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HATCHET RELOADED UK PRIVATE HIVE(v1.7.7.1) [GMT-4]Spawn With Hatchet & map|Air Lift Vehicles|Auto Fuel|250+ Vehicles|Custom Bases & Hero/Bandit Reward

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only Dayz is needed to play this server!!

and has no white list or password to join :)




Spawn With Hatchet & Map

. Cannibalism
if you have a knife on your player you are now able to gut dead players for raw meat! be warned that u will lose humanity for doing this.

. Spawn selector
when logging in as a fresh spawn after death or for the first time you will see a new option asking you to choose a spawn location. once you have selected a location the menu will be gone. if you do not choose one it will disappear and you will stay at your current location.

. set fire to camping tents and dead players bodies.
if you have a box of matches on your player you can now set fire to tents and dead players. scroll mouse wheel and click on the option you want.

.Automated AI bus route!
a bus controlled by AI now drives the route from Berezino to Kamenka, stopping at bus stops on the way. some time the bus will get a little stuck due to the rubble on the road. be patient it will get around it.

.Bi planes now have guns! and the option to sky write.
jump into a bi plane and scroll mouse wheel. you will now see an option to skywrite. click it and smoke will shoot out the back and leave a pretty trail.

when in pilot seat you can now left click to shoot.

automatic humanity perks

(read down under bandit and hero perks for more info)


Auto Fuel & Auto Vehicle ammo reload points

(read down for more info)


Choppers Can air lift vehicles

(read down for more info)


Halo Jump from choppers

Lots of Choppers, Planes!!!

Custom Content

(read down for more info)


Self blood bag


Suicide Script

(read down for more info)


Remove clothing from dead players


Syphon fuel


Bandit & Hero perks

(read down for more info)



Run by long time gamers, our aim is to create a fun and fair environment
for like-minded individuals and DayZ fans alike, well as fair as can be.

The server has a green zone surrounding the medical outpost/base located between cherno and electro


The  green zone is a no shoot zone! pvp is not allowed in this area and scripts are in place to stop players from shooting or being shot at

All players are welcome(EXCEPT HACKERS!), be you a Hero, Medic or a Bandit.

The server has no password so come check it out :)


the server will restart every 6 hours (with regular warnings)

Air Lift Vehicles

all you need to do is hover over the vehicle you wish to lift and scroll mouse wheel. u will see an option to left the vehicle. select it and the vehicle will now be attached to the chopper.

To drop a vehicle, scroll the mouse wheel and select drop selected vehicle.

be warned that if you drop a vehicle to high it will damage/destroy it.

Auto Refuel


Drive to any fuel pump or tank and turn off your engine.

Scroll your mouse wheel and then select refuel


Halo jump from choppers


weather you are a passenger or the pilot you are able to halo jump.

once the chopper has left the ground an option will be available to halo jump when you scroll the mouse wheel.

Clicking this option will eject you from the chopper and will then enter a dive.

when ready scroll and select deploy parachute.


Suicide Script

This script allows the player to commit suicide! :)

can come in handy if your stuck in the middle of nowhere with a broken leg or for any other reason you wish to shoot yourself in the side of the head!

to use you need to have a side arm and at least 1 bullet.

Switch to side arm and then scroll mouse wheel and select commit suicide.

 You will then have an option to back out or go ahead and blow your brains out. (be warned once you choose YES there is no going back!!


Blood bag Self


Players are now able to give themselves a Blood transfusion.

Collect a Blood Bag and place in main inventory.

Scroll your mouse wheel and you will now see an option to Self Blood Bag

Doing this will give you 4000 Blood back but will also give you a 10% chance to catch an infection.


Bandit & Hero Perks


Bandits and Heroes will now be Rewarded for obtaining a high level of plus or minus humanity.


