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Why did the DayZ players changed so much?(From friendly kids to backstabbing twats)

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In one point of our life we have most likely came to the question; why has DayZ changed so much? That is unless if you only started playing the times where bandits are notorious and backstabbing is a daily treat. Back then, (older than the versions where we didn't have to right-click on stuff to interact with them) you see a survivor you would assume he has no bad intentions on your gear and your sacred beans, and it turns out you're right he IS a friend and just wants to team up with someone so that he can maintain his sanity in this barren wasteland. But now, you see a survivor you would assume he's a worthless, stupid, incompetent psychopath who wants to kill you for kicks and just wants to do it because he is too insecure to try to talk to you through the mic and introduce your intentions a bit.

Now, to the explanation; why did DayZ change? It's quite easy, it's just human nature. Back then we were all unaware of the fact how common loot is and how rare particular weapons are. As a result most of us end up being 'friendly' then just plays it safe by making friends with every survivor you encounter. But once you start to grow into the game, know the fact of the dangers present in every area you may hide in(snipers and bandits), the fact that the people you actually trust might betray you sooner or later when they get tempted to take your gear forcefully. By that time you would become very uneasy yourself, thus being a average player in this current timeline, a kill on sight bambi. It's actually a realistic touch to DayZ, just like how you would see other post-apocalyptic zombie or not zombie games start off with missions like: 'go to the market to collect food for your group' but once time goes by and supplies become scarce those 'missions' become like this: 'go to the market, defend yourself from other survivors, kill those who have food to feed yourself'


Until the player realizes the possible threats imminent within every corner, he will be a survivor with no kill on sight intention, but rather as an actual friendly survivor.

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[Title is a tad bit grammatically incorrect, you should take the d off changed. ;]

One player changed it all. Whether it may have been a misfire or intentional, the death of his victim sparked this.

To reverse such a change requires every single participant of the mod to not fear death, but embrace it. Do unto others as you wish to be done unto yourself. After all..."Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back."

We need to take a leap of faith.

Edited by Inception.
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Well, this is particular leap I wouldn't take even though I would be landing in the Roman Colosseum filled to the brim with haystacks


The grammatical error there is an honest mistake, not sure how I can change it, though I don't think I will since I'm already quite drowsy

Edited by WolfOneSix
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Well, this is particular leap I wouldn't take even though I would be landing in the Roman Colosseum filled to the brim with haystacks


The grammatical error there is an honest mistake, not sure how I can change it, though I don't think I will since I'm already quite drowsy

I am just glad that someone does not have the correct intellect to place razor sharp, poisoned spikes in the haystacks.

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It was always like this, as this is a survival mod, and betrayal and deception are a part of surviving. If you honestly think people would not do the same thing in a real apocalypse, you might as well change your name to "Thomas McZombieFood". You will learn that you should never make it beneficial to attack you, be it you are much more likely to kill them, or they really need you to help them with something. NEVER allow someone to see you without either or both of those things, and you won't be betrayed.

You'll get the occasional idiot who shoots at you for the sake of killing you, but that's not betrayal, that's banditry, and without it the game would be stale for both types of player (The ones who are trying to survive and the once who thrive on killing others)

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I'm more interested to find out what's going on in the minds of people who shoot vehicles just because they're in view.

Oh well done, blew out a tyre, what's the plan now dumbass?

I've had chats on VoIP with unarmed bandits, making it very clear if they were armed I wouldn't be playing nice, and come to the conclusion; everyone is still friendly and talkative, until they get a weapon.

I've never driven a vehicle past any armed unknown person without them trying to shoot it. It's like dogs chasing cars - No idea what they would do if they ever caught up with one.

Was this ever different? Because I don't remember it.

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Survival of the Quick Witted. You want something, Take it... Simple as. DEAL. WITH. IT. IT'S. A. GAME.

Even if it is a game, you can still bring in your own impulses and form the game as if it were real life like it was before the chaos factor came in. Like one in the upper posts said...a lot kill for nothing because it's a game others just want to roleplay ( yes there would be idiots IRL who would also kill for nothing like in any Hollywood apocalypse movie ) but they would be a minority imo.

In any case the so called "experiment" failed and became a dumbed down shooter experience with zombies playing the minor role since they only gave their name to the game ). It could also be a pvp sandbox with zombies, no difference.

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I remember when you came across a survivor and they offered friendship, then DayZ became popular and everyone came thinking it was a kill all you want!

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it is, if that is the way you want to play it.

It's exactly that "it's the internet, nobody knows me so who cares" mentality that broke the game. 99% isn't roleplay.

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It's exactly that "it's the internet, nobody knows me so who cares" mentality that broke the game. 99% isn't roleplay.

It's not a "It's the internet, nobody knows me so who cares" mentality, It's a "It's a game where I can do what I want, these items are virtual and opting for a valid and supported playstyle in no way defines me or my personality, so why not pick the one that appeals to me the most?" mentality.

What you have is a "These people aren't playing or thinking like I am, therefore they are assholes" mentality, which breaks 75% of all discussions about the subject of PvP.

Tell me you legitimately want to fight zombies and absolutely nothing else and I'll laugh and point you towards plenty of games where you can PvE until your heart stops beating. Because this isn't one of them.

