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British Sergeants' Mess - [BSM] **Fully Admin'd** & Whitelisted - TAVIANA.COM

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Post updated for addition of littlebird, Mi17 choppers and Land Rover Offroaders.

EDIT: We also welcome Ugly; chaps as well as Handsome; ones :D

Edited by Sgt.Trojan

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looking forward to some hardcore killing tonight :) p.s. i'll be around cherno so watch out if your downtown

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Somebody stole the Huey that belongs to the Mayor of Zelengorsk. The Mayor of Zelengorsk is not happy. :|

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Somebody stole the Huey that belongs to the Mayor of Zelengorsk. The Mayor of Zelengorsk is not happy. :|

Dont leave the keys in :P

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sooooo hello guys MisterSexy;Beast (aka. Handsome;Tom) here

just checked back on the privat hive section and read through the topic for a bit.

got a little question too is somebody was somebody flying aroudn and blew a russian chopper to shit?

also for everybody that is looking for a awesome privat hive give this one a try

15 secounds loading, restarts are mutch faster then on other server, tons of cars/choppers/custom scripts

if you want you also can join my little group we are 3-4 on most of the time and like to pvp and mess with admins stuff ;)

just ask me ingame or look for Fisken and tell him i wrote something on the forums

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Blood was shed at green moutain today, and brough the score of 0/2 in favor of the BSM's against 2 players of N00B squad.

Gg to beastie's squad. what basically happened was we both scared each other and started to open fire.. resulting in a big rifle grenade related dent in green mountain, for which i apologies to the mayor of Zelengorsk.

Good show people !

Ps: learn to say "Turn around and drop your weapons" before shooting people that have seen you, but havent fired a shot. ( i would have surrendered.. didnt have ammo anyways, just didnt think of turning around fast enough xD)

Pps: i'm going to have to even the score, you know...

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Turn around and drop you Weap- fk i'm dead ;)

ts3.britishsergeantsmess.com is your only hope, If your in Ts you won't be shot unless your shoooting that is :D

Edited by Sgt.Ganji
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Keep watching your back, you mess with the bull, you get the horns...

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i havent been on this server yet, but i can say one thing. I played on their BF3 servers under the name Twister2eng and these guys really do a VERY good job of being admins! This will be a server many of you will be able to call home and have a safe and fun experience!

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Twister! Hello mate. Thanks for your kind words of support (and everyone else above). We've been a gaming community since 2001, I myself since 2004. We developed a code of conduct from 2006 so that server joiners would receive a consistent experience whilst enjoying the variety and flare of each individual admin. See our code here http://www.britishsergeantsmess.com/index.php/sgts-code

Now, back to business.

The Mayor if Zelengorsk could hear the gun shots and explosions on Green Mountain from his make shift town hall. This is the report he received.

A BSM scout was fired upon in the South side of GM. He returned fire then discovered a second person was with the offender who also fired upon the scout. Hits were declared by both sides. The scout had a new friend with him who proved himself to be very useful and together they neutralised the attackers.

They were given additional support of one player in a vehicle who took some items from the assault.

Upon returning, some 20-30 mins later they were picking up a new starter in need of help near green mountain. Upon seeing a player near to where the previous assault took place it was assumed it was this new player. It wasn't.

The spotted player was prone but pointing a pistol at the approaching vehicle. Making no attempt to indicate he was not a threat, and coupled with the previous firefight, the searchers decided they would eliminate the threat. After searching the body an empty M16203 and loaded revolver was removed. The player - Survivor707

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Well.. that explains why you came back and responded to my °hey dudes°(should have called out I SURRENDER ! (hindsight <_< )).

waitaminute... the pistol was loaded? you guys sure about that? i'm pretty sure it was empty..