WE have now implemented a humanity reward system which at the moment is set to vehicles at various bases around the map

(hero, bandit & medic base)


you will only be able to gain access to these vehicles if you have the right level of humanity

(please check the bases under Custom content to see how much for each vehicle)


Custom content

medical outpost

located in the green zone between Cherno & Electro just west of Cap Golovo, designed for MEdics to use as a base camp and for players to stock up on med supplies. the base includes

2x AH6X   (+5000 Humanity needed to be able to gain access to this vehicle)

1x BAF Offroad  (+5000 Humanity needed to be able to gain access to this vehicle)

1x Old moto  (+5000 Humanity needed to be able to gain access to this vehicle)


The outpost also includes a medic building and can only be accessed by players with +5000 Humanity

inside is a npc which when scrolled on will give you options to equip your med gear and your med skin.


also inside is a tent with medical gear in just in case


The Med base and green zone is a no shoot zone! pvp is not allowed in this area and scripts are in place to stop players from shooting or being shot at

Any other vehicles left at the Out Post  are left at players own risk!!!!



The Hatchet INN


Located in the Centre of Cherno Near the statue and big hotel building


Welcome to the hatchet inn.


made for players to hang out and grab a bite to eat.


inside you will find a friendly NPC ready to take your order.

you are also able to sleep in one of the rooms upstairs if your blood gets a little low and you need to rest.

be warned that this is still a pvp area and you may get shot at!





Bus depot

created for players to create bus routes with and general pickups Charge at bus stop or do it for free your choice (use your imagination with this and will be interesting to see how it will turn out)

the bus depot is located in the Kamenka area near end of map and consists of 2x bus




Bandit Base

Located on top of Klen hill.

Set up for bandits and consists of 3 (1x Huey) vehicles that are locked out to all players except bandits that have reached a high level of negative humanity


(-5500 humanity for ground vehicles and -7000 humanity for air vehicles)



Hero Base


Located north of Cherno

Set up for Heroes and consists of 3 (1x Huey) vehicles that are locked out to all players except Heroes that have reached a high level of positive humanity


(+5500 humanity for ground vehicles and +7000 humanity for air vehicles)


Skalisty bridge


Added so players can access Skalisty Island with a ground vehicle.

The entrance to the bridge can be blocked of and guarded by players.


Skalisty island


A Base has been placed in the centre of the island as well as new buildings scattered around the island.

Also a scrap yard, Grave yard and power plant has been added.

this is also the location for our death match events



Randomly Placed Buildings.


Buildings like the fire station and general stores have been placed all around the map.

also lots of sniping outposts, watch towers, nests and camo netting


Ballota, NW & NE Airfield improvements


Extra Hangers, Barracks Fire stations, etc have been placed at NW & NE Airfields as well as a construction site with cranes placed at Ballota Airstrip



The usual no voice in side chat, no hacking scum or scripting bastards.

The server is running Anti-hax among other scripts to keep out the scum as well as admins regularly checking logs for suspicious activity.

The green zone is set up so that players have a safe pace to trade and get medical attention.


No pvp in greenzone


If a player is found to have attacked or killed some one in green zone then a warning/ban will be applied

Robbing other players in green zone is allowed! so be careful who you have by your side


No Heli Hording!

please don't horde all the choppers.


Server is open to any one who would like to come join.

if no admin is on and you have any questions issues then please email us at address below


Admins: Dominic, FizzyT, Duff & xWolfx

Admins are very active in this server. and will be monitoring to make sure rules are followed

Teamspeak Info:

Server name: Hatchet Reloaded UK Private Hive


To join our Facebook Group Click Here

To view our youtube vids click Here

Edited by Hatchet_Reloaded
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A fantastic group of people run this server so come and join them to make it everything it can be and more.

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Bumping this up so people hopefully see it more, great server still new so join now for the good loot!

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Tonight dominic and FizzyT have been experimenting with the editor and are currently in the process of constructing a medical outpost between Elektro and Cherno within the green zone, south side of the road just west of Kap Kolova.

Having tried placing a hospital and medical tent successfully, (apart from the zombie spawns,) it's coming along nicely. When it's finsihed I'll post up a video of behind the scenes construction.

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Interested, sent email. Did anyone else have a hard time figuring this out?



I got it now: side chat, password, whitelist.

PS: Love the reloadable hatchet image you posted!