Edited by Rage VG
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Well, there's no real backstabbing, because most of the times there's not even interaction between the players. It feels just like another shooter game, other players feel like dumb AI, see a player and shoot it without even saying anything.

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I think that the reason is the players have done pretty much everything the game has to offer and re-gearing with the rarest stuff is pretty boring as they may have repeated this a thousand times only to be killed by a bandit or a sniper. The easiest way to gain much of the stuff back is to meet somebody with a decent enough gear and betray him/her once you have the means. Long story made short, probably because of the lack of anything else to do except re-gear -> hunt players/bandit -> die then meet someone then betray them to get decent gear again... repeat 'til standalone.

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It's not a "It's the internet, nobody knows me so who cares" mentality, It's a "It's a game where I can do what I want, these items are virtual and opting for a valid and supported playstyle in no way defines me or my personality, so why not pick the one that appeals to me the most?" mentality.

What you have is a "These people aren't playing or thinking like I am, therefore they are assholes" mentality, which breaks 75% of all discussions about the subject of PvP.

Tell me you legitimately want to fight zombies and absolutely nothing else and I'll laugh and point you towards plenty of games where you can PvE until your heart stops beating. Because this isn't one of them.

There is no logic in your post, I am wondering why you made it.

No-one (with any credibility) wants PvP to be out of the game, but some people want more of a balance, where it's not an almost certain of how a situation will be played out.

I find having diversity to a game brings more fun, than just expecting to shoot the next person you see. But sure, like you said, mentality. It's just a shame that half the worlds population has the mentality of a child, and can't comprehend trying a different route other than the easiest.

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The movie "The Road" is an appropriate example of the proper mindset to enter DayZ with. Yeah, there probably ARE good people who will help you out. But the risk is more often than not worth the reward. People tend to stick in groups with those that they already know/trust, treating any and all outsiders as hostile.

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There is no logic in your post, I am wondering why you made it.

No-one (with any credibility) wants PvP to be out of the game, but some people want more of a balance, where it's not an almost certain of how a situation will be played out.

I find having diversity to a game brings more fun, than just expecting to shoot the next person you see. But sure, like you said, mentality. It's just a shame that half the worlds population has the mentality of a child, and can't comprehend trying a different route other than the easiest.


That post you quoted was not about anything you just mentioned. It was to reply to the notion that people play as bandits purely because they don't give a shit what people think about them, which is completely wrong.

I don't expect you to have seen my post in which I actually talked about balancing out the pros and cons of banditry since it was in another thread, but at least if you're going to reply to a post, say something that is actually relative to what it said.

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I am just glad that someone does not have the correct intellect to place razor sharp, poisoned spikes in the haystacks.

It must get lonely up there on your box.

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You guys are not answering the question.

When Dayz got popular, more people joined from other games and people didn't really know how to play ( You know that week where you absolutely hated DayZ because you kept on failing? ), people got fed up with failing and started killing people to get gear instead of running into Zombie infested towns. So when DayZ began to get popular and hundreds more people joined, got annoyed and started shooting people, the friendlys became scared of interacting with players because every time they went near them, they got shot. So, in their own personal protection, they shot the people who came to interact with them. That's just my guess.

I personally am friendly, (most of the time) but I never interact with players because like them other friendlies, I am scared of been shot. Honestly know, I kind of prefer it this way, it adds more tension to the game, if everyone was friendly I wouldn't shit my pants when I see people.

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If there was a way to get people to bandit only if necessary, like if they were desperate for food, then I would have no problem with this. If I'm running through the wilderness for a while, only a couple mags left for my gun and in need of food as soon as possible, and I spot a geared survivor who I don't believe is someone willing to hear me out and toss a can of beans my way, I'll make the decision to put them down and take what I need, then be on my way as quickly as I can. I do feel a bit guilty sometimes as I know how it feels to have a nice character taken out in such a way, but I knew that it had to be done.

If only you could get players to make this moral choice before pulling the trigger on someone. I think it would decrease the senseless KoS while maintaining the necessary PvP aspect of the game. Don't ask me how to do this though because I don't know.

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"survival" got too easy, and it turned into a pvp game

the bugs with the tents and vehicles didn't help either. after wasting much time collecting tents, vehicles, and putting loot in them, I lost a bunch to them not saving, servers disappearing, etc. it just became a mess, and I gave up on any long term goals

it seems Rocket's determined to make a survival game though. hopefully the stand-alone will be better, and people will have incentive again to help each other out

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You guys are not answering the question.

I shall answer the question using your words only.

When Dayz got popular, more people joined-

Aaaaaand there! Long story short, the players didn't change, there are just more of them and therefore the banditry is easier to notice.

It's not like banditry has NO drawbacks at all. Whereas say 70% of players (Including bandits) would shoot a survivor on sight, I'd say about 90% would shoot a bandit on sight. I agree, not much, but there's still this to consider.

Edited by Rage VG

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It's exactly that "it's the internet, nobody knows me so who cares" mentality that broke the game. 99% isn't roleplay.

that has nothing to do with it. the game is a sandbox, you play and do what you like.

then moaners like you come along and bitch at everyone who isn't playing the game exactly how you want them to.

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