on your all holy server if you have one.

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This game isn't run server-by-server like many other games: it's essentially an MMO. You are not free to do as you please on a server you host, regardless of your MOTD. You are breaking the game by not following the rules the developers of DayZ have set and you've agreed to, either implicitly or explicitly, by hosting a server (or servers), and I hope your server is blacklisted.

Edited by Mister_Magotchi

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and I hope your server is blacklisted.

I'll let you know when that happens, more likely when it never happens.

But in the mean time, I'll be sure to send every hacker, exploiter, DCer, and anyone else I deem worthy your way.

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This game isn't run server-by-server like many other games: it's essentially an MMO. You are not free to do as you please on a server you host, regardless of your MOTD. You are breaking the game by not following the rules the developers of DayZ have set and you've agreed to, either implicitly or explicitly, by hosting a server (or servers), and I hope your server is blacklisted.

3000+ Servers, banned from one "OH no black list em!"

You are breaking the game by not following the rules the developers of DayZ have set and you've agreed to,

And anyone caught ghosting/Alt-F4ing are not following the rules the admins of the DayZ server have set, and agreed to by connecting to said server.

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And anyone caught ghosting/Alt-F4ing are not following the rules the admins of the DayZ server have set, and agreed to by connecting to said server.

Here's a similar argument: "My debtors aren't paying me, so I don't have to pay my debts." It's nonsense. Two wrongs don't make a right. If you are hosting a server, you've agreed to follow the rules set by the DayZ developers.

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Here's a similar argument: "My debtors aren't paying me, so I don't have to pay my debts." It's nonsense. Two wrongs don't make a right. If you are hosting a server, you've agreed to follow the rules set by the DayZ developers.

Not really similar at all, I don't see how you got that arguement.

A more suitable analogy would have been "My Debtors aren't paying me, so I won't let them syphon off my money anylonger.".

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