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How do you scope you're head around whilst running?

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Noticed in a few vids players keeping a check on the surrounding whilst running.Can anyone tell me how it's done? I know the alt key lets u look around but whilst I'm running it would be impossible, I don't have enough hands!

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pinky - Shift

ring, middle, index - WASD

thumb - Alt

How many fingers do you have? :S

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I've never had an issue with my one hand on the keyboard. You could try rebinding it to a thumb button on the mouse though

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  On 11/19/2012 at 1:00 PM, mZLY said:

pinky - Shift

ring, middle, index - WASD

thumb - Alt

How many fingers do you have? :S

This is exactly how I do it as well. Not hard at all.

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  On 11/19/2012 at 1:00 PM, mZLY said:

pinky - Shift

ring, middle, index - WASD

thumb - Alt

How many fingers do you have? :S

Sorry guys forgot to mention my right hand side alt key is broken!

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... I'm pretty sure most people here would be using the left side ALT, mate.

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  On 11/19/2012 at 1:07 PM, Richjones19772000 said:

Sorry guys forgot to mention my right hand side alt key is broken!

Are you left handed? If not, I don't see the problem here.

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  On 11/19/2012 at 1:07 PM, Richjones19772000 said:

Sorry guys forgot to mention my right hand side alt key is broken!

You mean left-hand side?

I'm using the left-alt. In any other game my thumb would be resting on spacebar, so you just move your thumb one key to the left, lol.

  On 11/19/2012 at 1:12 PM, Castle said:

Are you left handed? If not, I don't see the problem here.

For a leftie I'd recommend just mirroring the WASD layout with PL;' and taking the mouse with your left hand. Shouldn't cause too many problems.

Edited by mZLY

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I'm a leftie and use the traditional layout as above, it's fine.

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Hello there

The "Look Around You" ability is one of my most used functions. I find it frustrating when playing other games and not being able to look around independently of my body.

It takes a while to get used to but pays off alot IMHO.

"Look Around You" is also a great comedy spoof. youtube it.



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I can now finally picture Fraggle one step closer to what he is.

DayZ forum team


Loves bread


Anyways, yeah, pinkie on Shift, thumb on Alt, easy peasy.

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It's called freelook.

I bound mine to my thumb button on the mouse.

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  On 11/19/2012 at 2:10 PM, Tigger said:

I use track-ir.

Showoff. :)

Edited by orlok

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  On 11/19/2012 at 12:56 PM, Richjones19772000 said:

How do you scope you're head around whilst running?

How do you scope your head around whilst running?

Fixed for you bro (and for my ocd tendencies).

I'm a leftie when it comes to gaming so alt is pretty convenient for my thumb, it's also one of my most-used keys.

This is the standard position for my hand:

Thumb: Ctrl or Alt

1F: Shift or A (also goes up to Q and down to Z then flying/prone-ing (bearing in mind I have push-to-talk bound to `(tilde), it also does that, so I don't see what you complain about, not having enough fingers :P))

2F: W (also goes across to E when driving, and occasionally down to S)

3F: D (also x to crouch occasionally)

Pinkie: C or F (also goes up to R, G, V, B etc. for anything else, I usually look down to my keyboard and do it with another finger)).

Yes this game isn't designed to be as accessible as some fps nowadays controls-wise but the controls are pretty self-explanatory once you get over the learning-curve, just like learning to touch-type for the first time, it's worth it!

If you still have problems after a while of playing maybe try just toggling-free-look every time you use it instead of holding down alt, tbh when I drive I always toggle free-look on and drive with the keyboard, I feel like I have more control and can smoothen-out the ride a bit.

Edited by R3con

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  On 11/19/2012 at 12:58 PM, Terrorviktor said:

Double click Alt. :)

Mind = Blown

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I use the numpad to check my surroundings. Apparently I'm the only one.

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you can use freelook with mouse or keys. there is also a rich boy toy called track IR that uses head motions to pan the camera independent of mouse movement so you can turn and look. WANT ONE SO BAAAAD but can't justify it. maybe if standalone and ARMA 3 turn out to be as cool as i think they will i can convince myself that a $200 gadget is worth it for one game.

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