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British Sergeants' Mess - [BSM] **Fully Admin'd** & Whitelisted - TAVIANA.COM

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Hahah, i saw you in the supermarket but thats the last i saw of you :P I logged off soon after

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Nice 1 :D I gave you plenty of chances to kill me anyway enit

Edited by Sgt.Ganji

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An additional 29 Vehicles just spawned in including the bi-plane at the NW airfield.

Edited by Sgt.Trojan
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Yes, it's finder sadly lost connection and it crashed. Nevermind. We will have it back on in no time.

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did it crash south west of gorka? saw a crash there was not sure if it was a chopper or the biplane

we should group up once trojan you seem like a cool guy

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That's exactly where it went down, yes :D

Grouping up-wise, sure thing. I can help you get set up with a vehicle or whatever. I've already helped a load of people on there, that's just the way I am. Infact, most of the players on our server will help you. Look out for the [bSM] tag in game and ask for assistance if needed.

It was far easier for me when I, or should I say, the Mayor of Zelengorsk had his chopper as I could quickly dart about the map. The bean budget has been raised to send out a search party for a new one :D

Edited by Sgt.Trojan

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well vehicles are not the problem

maybe even could get you a chopper up and running

only problem is i just got dc'd while i was in one of mine haha

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Sorry for the server restarts tonight. We had a couple of naughty "hackers" on executing their evil scripts upon us ;)

It's sad that people can't play the game legitimately.

Hope to see everyone affected by the downtime on the server again. :)

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Seems we had some toads spawning in range finders, 9 tents and using teleport hax. They were dealt with.

Message to hacking rats:

We've been banning fuckers since 2001. It's why we got our own servers. We have full control over you so that we can provide the best for our regulars and new visitors.

Agreed, you may fuck us over with your use of game exploits but we just roll back the server like nothing happened. You will always lose against us.

End of message.

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Id like to add that i was also on the server as all this crap started happening and the admins were all over it like fly's on shit. They even went as far as to post proof on their TS.

Script Kiddies are the result of when mother and farther are also brother and sister!

the best bit was that one of the nob jockeys can onto the public TS and demanded proof, giving the admins 1 hour to comply or he was taking it to the forums.

If you can read this ( i know your IQ is in the - range) then just remember, you always will be a puss filled wart on the anus of life!

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The moment I saw these replies I was in tears laughing, you still have not caught the hacker, he's not banned and can strike again whenever he pleases, I'm still waiting on that proof by the way.

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Oh and by the way I don't recommend this server to people who actually want some privacy, the admins check what's in your inventory and the positions you log on in to come kill you and check out what you have, furthermore this borders on admin brutality/ abuse, so if you want a server you can actually play on without being spyed on by the admins 24/7, this is not the server for you!

Agreed, you may fuck us over with your use of game exploits but we just roll back the server like nothing happened. You will always lose against us.

additional, if I may refer to the quote about roll backs, you admins said it would take hours to roll back everything that happened, and the for the part about us always losing I call your bluff

Now I don't encourage or condone hacking, but when admins like you abuse, spy and god knows what else you get up to something had to happen.

and one last thing, we didn't spawn anything in.


Edited by Guest

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This server is awesome, but would it be possible to increase the rate of which cars respawn? I've only seen one! :(

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Oh and according to Rocket the lead developer and head of dayz:

"Using a hacked vehicle/weapon will identify you during database analysis, and your character may receive special logging attention in the database, but you will not receive a ban without creating them yourself."

so we were unfairly banned. I look forward to your reply

Edited by Guest

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Oh and by the way I don't recommend this server to people who actually want some privacy, the admins check what's in your inventory and the positions you log on in to come kill you and check out what you have, furthermore this borders on admin brutality/ abuse, so if you want a server you can actually play on without being spyed on by the admins 24/7, this is not the server for you!

additional, if I may refer to the quote about roll backs, you admins said it would take hours to roll back everything that happened, and the for the part about us always losing I call your bluff

Now I don't encourage or condone hacking, but when admins like you abuse, spy and god knows what else you get up to something had to happen.

and one last thing, we didn't spawn anything in.


We only check peoples inventory if we suspect something iffy is going on. We are not kids abusing our powers. Our community has been providing servers since 2001 and we actually take this seriously.

And we didn't say it would take hours to roll back. We said that we wouldn't shut down the server to check the database because people were playing. Rolling back the server however takes no time.

And Vivanick... if you don't encourage or condone hacking why do we have chatlogs of you talking to one of the hackers in direct communication about spawning in vehicles?

You can go to our forums and make a ban appeal if you want http://www.britishsergeantsmess.com/index.php/forum/5-bsm-waste-lands-kicked-banned-users-appeals

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please read the following logs YOU were having with the hacker!


the admins check what's in your inventory and the positions you log on in to come kill you

At what point did the admin come online and kill you? We were all on TS (including the server admin) and at no point did he come online and kill anyone. YOU on the other hand, came onto TS after being banned and gave the admin a 1 hour deadline for proof or you were taking it to the forums. Well, as they stated last night, he was using some kind of admin panel that gives a live data stream of events ingame. In order to supply proof, he would have to take the server down and compile the data which was also stated.

Stay bad

Edited by Spikér

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Spyker.. please would you remove the log evidence from this forum. It comes from the property of BSM and should not be used by anyone other than admins. If dudes want to appeal bans or anything else then they should use our forum as Sgt.Brynje states above. Thanks for sticking up for us though dude.

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Looks like a cool server, I'd like to join it. However I'll have to wait for your beta patch to be updated, I think mines too recent.

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There is no evidence there of him spawning us anything and a ban request would be pointless, i could just imagine the amount of no's right now.

and i may have talked to him but that's because he tp'ed to me right next to our base that's why we wanted to go to a clearing, we didn't want him knowing where our base was.

so now we have got that out of the way, we found some thing that looked like a care package, so we assumed it was one, if you saw a massive care package with lots of stuff in it you would take some too, futhermore alongside the quote i posted from Rocket you couldn't of banned us for it.

this is what we saw;


so therefore we were banned wrongly as we have viable and correct explanations for both...

Edited by Guest

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Spyker.. please would you remove the log evidence from this forum. It comes from the property of BSM and should not be used by anyone other than admins. If dudes want to appeal bans or anything else then they should use our forum as Sgt.Brynje states above. Thanks for sticking up for us though dude.

Sorry man, but this player is being an utter twat.

Let him answer this then.

The moment I saw these replies I was in tears laughing, you still have not caught the hacker, he's not banned and can strike again whenever he pleases, I'm still waiting on that proof by the way.

If he had nothing to do with the hacking, then let him explain how he knows this for a fact!

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Shoop-da-whoop I know his in-game name and that you haven't ban'd it when I was on.

your point is invalid.

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Now if you'd want to stop tarnishing your server post I suggest you unban me from teamspeak and we can take it from there.

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[Link Removed - SmashT]

YOUR point is invalid!

Edited by smasht_AU
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