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Please...just...add the ability to eat and drink etc in cars again.

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That decision to take those abilities away was just...dumb...in fact i think it would nice if bandaging/blood/healing in general could be allowed in vehicles alongside drinking and eating...(obviously bikes and non interior vehicles would be excluded)

A vehicle should be given more value. The ability to use it as an escape and moving refuge would be great also it would inspire more cooperation from people. (The driver should be restricted from doing anything while the passengers are free to do any action, meaning they can heal each other and such)

Just saying it would be nice...but drinking and eating...is just common sense to have there...ive known people who used their car as homes....soooo ya im sure in a zombie apocalypse we would use are cars for all they're worth.

Edited by Slyguy65
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I agree dude 100%

It's silly u can't eat drink or bandage people in cars.

Yet people with broken legs can drive...work that one out!

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Sure, it makes sense to do those things in a car.

It does not make sense to leave those functions in the game when it is responsible for endless duping of gear, which is the case at present.

Until they find a way to allow more gear oriented actions without having it dupe stuff (which might need to wait for deep code changes, ala standalone) I am fine with having to get out to eat and drink etc. Its really the most minute of things that could be considered bothersome. Do you think they took it out for no reason just to make the game less realistic and spoil the fun of players in the ever so important meals on wheels program?

Besides, you can't be serious that you think there would be a rise in cooperation of players if you could eat/drink/heal etc in a car, do you? Where was all this cooperation in 1.7.26 and earlier? Are you seeing a supposed decline in cooperation now that those functions are unavailable? Really?

Edited by klesh
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If it causes duping then it no keep it removed. Also I don't htink it will increase cooperation one bit, its a small feature with minor benefits and major disadvantages (duping)

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I'd love to see all of the things OP mentioned return/implemented.

However, until someone finds a way to implement those actions without facilitating duping/a number of other issues, than it needs to remain out. It's sad, but because people can abuse it people will abuse it, so it's ruined for everyone. Hopefully in the standalone?

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Eating while driving?? imagine trying to open a can of beans while doing 80mph,take your eyes off the road for 2 seconds and bam!!you hit a road block.

Opening up your inventory and right clicking a can of beans while driving 80mph wouldn't exactly be the easiest thing to do. It was more of a passenger thing to do.

But, if the duping isn't fixed, I say keep these minor features removed until it is.

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I'd like a USB port or at the very least an auxiliary port, so I can plug my ipod in. What's the point of having a car with no tunes???

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I'd like a USB port or at the very least an auxiliary port, so I can plug my ipod in. What's the point of having a car with no tunes???

Yeah where is the fkn RADIO in the car?

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Sure, it makes sense to do those things in a car.

It does not make sense to leave those functions in the game when it is responsible for endless duping of gear, which is the case at present.

Until they find a way to allow more gear oriented actions without having it dupe stuff (which might need to wait for deep code changes, ala standalone) I am fine with having to get out to eat and drink etc. Its really the most minute of things that could be considered bothersome. Do you think they took it out for no reason just to make the game less realistic and spoil the fun of players in the ever so important meals on wheels program?

Besides, you can't be serious that you think there would be a rise in cooperation of players if you could eat/drink/heal etc in a car, do you? Where was all this cooperation in 1.7.26 and earlier? Are you seeing a supposed decline in cooperation now that those functions are unavailable? Really?

You could only eat and drink....you weren't able to heal in cars...i was saying how they should re implement as well as add healing options for inside a car.

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Yeah where is the fkn RADIO in the car?

I asked that same thing...someone told me that the location chernarus is full of poor farmers and such...he said because of that they don't have radio.

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Radio would be great, only thing is who would be running the show?


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It does not make sense to leave those functions in the game when it is responsible for endless duping of gear, which is the case at present.

This is what happens when you let developers be designers. I love how the bug was listed as: "[FIXED] You can no longer change clothes/eat/drink/etc. while in a vehicle". Really? That is what you fixed? Was the bug reported as "[bUG] You can drink and stuff in a car" or was it more like "[bUG] Duping in a vehicle is possible" They haven't fixed anything but instead instituted a workaround out of incapability or laziness.

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Oh my god...

Rocket The Community makes a series of fixes to game-breaking issues and you keep whining about the ability to eat inside of a car. Get a fucking grip.


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This is what happens when you let developers be designers. I love how the bug was listed as: "[FIXED] You can no longer change clothes/eat/drink/etc. while in a vehicle". Really? That is what you fixed? Was the bug reported as "[bUG] You can drink and stuff in a car" or was it more like "[bUG] Duping in a vehicle is possible" They haven't fixed anything but instead instituted a workaround out of incapability or laziness.

Or maybe they just have more important things to be working on.

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Oh my god...

Rocket makes a series of fixes to game-breaking issues and you keep whining about the ability to eat inside of a car. Get a fucking grip.

Im sorry but you need to understand...this update was like getting an ice cream sunday...only to find out there is a hair in it...ok soo SOORRY FOR POINTING SHIT OUT

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Is it honestly that much trouble to step out of your vehicle, eat, and jump back in? It's not like consuming food is a long time-consuming process. Also, bandaging in a car would be difficult, it involves a whole lot of movement in what 's a particularly confined space. (Especially if you're wearing your seatbelt)

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This thread's title might as well be:

"Please...just...let people be able to find 1 cooked steak and 1 drink and be set on hunger/thirst forever"

The reason the consumption of things in vehicles was removed is because the true fix is only fixable with ARMA2 Engine changes. In other words, something that is impossible to fix within the scope of a mere mod.

Basically, this is something only fixable in Standalone -- and it's a pretty safe assumption that Rocket will setup the mechanic however he sees fit with it being a pure design decision and not an engine bug/limitation.

I concur with others. Deal with the slight inconvenience at the expense of knowing people can't insta-heal to max health with a single cooked meat by abusing the vehicle bug anymore.

Edited by Venthos
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