The Offenders point of view:

Bravo team on vehicle recovery mission in the area of zelengorsk, made a non silent approach of green mountain, when on the slopes, squad member Kyle spotted and fired upon an unknown contact. a firefight issued in which SM kyle was wounded. Sm Survivor707 came back to heal kyle, but then heard kyle shout "Look out he's behind you !", the contact was spotted, and engaged before fire was returned. The contact fled into trees, and his last position shelled by 3 rifle grenades, to no effect. Sm survivor707 was then killed in action from another unknown contact, shortly followed by the death of sm kyle.

Aftermath: Mission Critical Failure, Team KIA, Vehicle allocated for the mission (Desert camo jeep offroad) Stolen, equipment of team unsalvagable and/or stolen.

Good Game. as you can see, this server is full of small stories like this, and i really havent been on a Dayz server this good in ages.

Ps; to the team of contacts that we engaged, those rifle grenades? theres plenty where that came from just for you !

Edited by Survivor707
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Not had a lot of time to get on lately due to plenty of OT at work and other obligations; looking to jump on for a few hours on Saturday and Sunday this weekend! Definitely stoked to get back onto the BSM server.

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Then our stories match Survivor707 :D

It will be good to see you back mzltv. Maybe I can pick you up again :D

Our super-talented coder monkey has added the following features:

BSM Server V3:


- Debug Monitor - Scroll lock to toggle

- Smelt empty tins/cans into Scrap Metal

- Eating and drinking from tins/ cans convert into empty ones.


- HALO jump not always activating chute (hopefully).

V4 might include:

- Player skins

- Add M240 belts to Huey guns

Edited by Sgt.Trojan
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Hi guys. Been reading the comments about trying this server out so I took the plunge and jumped on last night just to see but was very quiet. Dont think many players like the dark!!

However I came across, Fireball, brynje and Stock. Had a nice little look around and they seem great guys. I will deffo be back as a regular. Hope to see you guys around!!

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Great stuff. What time zone do you play in? We are running the time as UST -5, so in these winter months its getting dark about 10-11pm London time.

I've just had a shaky but successful rendezvous in the Zelengorsk super market with Tommy and Trigger. I couldn't see Trigger's covering location at all :D After some bloods and morphines (those legs lol) were swapped I gave them a tent. Good guys.

Edited by Sgt.Trojan

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Glad your lovin the server folks :D i look forward to meeting u ingame/ on Ts however it turns out,

I'm pretty much a fiendly person to bump into on the server depending on the situation. If you need anything while i'm on gimme a shout. I suppose i'm the churnarus tat man as i collect allsorts but don't use much of it.

Edit: Did u notice u had all the parts needed for that card in ya tent Tro? I went n collected it from up north before dissconnecting :D

Edited by Sgt.Ganji
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Dude, I told everyone in TS that a magic pixie had delivered two more wheels to me. Cheers mate! :D

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Dude, I told everyone in TS that a magic pixie had delivered two more wheels to me. Cheers mate! :D

Lmao! :D No worries. I went on for a bit earlier and met up with some geeza but can't remember his name lol. I was speakin to him in chat n asked if he needed anything. All he needed was nvg's and a dmr. As luck would have it i'd just found 2 Dmr's and a set of Nvg's on a chopper so said he could have them. We meat up n i gave him i lift back to stary :D

good dead for the day

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dmr and nvgs... lift back to stary. wonder what he is gonna be doing lol ;D

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Hmmm. I have a feeling he will be covering looters, taking out zombies, and helping them get what they need from the stary tents? Lol

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Lmao! :D No worries. I went on for a bit earlier and met up with some geeza but can't remember his name lol. I was speakin to him in chat n asked if he needed anything. All he needed was nvg's and a dmr. As luck would have it i'd just found 2 Dmr's and a set of Nvg's on a chopper so said he could have them. We meat up n i gave him i lift back to stary :D

good dead for the day

That would be me! ;) Thanks a bunch :P

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:D I never took him right into stary :P and i don't think he saw where i went from there but if i've been raided then it will gimme something to do hunting him down :D

No probs mentalll

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