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Mini Maracas

Hard Copy of DayZ?

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I don't have the mod, and I'm waiting until Standalone to get the game, but I was wondering.

Will there be a hard copy of the game? Like a disc or something I can buy from a shop, like with a case and everything?

Dunno why, I just like having a physical copy of a game ^-^

Thanks :)

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Digital Distribution, there was mention of some sort of collectors edition a while back, I expect that would be for the final release though, which could include a hard copy?

Edited by smasht_AU

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C'mon baby, it's 2012... who uses hard copies anymore?! :P

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Limited edition should be hard copy with stuff thrown in!

This would be cool. Maybe a can of beans collector's item or something.

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Sooner have concept art and soundtrack disk, so when I'm driving I can have flashbacks and confuse people over infected!

Freak out and go postal!

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I know limited edition comes with a bandage, flashlight, and a bottle of pain killers.....

Edited by Leadon77

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I'm sure some talented people can put together a cover and DVD label that we can print out.

But given that DayZ is going to be work in progress for a long time it's douptful a hard copy will be available.

DVD labels for printers and DVD cases are easy to get.

There's also inkjet printers that print on printable discs.

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