Edited by Bakst
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For anyone currently trying to join the server we are just testing a new mission file that contains extra content like Duff said above.Hoping it works but having a few issues needing to sort...Basically Dominic broke it :lol:

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pretty exciting stuff! I'm excited to see how all this heavy customization affects the gameplay... will log on to the server later today

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ive sent an email hoping to hear back soon !

and i jst relised i missed out real name and play style :/

ingame name is steingate btw my play style is mutual agreement, if i cant get better stuff from you then it isnt worth killing you in my opinion.

is there a ts btw ?

Edited by onin46

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We have now added custom content to our map. a medical base has been added in between Cherno and Electro just west of Cap Golovo. the mainforum post has now been updated with rules relating to this. please read before using the outpost. thanks and hope you like it. feedback welcome

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  On 11/14/2012 at 5:11 PM, Bakst said:

Interested, sent email. Did anyone else have a hard time figuring this out?

I got it now: side chat, password, whitelist.

PS: Love the reloadable hatchet image you posted!

thanks, took me a while to design it but looks good :)

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I will be manning the medical outpost most of my time, or I'll be inbetween Cherno or Elektro gathering supplies. There is also a channel named "Rescue" in our mumble server where you can come and ask for assistance without giving out your location over side chat, I will do my best to come to your aid if I am able.

  On 11/11/2012 at 12:18 AM, Hatchet_Reloaded said:

Use of the vehicles at medical outpost

Doctors are identified by a red beret (you will need to let admins know you are a doctor and also if you die so skin can be applied)

1. only players who are docters may use the vehicles located at the medi outpost!

2. doctors may designate a player to assist as driver/pilot if the doctor is not comfortable with driving/flying and must stay with the doctor at all times whilst heli is in use.

3. the vehicles may only be used to respond to a player needing medical attention and to move the player to a close safe location.

4. the vehicles may not be used to taxi players around the map.

5. any doctor or player using the vehicles may not collect loot other than med supplies whilst the heli is in their possession.

6. doctors and players may not use the guns in the helli to shoot anything other than Zeds. this does not mean that the doc and/or player is emmune from pvp.

7. players may attack helli and steel it as longs as it is not in the midi outpost and not in greenzone. players may attack the players using the helli.

8. docs and players using the vehicles may may only return fire and not start the attack.

docters will only need to follow these rules when using the medi outpost vehicles, all other times they may play how ever they wish

Bumping up these additional rules for all you dastardly bandits and fresh spawns out there :P

Edited by Dr.Duff
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  On 11/18/2012 at 1:41 AM, Hatchet_Reloaded said:

Another Doc to join the ranks: *Wolf*

I think we should work on a ratio of medic to survivor.

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  On 11/11/2012 at 12:18 AM, Hatchet_Reloaded said:

Use of the vehicles at medical outpost

Doctors are identified by a red beret (you will need to let admins know you are a doctor and also if you die so skin can be applied)

1. only players who are docters may use the vehicles located at the medi outpost!

2. doctors may designate a player to assist as driver/pilot if the doctor is not comfortable with driving/flying and must stay with the doctor at all times whilst heli is in use.

3. the vehicles may only be used to respond to a player needing medical attention and to move the player to a close safe location.

4. the vehicles may not be used to taxi players around the map.

5. any doctor or player using the vehicles may not collect loot other than med supplies whilst the heli is in their possession.

6. doctors and players may not use the guns in the helli to shoot anything other than Zeds. this does not mean that the doc and/or player is emmune from pvp.

7. players may attack helli and steel it as longs as it is not in the midi outpost and not in greenzone. players may attack the players using the helli.

8. docs and players using the vehicles may may only return fire and not start the attack.

docters will only need to follow these rules when using the medi outpost vehicles, all other times they may play how ever they wish

Any other vehicles left at the Out Post or Bus Depot are left at players own risk!!!!

Added this update to the rules as I have noticed alot of players leaving there vehicles at the out post. so be carful as other players may steel them

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Six players online atm, come and join our friendly server (honestly, we won't kill you for your beans.... maybe your Frank 'n' Beanz though?)

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we have our own mumble server if you wish to join in the chat, all info is in the game server as a welcome message :)

Edited by Hatchet_Reloaded

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