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Be aware, I'm going to start banning.

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Normal people trying to tell him how to run his server.


In my completely unimportant opinion: If the Staff have a problem with him' date=' they will undoubtedly speak with him. I doubt they have missed this thread. In the meantime, all you people are doing is stirring the shit pot more and more.


I couldn't agree more.

i am also surprised at how poorly this whole discussion is being handled as well, calling people "fuck face" and what not... come on guys , you are feeding the trolls now

DEATH > pony

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im just looking at wildguns responses and facepalming. what the hell kind of admin talks like gutter trash?

It's easy to see rumors of abusive behaviour from you guys are quite accurate

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im just looking at wildguns responses and facepalming. what the hell kind of admin talks like gutter trash?

It's easy to see rumors of abusive behaviour from you guys are quite accurate

Lol dude grow up. I said fuck....the world won't end. Just because someone says fuck I guess in your mind that makes them abusive?

Kids these days. Also I guess you missed hs attack on me?

How convenient.

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TomCat, the reason they haven't taken action is because they are drowning in real shit to do without having time to police cowboy server admins.

Between the constant flood of new hackers and hacks, the breach of their site and data, the countless bugs that come in with each new update / feature and trying to keep up with the constant flood of PM's I guarantee they don't have time to police each and every server and to follow every thread. It's not an efficient use of their time.

That being said, it's absolutely clear that the Devs want the server admins to be very restrained in their use of power. Nothing outside of keeping the general peace is permitted and I know you get all pissy when some coward DC's on you and you want to show off your e-peenbanhammer but until you get an actual OK from someone with authority you are absolutely and clearly unjustified in doing so.

Best thing people can do is just stay off your fucking server, I know three clans of 10+ that had set up camps and collected vehicles only to say fuck it because you think the server is your own personal kingdom where you can do whatever the hell you want.

Also, grow the fuck up, swearing is one thing but throwing insults like you do is just childish and an admin saying 'faggot' like it's no big deal is just sad.

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A couple of buddies and me just have started hosting "our own" server and we plan on banning everyone disconnecting in PvP. Not because we're supercool playerkillers who love p0wning other people in serious internet zombie game, but because the DCers ruin the very heart of the DayZ experience.

It's quite easy.

Guy is spotted, fired upon, immediately disappears with the message "l33tsnip0r96 disconnected"-> ban. Sorry if your cat just pawed on Alt-F4 or if your dog pulled out the power cord or if your mom switched off the router.

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I agree with the admin, Server admins need more power to handle this crap.

Some were doing it, but now it seems 75% presses ALT + F4 just to save their pixel-life.

No more!

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agreed, show some respect for people for crying out loud. also

As a server admin it is your job to have a tough skin, reacting by swearing and abusing people as well as banning people whilly nilly Is not the way to go about running a game server.

I mean jesus. from your posts it sounds like you hunt down people and kill them all the time and if they DC on you, you ban them. that just shows that your main aim is to get your eepeen off in any way you can, either through killing someone forthier hard earned gear or banning them from your server.

I suspect your server is already on the developers watch list.

Even if banning people for DC'ing when getting shot at is not against the rules. no developer has actually said it is bannable. they said it is annoying and they are working to fix it, not to just ban anyone who dc's on you.

after all you dont know why they have dc'ed. just wait till the disconnect timer is activated in a few days. then all your problems will be solved.

have some patience. and respect your player base. or it will come back and bite you.

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Keep fighting brother :)

We've had to ban almost 30 guys just for alt-f4'ing in combat on FI3.

Some people are just a sad bunch of people and are afraid to lose their makarov / winchester.

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A couple of buddies and me just have started hosting "our own" server and we plan on banning everyone disconnecting in PvP. Not because we're supercool playerkillers who love p0wning other people in serious internet zombie game' date=' but because the DCers ruin the very heart of the DayZ experience.

It's quite easy.

Guy is spotted, fired upon, immediately disappears with the message "l33tsnip0r96 disconnected"-> ban. Sorry if your cat just pawed on Alt-F4 or if your dog pulled out the power cord or if your mom switched off the router.



No more!

