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Your guy's opinion on spawning with weapons.

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Even as a newbie I dislike and I thinks it over powered and makes the game boring, as I find it fun to look for weapons on your own, I really find it rewarding like as i found my first ghillie suit I was happy and can't wait to find my interesting items. So what are your guys opinion on it?. Do you like it or hate it.

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You only spawn with weapons on SOME private hive servers which decided that it was a good idea. I'm not sure if you know this or not?

Otherwise, it depends what mood I am in. I like spawning with a full kit on the Deathmatch servers. But otherwise I would prefer to spawn with nothing.

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Yeah definitely prefer the kit on pure death match servers. They are a good diversion.

Normally tho I like being naked!

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No kit at all would be great, no bandages, painkillers or a torch. It would be more plausible that just arriving on a beach with usefull objects.

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I like how it is but maybe something like a 'push' where you can at least get a zombie out of the doorway so 1 entrance buildings aren't a deathtrap early on. I wouldn't mind spawning with a makarov with 1 clip if that decision was made but any more would be too much. Even a Hatchet as its rather effective at taking down players if your good enough with it.

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You guys clearly didn't play DayZ back when you actually spawned with a handgun,

sometimes shit was cash and others it just pissed you off having a noob just shoot you as soon as he spawned in.

i personally liked it, the feeling of knowing everyone was armed. brought the "shit scary" feel to it. lmao

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I don't think spawns should have guns, but they should have something. Since they can do more of what they want in standalone, I think they should start out like they are now, a painkiller, a bandage, a flashlight, and give them a knife. It won't one hit kill zombies, maybe two if you hit them in the head, but is primarily the weakest weapon in the game, but helps give you a bit of a chance against zombies in particular.

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You don't need a weapon to use against zombies, you can run away or hide in a bush easily. The only time I actually kill them is if I have a hatchet and no primary weapon.

The only thing that would be annoying to start without is a bandage. Bleeding without a bandage sucks. xD

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The thing i have a problem with is the server hosters "selling" gear if you donate to them.

I can understand you need funds for your server, but my opinion is that this destroys the idea of the game, this is getting to close to real life situations in which rich people can have everything they want and the poor players are double buttfckd.

Also where is the survival idea, i don't think Rocket had this in mind, he was not planning on just building a new PvP game, he wanted to create a survival game. I'm not complaining about the PvP, but i think we should do everything we can to stay as close as possible to the original idea. In the time DayZ is up and running now, there have been 325.000 new PvP games released which will have everything a PvP dude wants, why would we want to alter DayZ slowly into an all out PvP game.

My idea to fix the game is to make food really hard to find.

I really like the idea of trying to find stuff, at this moment finding stuff is still way to easy.

But we all should just be patient, i'm sure we will all be surprised when the stand alone will be released, i suspect we all will see some amazing things.

Edited by Allie

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The current one is fine, I think there shouldn't be a backpack though.. And please no weapons for starters.

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You only spawn with weapons on SOME private hive servers which decided that it was a good idea. I'm not sure if you know this or not?

Otherwise, it depends what mood I am in. I like spawning with a full kit on the Deathmatch servers. But otherwise I would prefer to spawn with nothing.

Death Match servers?

Sounds amazing!

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I enjoy the excitement of spawning with nothing near Cherno and sneaking your way in to scavenge some weapons, the only way not to die is to run.

I think starting with a firearm would ruin it, I've played on a few servers like this and all that happens is that people just try and pop each other on the beach.

A hatchet or crowbar I could live with, I guess.

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I don't like spawning with anything, when I do respawn, I place everything on me inside the crappy backpack and leave it on the beach.

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I don't like spawning with anything, when I do respawn, I place everything on me inside the crappy backpack and leave it on the beach.

So its your backpacks i keep finding when i spawn! Thanks for the 2nd bandage!

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Death Match servers?

Sounds amazing!

Not really it is dull after a bit. (Although I think you were being sarcastic) :huh:

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