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In combat with heroes and bandits.

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I think they should do something with the 'in combat' system and the skins. Earlier today I had to shoot a guy because he fired at me. I am guessing he barely started on his life, he just picked up a gun and got scared, because when I killed him I got a bandit skin. I am not complaining about the skin or anything, but I think there should be a way to stop getting the skin, especially early life characters. Because now people will shoot me on sight when I try to help them. What do you guys think?

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just go kill enough zombies and you'l lose you'r bandit skin.

Really? Killing zeds raise your morality up?

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My only complaint as a Hero is that if someone shoots at me and misses. i dont want to wait and LET them hit me. i'm gonna put the guy down as fast as possible once a bullet leaves his gun.

I just dont want to lose so much humanity for defending myself. :I

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I've only killed 3 people since the hero skin came out, and they were killed because I was trapped in a building as they proceeded to kill about 10 people I was being friendly with. They thought the building was clear, and came in to loot my dead friends. Not even one of them got a shot off. Every other time I've been shot at(hundreds of times), I run and most of the times I get away.

As a video game player, I understand your motive for killing people. You want to stay alive and keep your "progress". But, as a DayZ hero, I don't. I've had some of the most intense experiences running away or being hunted down. That shit gets my heart pounding every time. Sometimes I'll have been alive for 5 minutes before an amazing experience, sometimes a few days. As a hero, you have to get past the whole "losing my gun sucks" attitude. Your gun is for zombies, who cares if you have to find another one, they're everywhere, and zombies are easy.

I'm not saying this is the right way to play as a hero, but it's a way to avoid the "defending yourself loses humanity" situation. Not that I play this way for that reason, it just worked out that way.

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My only complaint as a Hero is that if someone shoots at me and misses. i dont want to wait and LET them hit me. i'm gonna put the guy down as fast as possible once a bullet leaves his gun.

I just dont want to lose so much humanity for defending myself. :I

I know that feeling, But you just have to hope because they're trying to kill you that they already have negative humanity so that it actually pushes yours up.

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As a video game player, I understand your motive for killing people. You want to stay alive and keep your "progress". But, as a DayZ hero, I don't. I've had some of the most intense experiences running away or being hunted down.

running away

running away

running away

running away

well... You sir... are a disgrace.

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I don't know but would they be able to implement a system where whoever shoots first is the aggressor so if you then fight back it doesn't lose humanity. It's not perfect but it wouldn't make self defense so easily get you a bandit skin.

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I received my bandit skin the other day....... I was a fresh spawn on the beach... noticed a survivor running at me with a 1911 so I said "Hi" and asked if they were friendly... No response... still running at me... With no weapon to defend myself, I raise my hand to salute the man... He's still coming at me... He then stops about 2 feet from me.. pulls out a M4A1 and aims it at my face.. I squint as if preparing for the deathblow... he stands there still... Aiming right at my face... So instead of running away or waiting for my demise, I look in his backpack... found he had a DMR and 2 magazines in there... took them and shot him dead.

I feel like my killing him was plenty justified... with no response given to my questioning... and getting a assault rifle shoved in my face... I could have turned my back on them and ran, but I figured I would wind up dead either way... Prior to this I had been working on upping my humanity.. Guess i'll have to try harder.

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Shot them in the knees until they pass out then bandage them if possible then get out out of there before they wake up but it is a good idea to not lose humanity if your shot at first

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I saw my first hero last night being chased by zombies in Stary. I addressed him over mic a few times (no response) and he disappeared from my sight, so I began typing a couple of times letting him know I was friendly and asked him if he wanted a hand (no response). I'm a bit naive I suppose but I'm a friendly player and just help people or avoid them, plus heroes are meant to be friendly players right? I made my way to the medical tents where he saw me so I aimed my gun away from him to show I wasn't hostile. He dropped me with whatever gun he had then came closer and finished me off. I was a bit shocked with him being a hero but wasn't as pissed off as a normal death, even with the good gear I had just lost- just pitied him really. I was wearing a ghille suit but that shouldn't make a difference with my friendly interactions and the way I acted I thought?

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I was wearing a ghille suit but that shouldn't make a difference with my friendly interactions and the way I acted I thought?

The purpose of a ghillie suit is to conceal yourself from players and is most comonly used for PVP sniping. I would not trust a player in a ghillie suit to be friendly no matter how many times they said they were. I might not shoot them without warning but yes, wearing a ghillie suit DOES make a difference.

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The purpose of a ghillie suit is to conceal yourself from players and is most comonly used for PVP sniping. I would not trust a player in a ghillie suit to be friendly no matter how many times they said they were. I might not shoot them without warning but yes, wearing a ghillie suit DOES make a difference.

Think I'll avoid wearing the ghille suits from now on. I liked wearing them because they hide your backpack and sometimes when people see you have a good backpack they want it and it's contents don't they?

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