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agreed' date=' show some respect for people for crying out loud. also

As a server admin it is your job to have a tough skin, reacting by swearing and abusing people as well as banning people whilly nilly Is not the way to go about running a game server.

I mean jesus. from your posts it sounds like you hunt down people and kill them all the time and if they DC on you, you ban them. that just shows that your main aim is to get your eepeen off in any way you can, either through killing someone forthier hard earned gear or banning them from your server.

I suspect your server is already on the developers watch list.

Even if banning people for DC'ing when getting shot at is not against the rules. no developer has actually said it is bannable. they said it is annoying and they are working to fix it, not to just ban anyone who dc's on you.

after all you dont know why they have dc'ed. just wait till the disconnect timer is activated in a few days. then all your problems will be solved.

have some patience. and respect your player base. or it will come back and bite you.


I don't care if I'm being watched or not.

I pay almost 200 a month for my server box to host 2 60 man servers for this community.

I'm happy to do it too. Mostly, players are honorable and don't dc when they're being killed....because guess what? Killing is ALLOWED in this game....I can kill you all day....and guess what? There's nothing you can do about it...except cry maybe.

What you are NOT allowed to do is disconnect....go to the lobby....switch servers to get a better tactical position and THEN come back and shoot me in the back.

That is an exploit.....which the devs have said they are working on removing.

Now, like I said....I CAN and WILL ban you from MY server if you disconnect like a COWARD while I'm gunning you down.

There is no debate here people. NONE. Until ROCKET or ANDER say to me PERSONALLY

"Listen mate, don't ban these people...."

I will continue to remove these people from MY server. You are still free to take yourself to another server and disconnect and exploit until the cows come home....but it's not happening on my assets.

When they FIX the exploit, I will unban everyone I banned...I have said that before.

There's no debate here, it's happening.

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Then don't.

And then stop stirring the shit pot here. Your point was made, WildGuns obviously doesn't care.

Move along.

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I've been banning PvP DCers from my server right from the start. If the devs have an issue with me banning people for doing things that Rocket himself has said is an exploit, they can take it up with me.

DCing in a firefight is a dick move. You are wasting your own, as well as other people's time. If you do it, why the fuck are you playing the mod in the first place?

People defending DCers are even worse.

I honestly don't see Rocket blacklisting my server because I ban people who knowingly and intentionally disconnect to avoid being killed by another player.

Also, the DayZ server host rules state that

- You may only kick for disruptive behavior

DCing to avoid death is disruptive behaviour.

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Then don't.

And then stop stirring the shit pot here. Your point was made' date=' WildGuns obviously doesn't care.

Move along.


No I really, really don't.

The guys in here defending the guys that disconnect are almost as bad as those that do it in game.

What defense could you possibly offer for these guys?

"Hurr Durr so you stalk guys and kill them and their only defense is to disconnect...and now you want to take that away from them?"

Yes. And so do the devs. It's not fair, it's a cheap tactic, and I'm sick of it.

As are most of the community.

I have about 40 regulars in my server that look to me to make sure their gaming experience is as fun as possible...good guys...they're in my teamspeak and we play together....and it's not fair to them to let someone DC on them....go to another server...then come back in and kill them...all the while they're NOT dc'ing.

There is no moral defense against dc'ing....so stop trying.

Some of you that ARE server admins know what I'm talking about. The ones that are crying in this thread are obviously NOT server admins.

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<3 this thread.

I lol'd multiple times.

i agree 100% WGT. I had 4 people D/c on me the other night while i was overwatching for a group of buddies at Stary. As soon as they went down they left.

Think i may have to switch to a Chi-town server.

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Some of you that ARE server admins know what I'm talking about. The ones that are crying in this thread are obviously NOT server admins and are prolific DCers themselves.

Fixed it a bit.

I don't see any reason for anyone to defend the DCing issue unless they do it themselves.

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How are you detecting DCs properly? I am trying to find the best way to display when a user DCs, and would like to incorporate a similar tactic as what you are describing here, WildGuns.

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How are you detecting DCs properly? I am trying to find the best way to display when a user DCs' date=' and would like to incorporate a similar tactic as what you are describing here, WildGuns.


