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How do I properly break a keyboard?

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I had a L85A2 AWS, A as50 in my coyte backpack, A uaz full of junk, PDW, TWO CANS OF MOUNTAIN DEW! *and lots of other survival junk* when I saw it....A heli, spent a hour repairing it to all green. Was flying, Two shots were heard, engine went off it crashed and I jumped out, Happend to land next to the uaz which my freind was following me with. Both of us got sniped. I went uncousious for a little bit before dieing....Saw the sniper take the UAZ and hide our bodys.

Can someone tell me some proper keyboard smashing methods?

Now thinking back on this, this sniper actally shot to loot which is surprising.

Edited by harley001

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I had a L85A2 AWS, A as50 in my coyte backpack, A uaz full of junk, PDW, TWO CANS OF MOUNTAIN DEW! *and lots of other survival junk* when I saw it....A heli, spent a hour repairing it to all green. Was flying, Two shots were heard, engine went off it crashed and I jumped out, Happend to land next to the uaz which my freind was following me with. Both of us got sniped. I went uncousious for a little bit before dieing....Saw the sniper take the UAZ and hide our bodys.

Can someone tell me some proper keybourd smashing methods?

By spelling Keyboard correctly.
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By spelling Keyboard correctly.

The word 'keyboard' is not a proper noun, therefore is not in deservation of capitalisation.

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1. Find a very strong friend.

2. Have him repeatedly bash the keyboard into your head.

3. When either breaks, you'll know you're finished.

Edited by Dr Wasteland MD
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haha I was JUST about to post that linus video, looked it up on youtube copied the url then scrolled down and saw your post.

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I had a L85A2 AWS, A as50 in my coyte backpack, A uaz full of junk, PDW, TWO CANS OF MOUNTAIN DEW!





Well, There's your problem.

Edited by RIGHTLY
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Well, There's your problem.

Is it true that they are cursed?

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Is it true that they are cursed?

Well this post sums it up, pretty much.

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Smashing keyboard techneques you need?

My friend made a video just for this occasion, here's his Pro tips in action!

Edited by ZigZagGamer

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Bitch, please. I was riding my bicycle in a forest north of NWAF, had a coyote, as50, m4a3 cco, NVG's, blah blah blah. So I'm just riding it, knowing nothing would happen, not really looking further, just so I don't hit the trees...and...wait for it...I hit a bike. With my bike. I crashed my bike into a bike, that was just randomly there in the forrest. How the fuck is that even possible? How many bicycles are there in the game, and what's the chance of crashing into one? That's not even mathematically possible. Both bikes are now broken down, and the bike fix glitch doesn't work. So I go on youtube, watch some videos on how to fix a bike, and some dude showed a tutorial where you prone right near a bike, it bumps and fixes it. Well, might as well try it. I go near my bike, go prone, and crack! Broken bones, death. And I don't even know where I am. Fuck you, DayZ. <3

Edited by chakijz

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Hello there

Surely you need to break the keyboard of the chap/chapess that shot you?

(not that I would advocate such a thing).

I recommend you send all your PC kit to me so you dont have to experience such frustrations again.



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It doesnt matter how you break it just be sure to yell I MUST BREAK YOU like Ivan Drago and itll be fine.

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