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Wild birds and their use in game.

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I would like to see more birds in the game. Birds could be used to give more depth to the game itself.

I think it would be nice to see birds flying away from the trees, as someone is making noise, like firing a weapon in the woods, or sudden moves like sprinting. It would give away a players where abouts from hundrents of meters away, and players should be more carefull even in the wilderness. It could be like seeing a flok of birds flying over your head from the west, it would surely make you thing something is going on there, even if you are too far away to hear anything.

I would also like to see crows gathering around dead bodies. The more time a body is left to rot, the more birds are gathered. We would be able to spot dead bodies from longer distances than the buzzing sound of flies allows us to.

These are only a couple of thing that could be aplied. I'm pretty sure other people can think of many different ways that birds could be usefull in the game. Of course the above properties could aply to wild animals as well, but I think it's been mentioned before.

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I would love to see this also, i mean there are only a couple you can see in game and it would look cool to see a flock of Crows circling a dead or dying person...

Unfortunately though for all that extra AI and detail it would need quite a powerful system to have it implemented.

But a good idea though, i like it.

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hello there

a few arma mods use the "flock of birds take flight when startled" atmospheric. doesnt appear to be a resource hog on my system, so quite doable imho.

id like to see more "game" in game.



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Yeah i have seen ti before and yes very good for those who have the system to cope with it, players like myself using low end machines have major problems with such details, and to keep things fair allowing as many players to enjoy the game it should be an option in the menu...

This would allow players like myself to keep playin the game without the extra stress and players with good rigs can experience the atmosphere is birds etc

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or maybe just the wildlife noises change with the presence of someone running. Such as the birds and crickets go silent within 50m or even further when vehicles are approaching. Obviously a wider variety of wildlife noises would need be added to make this sytem functional as not all animals or insects give any fucks whos doing what around them. So then only those with knowledge would gain advantage as rocket has said he wants realy life skills and what not.

But the birds flying would be nice or other creatures scurring away from comotion. Just imagine half the maps birds flying when some lets a 50cal fly or a hueys tearing ass over the woods causing a stampede of deer and wild hogs to flush from the bush. That would get your blood going and with the added animals stomping around you could even use their noise for concealment of your elephant feet

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Such a sexist title, reducing women to some kind of amazon being existing only for your pleasure.

Seriously, nice idea. A sudden scream from a sea gull could wake up the player a bit if he's been alone for a while.

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Be nice to shoot a bird in the sky as well.

No, I'm not talking about putting a woman in a cannon, though.......

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I tried to hunt many birds near the start but I figure you can't. It would be excellent. Also the sounds and movement of birds to give away players would be good atmospherically. I remember reading a book written about the Vietnam War which said that a lack of insect or bird and other animal noises indicated there were humans in the area more often than not. In the future who knows how realistically the Arma guys can recreate all of this it just blows the mind.

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You have my beans!

Can we have owls deliver mail to all the hackers? they are kinda of like wizards in hogwarts

ha ha ha ha... :D

Edited by Hoteevi

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I would love to see this also, i mean there are only a couple you can see in game and it would look cool to see a flock of Crows circling a dead or dying person...

Unfortunately though for all that extra AI and detail it would need quite a powerful system to have it implemented.

But a good idea though, i like it.

Actually I think it doesn't need to be that detailed! There is no need for extreme textures or polygon detail. Just something to give the impretion of birds. There could also be an option as to how many birds someones system should draw ( that number would be random, from 2 to 10-15 would be enough!) so you would get to choose low, normal or high... Or something like that.

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I can see Markets popping up all over the place for all kinds of delicacies like Foi Gras and maybe even chilled monkey brains (Though on another map)

Great idea, i would love to see startled birds around player activities.

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This has been suggested but is a great idea. Run recklessly into a forest area and birds would take flight alerting people/maybe Zeds to your presence. But creep in quietly and they wouldn't. Makes perfect sense.

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