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Abandoned Camp Sites

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Essentially the "mid-tier" equivalent of heli crash sites.

There would be two types of sites: hunting, and survivor

What are they?

Camping sites from either before or very early after the outbreak. They would contain 2-5 non-removable tents, mostly survival supplies, and a firepit with some wood piles

Where are they?

In the dense forests around the map. Hunting sites would be closer to rural areas, like small towns, while survivor sites would be closer to military areas, like airfields or bases.

(note that even though I said "closer to" the camp sites would still be a distance away from the towns and airfields. Nobody goes camping right outside their house)

How rare are they?

Slightly more common than heli crashes. there would be about 5 hunting sites and 4 survivor sites per map.

What dangers/loot are there?



These campsites would be from just before the apocalypse. Some of the hunters from a rural town were out on a hunting trip when the outbreak started. Therefore, there would be residential and farm type loot.

This includes:

hunting rifles/shotguns (Lee Enfield, Double-Barrel shotgun, CZ550, Crossbow, Winchester 1866)

Bear Traps

Ghillie suits

Water Bottles

Food(maybe cans, bur primarily cooked/raw meat)

Wood Piles

Tools(Hunting Knife, Box of Matches, Map, hatchet, watch, compass, Binoculars, and possibly a GPS)

Czech/Alice packs




These campsites would be from a day or so after the outbreak. After escaping the military bases, a few soldiers set up camp in an area that they thought was safe. The loot here consists of a combination of military and hunting loot.

This includes:

Light, lower tier military firearms especially suppressed ones (AK variants, MP5/MP5SD, M4 variants, M16A2 w/ or w/o GL, Remmington 870, M1014, and all pistols except for revolvers)

M203 Flare

Road Flares

Coyote Backpack

Smoke grenade

M67 grenade

All tools mentioned above +NV goggles +military flashlight -hatchet

Ghillie Suit

Camo clothes

Water bottles








1-5 normal zombies

Possibly 1-2 set bear traps within 200m of the site, but only if the terrain doesn't cover them up too much


5-15 military zombies

What should NOT Spawn?


Pistols- No one goes hunting with a pistol

Assault Rifles/Submachine guns- It's bad enough that the deer stands have automatic weapons, you don't take a military-grade full auto weapon to hunt, that's overkill

EDIT: I was mistaken about the definition of a deer stand, so disregard that offhand comment

Pistol ammo-unless these hunters were loading their shotguns with makarov ammo, theres no need to have it


Revolver- civillian firearm

LMGs- too much of a hassle for a soldier to carry while running from zombies

High-tier weapons- too similar to a heli crash

Sniper/hunting Rifles- unless the people who set up this site were retarded, there shouldn't be sniper rifles here

EDIT: allow me to elaborate on the "no sniper rifles" thing. When writing this, I was thinking in the situation of a soldier escaping from a zombie infested base. Knowing what I know about zombies, with their extraordinary sense of hearing, I don't see why the soldiers who would have made these campsites would have taken sniper rifles with them.

What's the point?

  • To make the forests in the game more exciting
  • To help players become better equipped if they did not find all the supplies they needed in Cherno/Elektro
  • To add a bit of a backstory to the game
  • To make cooked/raw meat available as loot

Edited by intelligenttrees
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Excellent Idea, and Each camp was well thought out.


It's bad enough that the deer stands have automatic weapons, you don't take a military-grade full auto weapon to hunt, that's overkill

Just because it's named "Deer Stand" They weren't for hunting, the backstory is those are military outposts after the outbreak...

I agree that no automatic weapons should spawn at a survivor hunting camp but Just to let you know what deer stands actually are

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Excellent Idea, and Each camp was well thought out.


Just because it's named "Deer Stand" They weren't for hunting, the backstory is those are military outposts after the outbreak...

I agree that no automatic weapons should spawn at a survivor hunting camp but Just to let you know what deer stands actually are

That clears things up a lot for me. I had always assumed deer stands were for hiding in to hunt animals. Thanks!

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But why would a Sniper rifle in a military camp be retarded?

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I like it. I admit though that i like the idea of any sort of randomised event like heli crashes.

Imagine walking beside the road when up ahead you see an overturned truck in a ditch full of beans? Oh, the joy!

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I don't really like randomly generated camps or heli-crashes. But randomized stuff is gonna be in the game, this should definitely be implemented. Well done, sir.

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But why would a Sniper rifle in a military camp be retarded?

Put yourself in this situation:

You are a soldier stationed in a military base. You wake up in the middle of the night to see that 90% of your fellow soldiers are now undead killing machines. You gear up with the essentials (MREs, water, a tent, backpack, knife, compass, etc) and you think, "I need a way to protect myself"

Do you choose the suppressed assault rifle that can fire 30 shots before a reload, or do you choose the obnoxiously loud rifle that has a limited fire rate?

Apologies if I am thinking too much about backstory here, but while I was coming up with the loot list I was thinking about how the soldiers who made the camp would have gotten there, and what materials they would have taken with them

Also, Thanks to everyone here for their feedback! I honestly didn't expect so much positive feelings about this, especially on the internet of all places.

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I like it. I admit though that i like the idea of any sort of randomised event like heli crashes.

Imagine walking beside the road when up ahead you see an overturned truck in a ditch full of beans? Oh, the joy!

That overturned truck thing also sounds like a great idea. I think randomized events like that could really help bring some backstory to the game, like what happened right after the outbreak. Of course, these should be seldom, so as not to make the game too easy, but it could really make the game more exciting.

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But why would a Sniper rifle in a military camp be retarded?

Put yourself in this situation:

You are a soldier stationed in a military base. You wake up in the middle of the night to see that 90% of your fellow soldiers are now undead killing machines. You gear up with the essentials (MREs, water, a tent, backpack, knife, compass, etc) and you think, "I need a way to protect myself"

Do you choose the suppressed assault rifle that can fire 30 shots before a reload, or do you choose the obnoxiously loud rifle that has a limited fire rate?

Apologies if I am thinking too much about backstory here, but while I was coming up with the loot list I was thinking about how the soldiers who made the camp would have gotten there, and what materials they would have taken with them

Also, Thanks to everyone here for their feedback! I honestly didn't expect so much positive feelings about this, especially on the internet of all places.

Yeah, basically what he said. When your sole goal is to survive/get the hell out of a military base you'd get automatic weapons and preferably with suppressors on to defend yourself.

Don't get me wrong sniper rifles are good but require the sniper to be in a position where zeds can't get to him. You can't exactly fire a sniper rifle multiple times while running.

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but i disagree with the meat as loot spawn, not only would it have gone stale if not in refrigeration it appears the disaster happend some time ago, not recently.

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but i disagree with the meat as loot spawn, not only would it have gone stale if not in refrigeration it appears the disaster happend some time ago, not recently.

woah, I never thought about it that way, really good point.

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