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Bring back the debug menu! or at least another way to find out my humanity!

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There's no need for a score board(Debug Monitor) when you have the visual cues to know how much blood you have or skins to know how bad/good you are. These people bitching about the Debug Monitor being removed(working as intended) are just hell bent on keeping score, which is not what DayZ is about.

This isn't another FPS, it's a survival game first and foremost and score keeping is just a way to feed the egos of these kinds of players.

The icons are not the only visual cues one has to represent what's happening in game, so to say these are the only cues you have is ridiculous.

The Debug Monitor is perfectly fine where it is... Non existent.

Edited by R.Neville

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right, here's how i see it. some people don't want it, that's fine. some people DO want it. where is the harm in having it optional, like in if you don't want it don't use it, simple as. i want it back because i like to know how close i am to dying, if i'm close to becoming a bandit or hero. to all the people having a go at people wanting it back, i say again. WHAT IS THE HARM OF HAVING IT OPTIONAL?

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Its called a Debug monitor for a reason - it was never intended to be in game. I like the game without it, even though it is a little hard to know exactly how much blood you have.

However i think there just needs to be a stats menu that can be pulled up so these sorts of things can be checked if you desire to see how many kills you have. Perhaps it could even be in the form of a notebook where all your kills are logged....dunno, waffling now.

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People who are saying "it ruins immersion"...sitting at a computer not holding a weapon breaks immersion, not feeling pain as my character does, and not getting tired breaks immersion too. Its a computer game. I direct thee to my signature :D

Also, having it as an option would be nice. What do you care if some people use it if you don't?

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I play in a 1st person only pHive - I have no idea what my humanity is - I'm not a hero cos I don't have a chequed shirt on my arms - but there's no way to tell whether I'm a bandit either.

I could go up to somebody and ask If I'm a bandit but if I was, they'd rightly shoot me down.

Edited by bogroll
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Also, having it as an option would be nice. What do you care if some people use it if you don't?
While we're at it, stick in optional infinite ammo too. Just because it wasn't intended for gameplay, doesn't mean I can't have it as an option.

Lots of folks seem to feel the need to constantly point out that DayZ is not real life. Get medicated.

It's not up to me or you to decide how "authentic" DayZ becomes, it's up to rocket and the dev team (and the modders for the mod).

They have decided the debug menu should be removed. You want to know how I figured that out? THEY REMOVED IT. (also, rocket has talked about NO HUD a few times)

People who are visually impaired or deaf will be allowed functions to help overcome their disadvantages. This has been brought up before.

EU law has no bearing on what a mod can do, but it does for standalone.

I have no doubt thousands of other no-deaf/non-blind people will start using monitors and options designed to assist the handicapped.

It's not my place to judge, but I'm going to anyway...

Edited by Chabowski
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Make the blood icon only show when you are bleeding. Same with the others. There, solved. Make this optional though.

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no for humanity meter showing to player, because its score and people can see with skins

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While we're at it, stick in optional infinite ammo too. Just because it wasn't intended for gameplay, doesn't mean I can't have it as an option.

Lots of folks seem to feel the need to constantly point out that DayZ is not real life. Get medicated.

It's not up to me or you to decide how "authentic" DayZ becomes, it's up to rocket and the dev team (and the modders for the mod).

They have decided the debug menu should be removed. You want to know how I figured that out? THEY REMOVED IT. (also, rocket has talked about NO HUD a few times)

People who are visually impaired or deaf will be allowed functions to help overcome their disadvantages. This has been brought up before.

EU law has no bearing on what a mod can do, but it does for standalone.

I have no doubt thousands of other no-deaf/non-blind people will start using monitors and options designed to assist the handicapped.

It's not my place to judge, but I'm going to anyway...

The debug monitor confers no advantage aside from having a numerical value for your health,..This is the suggestions section, so I shall suggest. Its like third person-even if it conveys a tiny advantage(which the debug monitor really doesn't), everyone can do it. And DayZ isn't real life, hate to break it to you :D

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Ideally there wont even be a humanity 'meter'.

Custom clothing that you can loot, a variety of which is so large that you can tailor make a skin by looting the various clothes. Either the names of those clothes or their astehtics will dictate what players come to agree that wearing X clothes implies and what playstyle a player, on appearence, seems to enjoy. This will also add a greater depth of immersion that you cannot trust apperance because smart bad people wouldn't usally advertise the fact they are bad. Unless they just don't give a fuck and like the ego boost.

Luckily we have a dev team that is more inclined to this way of thinking than yours (no offense). Otherwise dayz would quickly stop being dayz.

Edited by Trizzo

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I think the more you kill the more bloodstained your character should become instead of the bandit skin :)

I like no debug monitor now , you can kind of tell your blood from the grey scale and colour of your blood icon.

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To the OP.

You know how you play, skins show that to the others (ex camo/gilly etc).

Still people wanting the debug back, wanna compare e-penises?

Who has most humanity? Who has less?

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I want some form of debug back because I'm partially colour-blind and the icons are bad for me, also if you didn't know this kind of behavior (removing functions that aid people with disabilities) is against European law, I did like the debug and wish it was back, all those who say they don't like it can just leave it switched off, why should we not have it because some of you don't want it.