For me it's a guessing game honestly.

If I shoot someone and they disappear in a blink....I assume they're dc'ing.

Another way to check is to shoot at someone...when they disappear hit the P button....and check to see has a "Play" icon next to their name.

It's not an exact science...and you can catch innocent people....which is why I spam my forum on my server...so if I mess up they can go to my forum and appeal it.

It's not an exact science...it's imperfect as shit....but it works.

How are you detecting DCs properly? I am trying to find the best way to display when a user DCs' date=' and would like to incorporate a similar tactic as what you are describing here, WildGuns.


For me it's a guessing game honestly.

If I shoot someone and they disappear in a blink....I assume they're dc'ing.

Another way to check is to shoot at someone...when they disappear hit the P button....and check to see has a "Play" icon next to their name.

It's not an exact science...and you can catch innocent people....which is why I spam my forum on my server...so if I mess up they can go to my forum and appeal it.

It's not an exact science...it's imperfect as shit....but it works.

Also, this is one of those gray areas where an admin can make a lot of mistakes....so if someone has a better idea on how to do this....I want to hear your input.

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Wow a king shit admin exercising power over the one facet of his life he has it. Never seen that before.

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Wow a king shit admin exercising power over the one facet of his life he has it. Never seen that before.

Wow, an irrelevant pubbie coming into a thread to stir the pot.

Never seen that before.

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There is no debate here people. NONE. Until ROCKET or ANDER say to me PERSONALLY

"Listen mate' date=' don't ban these people...."

I will continue to remove these people from MY server. You are still free to take yourself to another server and disconnect and exploit until the cows come home....but it's not happening on my assets.



It's not your server by the way, you donated it to DayZ. As did we with ours. The amount you pay for it is irrelevant.

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There is no debate here people. NONE. Until ROCKET or ANDER say to me PERSONALLY

"Listen mate' date=' don't ban these people...."

I will continue to remove these people from MY server. You are still free to take yourself to another server and disconnect and exploit until the cows come home....but it's not happening on my assets.



It's not your server by the way, you donated it to DayZ. As did we with ours. The amount you pay for it is irrelevant.

Uh. lol

It IS my server. I administrate my BOX....I maintain the updates.

It's my server. As such, I will ban people for using a KNOWN exploit.

What is so hard to understand here?

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There is no debate here people. NONE. Until ROCKET or ANDER say to me PERSONALLY

"Listen mate' date=' don't ban these people...."

I will continue to remove these people from MY server. You are still free to take yourself to another server and disconnect and exploit until the cows come home....but it's not happening on my assets.



It's not your server by the way, you donated it to DayZ. As did we with ours. The amount you pay for it is irrelevant.

Uh. lol

It IS my server. I administrate my BOX....I maintain the updates.

It's my server. As such, I will ban people for using a KNOWN exploit.

What is so hard to understand here?

What is so hard to understand, is why you insist that the owner of the mod must speak to you personally before you adhere to something he's made quite clear to all server admins. We read it in his thread addressing all server admins. I'm not sure why you think you're so important that you can disregard what he's said, and do as you please until he comes to you in person to repeat what he's already said. Why do you think that you're so special, you deserve a personal address from him, when he's already addressed all of us?

The hardware may be your property, but the DayZ server you are bound by rules. You cannot do what you like, because it's your server. We've had this argument with rocket multiple times, but we just can't do it. You donate your server out of the goodness of your hearts so that DayZ may be tested in alpha. We can't kick for reasons we would like to, even though we own the server.

The 'exploit' has been fixed anyway, in the form of persistant bodies after log out. So it's no longer considered an 'exploit' because rocket has put into the game a fix to what he considered an exploit. For you to continue kicking for it, is as much against the rules as it was when he posted 'you can only ban for these two reasons' which you have decided to ignore anyway.

His post doesn't say 'you can ban for whatever you want until I drop what I'm doing to come to you and tell you personally, which would take forever because there's hundreds of servers'

It says 'you may only ban for these 2 reasons, malicious talk and racism'

What's so hard to understand about that?

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