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What's the point in being good?

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The servers I have played seem to have one rule shoot on site.Whats the point in Having the bandit skins?,95% of the people I have come across have shot the me,even jack frags has shot me ffs!,the only players that didn't kill me had no weapons.

Can anyone tell me a server where people play fair!

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for servers that aren't shoot on sight then you want to try private hive servers. they tend to have more people that just want to team up and stuff

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Hello there

Like real life, it's easier to be horrid and selfish, unlike life there are little or no repurcussions, so people think " why not KoS"?



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Well Judge Dredd does, but I don't think he's in DAYZ....yet.


Edited by orlok
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It's harder, more challenging than KoS, if you go out there like all the others shooting everything that moves, it's gonna get boring real soon, trust me

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Its a vicious circle. People kill you on sight so eventually you get fed up and start doing it too. Then your victims start to kos and it begins all over again. Just be more careful in the areas your most likely getting killed eg stary, cherno, elektro etc

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Hello there

I rarely interact with other players as KoS is so prevalent and end up soloing. That's why I like side chat on.



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kos is simply the highest chance at something good happening, for you.

yet it caps the possible good thing happening to you being gear, instead of maybe finding someone to travel with for some time

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yet it caps the possible good thing happening to you being gear, instead of maybe finding someone to travel with for some time

Fuck that, I have people to travel with if I want to. People who I know I can trust, rather than people I have to keep one eye on.

That person is almost certainly more of a liability than a help, even if they mean well. Which a lot don't.

Edited by Dankine

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It's a game, not real life... people need to stop making comparisons because they fall flat the moment you actually assess the situation, how the fuck is someone going to find an AS50/M103/M4 rifles in a farming community in real life? Perhaps a CZ550 or some form of shot gun at best.

I haven't played this game for a while until recently, decided to give Panthera and Namalsk ago as Chenarus seems to attract the most hackers and the map is bland, Panthera is interesting but Namalsk is just a death match pure and simple, no one is ever friendly. The last 10 lives I've gone through have been me being shot on sight every time, armed, unarmed and half the time I wasn't even remotely closed and got taken down in a single bullet. This mod no longer is about survival it's purely a death match, I can only hope for the sake of the standalone it will evolve into something different, because as it currently stands its just a long winded Counter Strike game where you have to gather the weapons instead of buy them... they're even better than CS guns too.

My most recent, frustrating death was that of what I can only assume was a 13 year old boy who was moaning over side chat about how he needed medical help, people were asking for him to be kicked for using microphone over it but I asked where he was an I would come and assist. I turn up in a vehicle (First mistake) he jumps into the bus and says thanks mate! I ask him if he needs the medical help then... "No I killed a cow and ate it all and found moprhine in one of the houses (Second mistake, not catching on to the fact he was blatantly lying). Next mistake, I ask him if he wants to group up as I was about to go to a barracks (big mistake as I find a gun for him to have). We begin looting the barracks and he tries over and over to get me to crouch down (I was getting suspicious) but the guy seemed to have a tremble in his voice as if he thought I was going to shoot him... We loot the barracks and I made the biggest mistake "I haven't had a GPS for ages, don't really need it when you learn the map"... he then insists he wants to put some ammo in my backpack and I knew there was something up, I turn to him and he was already laughing when he was spraying the rounds at me...

So what happens? Whenever I play Panthera I exclusively shoot on site, Namalsk I've tried 8/9 lives trying to be friendly, not shot at single player yet every time I get raped by a single shot. So from now on I am only playing shoot on site, same with Lingor and Chernarus (with exception of within Cherno, if they look like newly spawns). I really hope this isn't how the standalone plays along, I've tried hard to be a "friendly" player but it is next to impossible with this community.

Consider this a rage post because if this is how the standalone will be, it will be shit.

Edited by Mastiff

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It's harder, more challenging than KoS, if you go out there like all the others shooting everything that moves, it's gonna get boring real soon, trust me

I disagree, hunting humans or being hunted doesn't get old. Zombies aren't much of a threat, so why would I team up with someone just to kill zombies? Getting shot in the back and playing half an hour of running simulator is far more boring.

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if you team up with strangers is a good sensation..maybe you can also feel safer if you go looting military spots, or locations with a lot of zombies..meeting, trusting and be trusted is the most difficult thing in game and also luck has a big part in it..

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Seriously, I have met a lot of people who were friendly. And this is true. People who have disarmed me and then let me pick up my weapon, forming with them a company for helping even more people, complete bambis who I have helped to get weapons and then have correspond me defending me, completely armed guys that didn´t kill me(even when I was also armed) and people I have met, tell him not to move and after a while they have come with me. Not only that, the best adventure I have ever lived was a week ago.

I was reaching the tents(near to the balota airport) when I heard shots. I carefully started getting close to the camp, but I couldn´t see him. Suddenly, I heard a scream, the typical scream when a zed knocks you unconscious... I saw two zombies eating a corpse, I started running to help him, but when I reached his corpse, he was dead. But suddenly, I heard another scream, and I realised he was not dead!

I killed the two zeds eating his body with my M4 CCO SD and the ones that were nearby, I bandaged him. He was no longer bleading. I had no epi pen, so I waited till he was awake again. I told him not to turn towards me and if he needed something. He thanked me for being saved and asked me for some food to recover some blood(I didn´t have blood bags). I gave him four meat steaks, and then abandoned the tents. When I was leaving he told me he was dutch and asked me where I was from. I told him that I was from spain.

After some minutes, I heard someone who told me to drop all my weapons, and that he had a lee enfield pointing at me. When I told him, okay, don´t shoot me, I´m a good man... He said: Wait, are you from Spain? (He probably recognised my accent) Yes,

-I answered-I´m from Spain. And then he replied: You have just saved my friend, bro!!!, thank you for saving him!.

And he let me go.

Edited by Mitor
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kos is simply the highest chance at something good happening, for you.

You will always need a bloodbag eventually. unless you have 20 cooked meats you just feast on.

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Getting shot in the back and playing half an hour of running simulator is far more boring.

ummm thats EXACTLY what you get in DayZ if everyone just continues to KoS every bloody time marching right on into SA.

its always funny how the people who foster the KoS attitude are the same people who complain about how you cant trust other players..


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