This can bring the solution for colour-blind people.


With or without %...just a Sketch to make this more clear.

With % is for me the better solution and you can make the % flash when it drops down to 10%.

Edited by DaGolem
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So you have no reason to want it back, good.

Problem solved.

i really don't see what your problem is. you're being deliberately hyperbolic to a situation that really doesn't matter that much. how is having the debug menu like having infinite ammo? your logic makes no sense, and you are deliberately changing people's words to what they don't mean for your own amusement.

yes, the debug menu confers no advantage, so why would you not want it back? you don't HAVE to have it on. it's clear from reading all the posts on this thread that there are actually people who WANT it back, so who are you to say that we can't have it?

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To the OP.

You know how you play, skins show that to the others (ex camo/gilly etc).

Still people wanting the debug back, wanna compare e-penises?

Who has most humanity? Who has less?

you're just like this other guy, you seem to think you're better than everyone else because you don't want the debug menu (or a menu that shows blood, humanity etc) back, whereas we do. where did you get the idea that we wanted to compare humanities? and what would be wrong with that even if we did?

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Not knowing exactly how much blood/humanity you have makes the game a bit more interesting TBH. I'm glad it's gone.

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Ok. Because statistics and fun goes hand in hand.

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I'm not arguing against an advantage against others in PvP.

I'm trying to let you see that giving yourself an advantage against everyday DayZ survival goes against the entire purpose of the project.

Judging your characters' physical condition or moral standing should be part of the challenge.

Having a numerical value to represent their entire medical state removes the panic when you get injured.

Not knowing exactly how much blood/humanity you have makes the game a bit more interesting.
The way I see it, DayZ was intended to disorient players, and isn't meant to be simplified in any way.

I hope the medical system Rocket is planning moves as far away from "I've only got 2000 blood left, has anybody got some steaks?" or "Better have some beans, I'm down to 11,800 blood!" as possible.

you're just like this other guy, you seem to think you're better than everyone else because you don't want the debug menu
And you're the guy who's trying to tell us that the thing you want doesn't provide you any kind of advantage, while failing to realise; the advantage it gives you is the only reason you want it.

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According to patch notes for 1.7.4 debug monitor will be working fully again.

Don't ask me when the patch will come , but this is probably the mosth usefull thing you read in this topic.

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.And you're the guy who's trying to tell us that the thing you want doesn't provide you any kind of advantage, while failing to realise; the advantage it gives you is the only reason you want it.

what advantage does it give? i only want to see how my humanity is doing and what blood i'm on. YOU don't have to use the debug menu. I want to use it. please specify the advantage it gives as i'm failing to see it.

According to patch notes for 1.7.4 debug monitor will be working fully again.

Don't ask me when the patch will come , but this is probably the mosth usefull thing you read in this topic.

excellent, that's exactly what i wanted to hear. thanks :)

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but 1.7.4 has nothing to do with Rocket or his plans for the standalone game.

Oh, and you should read the patch notes yourself.

Patch notes preview

- Debug menu options to no longer show.
EDIT: I take this to mean; No debug menu - No "optional" debug menu
what advantage does it give?
The debug menu shows your blood count, but it shouldn't be visible to players. It's an advantage vs. survival.

Knowing your "humanity count" is also an advantage. In that, you shouldn't be able to calculate how many people you could get off with killing before the game turns you into a bandit.

Edited by Chabowski

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Perhaps while it may not be immediately available a system should be implemented to see various stats for your current life and past lives, as well as maybe lives all together. Obviously your players skin would be reflected by the current life you are on. And that is a system that should be kept into play. Bandit skins, that type of stuff to hint at what a players intentions. After all, even in the real world you can tell a lot about a person by the way they carry themselves. That's my 2 cents. I understand the desire to take blood and temperature away for the realism aspect, plus the blood indicator still gives you a rough idea of how much blood you have. But all the same I don't see the harm in having a quick and accessible way to access humanity, zombie kills, survivor kills, etc. etc.

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There are other mechanics planned that will help you if you have a disability, there is no need for a big box in the corner telling you how much blood runs through your veins.

And yes it is a game and there are many other games as well. If this doesn't make the baguette in your pants go wild then play something else? If I find out that DayZ isn't for me after all I won't play it anymore, not whine about how it doesn't act like other games.

Ahhh seriously. So many internet heros. Interpretation of the above: "If you don't like the way I think (since my way is the only way, the best way!) you should go play another game & quit whining"? How utterly self centered and inconsiderate. If you have such a cow over someone turning on a debug monitor, please grow up. Let others have fun, not just yourself. And its funny... some people complain that others are complaining, and whine about others whining. Isn't that how it works?

Just keep the discussion civil at least, even if you disagree. Its too easy to be a jerk and dis people. It takes maturity to differ and still be cool about it.

PS Having a numerical value for your health doesn't change what your health is. Doesn't make your health recover faster. Doesn't clear your vision when its blurry. Some people just like to know specifics rather than some vague color scheme icon. If its some huge advantage... does it get you more kills than those who don't use it? Does it make your health recover faster than those who don't use it? Does it mean zombies will now not detect you farther away? Nope. Nope. Nope.

Edited by Seddrik

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