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How smooth?

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How smooth will DayZ run on this computer build I just bought?

CPU: Intel Core i5-3570K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor

CPU Cooler: Cooler Master X6 Elite 70.0 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler

Motherboard: ASRock Z77 Extreme4 ATX LGA1155 Motherboard

Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws Z Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-2133 Memory

Storage: Western Digital Caviar Black 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive

Storage: Samsung 830 Series 128GB 2.5" Solid State Disk

Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 670 2GB Video Card

Case: NZXT Tempest 410 Elite (Black) ATX Mid Tower Case

Power Supply: Corsair Enthusiast 650W 80 PLUS Bronze Certified ATX12V / EPS12V Power Supply

Optical Drive: Asus DRW-24B1ST/BLK/B/AS DVD/CD Writer

Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 (64-bit)

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It should run pretty smoothly on normal settings with a couple of things bumped up to high.

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Facepalm. idk guy. 3.4 gig quad core. 16gigs of ram Tear+ hdd space and video card that cost $350+..lol, gtfo.i r jealous!

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Facepalm. idk guy. 3.4 gig quad core. 16gigs of ram Tear+ hdd space and video card that cost $350+..lol, gtfo.i r jealous!

3.6Ghz quad with hyperthreading (8 CPUs) here and I can just about scrape by on high with HDR on very high, lol...

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Yeah the Arma II engine isn't very forgiving with multi-core CPU's, until one of the newest Arma II patches I was better off disabling the other cores!

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Thanks everyone for your help. When I get everything setup and installed , what is better, Private Hive or Regular Servers?

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3.6Ghz quad with hyperthreading (8 CPUs) here and I can just about scrape by on high with HDR on very high, lol...

Do you have an SSD and GTX670 too? Because my friend has pretty much the same set up as this guy and he runs it all high no probs. Smooth as you like, even in cities even when recording.

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yes o d


Do you have an SSD and GTX670 too? Because my friend has pretty much the same set up as this guy and he runs it all high no probs. Smooth as you like, even in cities even when recording.

Yes I Do

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Do you have an SSD and GTX670 too? Because my friend has pretty much the same set up as this guy and he runs it all high no probs. Smooth as you like, even in cities even when recording.

Really? I would have thought the CPU would still bottleneck TBH. You know what screen res he plays in?

I don't have an SSD, does it really make that much difference in ArmA??

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Really? I would have thought the CPU would still bottleneck TBH. You know what screen res he plays in?

I don't have an SSD, does it really make that much difference in ArmA??

He plays in 1080p i think thats 1900x1080?

Well here's a guy on Youtube with same GPU as the OP (all though it is over clocked, but he does have only half as much ram as OP) and same CPU, he has only 8gb of RAM and im not sure if he even has an SSD. He's recording in full 1080p AND he's using SweetFX which add extra graphics effects moer anti-aliasing stuff etc. (therefore using more system power i would imagine). Now he does have AA and Post Processing on Normal, not sure if he has that because he doesnt like the blur stuff and maybe the SweetFX takes care of AA, im not sure, though I would imagine even if those setting do slow it down a bit while recording in 1080p if you arent recording I would think you'd be able to turn them on no probs. I dont think he has an SSD either as he records HUGE 260gb files, so I imagine he has a large HHD. So maybe with the SSD he'd be able to turn them to high I dunno.

But yeah man SSD really do improve performance a lot from what ive seen.

EDIT: Also i remember watching a FrankieOnPCin1080p video about dayz. he has a beast system, but he was saying friends of his with worse system specs seemed to get better frames in cities sometimes, so he said he thought it was quite random and luck was involved a little xD

Edited by Rooneye

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3.4Ghz phenom II x4 965 BE

HD7770 2Gb Asus version GPU @ cant remember stock speeds think its around 1100Mhz

16Gb corsair vegance RAM

Foxconn AD9A-S mobo

1000W Corsair PSU

I run the game at 60 FPS solid everything very high 1080p across 3screens, It does depend on the server you play on tho and how many zed's are around! lowest i get is 25 when a server needs a restart and im in a high populated town

If i OC,

GPU @ 2500Mhz

CPU @ 4.2Ghz

FSB @ 200.02-20.5

Then i never drop below 45fps anywhere! i hardly ever run those speeds tho i dont that as a test to see whats the very best i can get!

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mZLY: Really? Maybe it's because I turned AA off and AF at the lowest setting and I left shadows at medium, but I get 45fps and have everything running on High on this with stock settings and a rez of 1650x1080:


780i SLI


8GB DDR2-800

Standard 7200rpm HDD

That system the OP put in there, I thought he was just bragging... that should have ZERO problems playing Arma2/DayZ.

And yes... I hear Arma 2 is VERY HDD dependent. So, using a SSD should be awesome.

Edited by sniperdoc

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The OP's system is better than mine and i get 60fps in the trees/fields and 25-30fps in towns, it still varies depending on what servers i play on and sometimes has the odd freeze. I've read of folk with top end systems complaining of bad fps on here so its hard to say for certain, one way or the other.

i5 3450 3.2GHZ

GTX 560ti 448


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There was absolutely no reason for this guy to ask, except to show off his build, and he could have done that a different way. Nice rig and it was way to slow to play this game......

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There was absolutely no reason for this guy to ask, except to show off his build, and he could have done that a different way. Nice rig and it was way to slow to play this game......


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Can't tell if attention whore or new to pcs..

This is why people STILL ask with great specs:

3.6Ghz quad with hyperthreading (8 CPUs) here and I can just about scrape by on high with HDR on very high, lol...

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