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New Weapons!

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Hecate II Anti-materiel Sniper Rifle The Hecate II AMR is a very powerful Rifle that chambers a .50MG Round, it has the power to drill through 2 cement walls and still reach it's target.

M249 SAW Light Machine Gun (For those homocidal kiddies) The SAW is a semi-powerful Machine Gun that can house up to 100 rounds in a magazine, Its rate of fire also decreases accuracy, and increases recoil.

(Currently this is all I got, suggest more in the replies.)

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M249 is already in DayZ.

And if you play on Namalsk, there is a Gauss-rifle that insta-kills anywhere, has instant travel time and no bullet-drop.

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..Aww..No, I shot you first..Daa-aaD! He's cheating again!!..

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They already have an m249 SAW in DayZ. The last thing the game needs is another freaking anti material sniper rifle. If anything, DayZ needs less western military hardware (and military hardware in general). I think taking out allot of the western military hardware and adding in more Russian built civilian and military/police weaponry would add to the realism allot.

My Suggestions:

- Saga 12

- Mosin Nagant (maybe a scoped version aswell?)


- Another double barrel or single barrel baikal shotgun (maybe over under?)

- Replace the M249 with an RPK or RPD

- Replace the DMR with a Dragunov

- Nagant 1893 revolver (still used commonly by transit police)

- Some kind of over under rifle shotgun (1 barrel for shell 1 barrel for bullet)

- Replace the M136, M107 and AS50 with an RPG-7 or RPG-18 (very rare drop, RPG-7 can reload)

- A .22 rifle of some sort.

I do think that some western equipment should be in the game as allot of countries use a mix of Eastern and Western equipment, but for a country in the eastern bloc the majority of equipment for both civilian and government would be of more Russian design. Rifles such as basic M16's (no scopes maybe a 203), FAL's, Lee Enfields and perhaps an FN MAG machine gun (pretty much an M240) might be added also.

Just my opinions, maybe some other people would agree?

Edited by PracticalTactical
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