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Remove 24/7 Daylight servers.

Remove 24/7 daylight servers?  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. Should all servers have Day and Night cycles?

    • Yes, They should all have cycles of Day and Night.
    • No, The server hosters have the right to customize their server however they want.

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Honestly think this is another one of those things that ruins DayZ.

People can just swap servers if they're scarred of the dark, but servers should have both day and night cycle.


I don't understand why so many people are against this, I hope I don't get shit canned for this but in WarZ, when it's night time ALL servers are night time. When it's day time ALL servers are day time. There's no escaping the time, though from what I've heard they only have 4 hour cycles so people from all countries will see the light of day.

I'm sure something like this should be in DayZ. Why? NVG's are one of the rarest finds in DayZ, now they are almost completely useless, so are weapons that have flash lights. I'm sure in a Zombie apocalypse it's not always going to be 24/7 Day time, as much as we'd like that. And DayZ is meant to be a zombie Apocalypse simulator, so realism is one of it's core aspects. Also one of the reasons why Arma 2 (a Military Simulator) works so well with DayZ. Otherwise DayZ would be a game full of snipers quick scoping and players bunny hopping. (Much like WarZ)

Some may argue, theres no point in having night time in DayZ any more because you can just turn up your gamma. Well I guess there's no point in having zombies in DayZ because you can just shoot them with guns? Well there's no point in NVG's because there's no more night time servers.

@aHzdaNny We do have our own server. :o

Edited by koze
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I am sorry, but its their servers, its not like you can do anything to stop them from making some variations to the mod. So just leave the admins do what they want, they also need more tools for servers.

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They're private hive, Rocket doesn't have any say in what they do.

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I prefer night-time servers, but for the bambis who are just starting out, daylight is the best thing for 'em, I think a 24/7 server for newer players/respawners is good.

Just sayin'

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They're entitled to do whatever they want with the settings of their server. They paid for that privilege. Play somewhere else if you don't like it.

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heres an idea, if you dont like it, then dont play there..

problem solved..

why is it when some players dont like a feature of a game, they try to force "their" play style on everyone else..

personaly i dont play on nite siervers, cuz i find it uninteresting fumbling around in the dark..

so stop trying to tell me how i can choose to play DayZ, kk..

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heres an idea, if you dont like it, then dont play there..

problem solved..

why is it when some players dont like a feature of a game, they try to force "their" play style on everyone else..

personaly i dont play on nite siervers, cuz i find it uninteresting fumbling around in the dark..

so stop trying to tell me how i can choose to play DayZ, kk..


I can only game when it's dark out in my timezone. Yes I've done it many times and it's boring. The zombies are retarded; you can walk RIGHT by them! The only threat are players and their night vision / thermal vision gear of which I have zero chance against because I don't have that gear because one of them sniped me. WOW awesome can I play at night more please?

It's not about being a pussy ... it's that playing at night is boring and lame. Obviously some people like it; good for them. I'm not telling them they can't do it. I'm not advocating that day time be done away with. If they like sniping noobs with their night vision scopes then let them find a server to do it on. Doesn't matter if I don't agree with it or like it because I can just go play on a day light server and enjoy how I like to play.

Yeah, I know, not everyone has NVG and snipes at night.... I get it... some people actually like sneaking around at night. Again; good for them and let them have at it. What I've seen more often is people leveraging how retarded zeds are at night and looting up awesome gear they can use during daylight. I find that to be boring because it's not a challenge but I'm not advocating that their play-style be abolished.

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It's called DAY Z for a reason.

No it's called DayZ because it is short for: Day Of the Zombies. Or Day Zero. ( I'm sure its the first one)

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No it's called DayZ because it is short for: Day Of the Zombies. Or Day Zero. ( I'm sure its the first one)

its neither because A: Day Of the Zombies would make it DayOTZ B: there is more than 0 days

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As long as it is only day/night servers part of the Public Hive it should be fine.

If they want to prance around in constant daylight because they're scared of the dark it's fine by me, just as long as they can't join any real servers with a day/night cycle once they are already kitted up with NVGs and high-power rifles.

I can understand if new players want to play on a daylight only server (let's you get a hang of the basic mechanics easier) but I see the night as an important part of the game, you can start exploring places you otherwise wouldn't due to the daylight, the only real threats would be the handful of players with NVGs.

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z its neither because A: Day Of the Zombies would make it DayOTZ B: there is more than 0 days

I think it is actually Day Zero.



Day 0

From their on out it's your story... That's the whole idea behind the game.

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I think it is actually Day Zero.



Day 0

From their on out it's your story... That's the whole idea behind the game.

Or it could just be Day Zed.

This conversation has become really pointless, lets not get too into this.


24/7 servers are there, and they will be there if someone wants them to be there. Just filter out any servers that has a regular 24 hour time span with day and night, and all your problems will be washed away.

I know that scavengers tend to play on these servers on the public hive specifically to safely get their loot, but who doesn't want to be holding a flashlight while checking a loot pile? It's so damn riveting!

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I think they shouldn't stop daylight 24/7 servers, but make night time more enjoyable. Have some things where night would be awesome, like some loot that only spawns at night? Or have a few more lights in the city at night, and make it more atmospheric? ^-^

Sorry if anything here seems wrong, I don't have the game yet xD Just seen loads of videos :3

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Here's hoping standalone server options will all be preset.

It shouldn't require filters just to find a server running vanilla settings. Making everything optional sounds like a good idea, but all it really does is fracture the community.

There's no need for every setting to be editable server-side. ArmA had options because every game was custom.

If Rocket wants to create a serious survival setting, people shouldn't be allowed to make things easier for themselves.

There will always be servers in different time-zones anyway.

Anyone who said "I pay for the server, I can do what I want" used to just get told to get a grip, there are always many other willing hosts.

Now, with everyone on private hives, every admin makes up there own rules. In my opinion everything in SA should be locked down, to keep the challenge constant for everyone.

Are we even still going to be playing private hives when standalone hits? I assumed we'd all be on a main hive, for the sake of random encounters.

Private hives on the MOD should be allowed to do what they want. The experimentation brings some good ideas, but 24/7 daylight just amounts to a poor form of cheating in my book.

Edited by Chabowski
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Here's hoping standalone server options will all be preset.

It shouldn't require filters just to find a server running vanilla settings. Making everything optional sounds like a good idea, but all it really does is fracture the community.

There's no need for every setting to be editable server-side. ArmA had options because every game was custom.

If Rocket wants to create a serious survival setting, people shouldn't be allowed to make things easier for themselves.

There will always be servers in different time-zones anyway.

Anyone who said "I pay for the server, I can do what I want" used to just get told to get a grip, there are always many other willing hosts.

Now, with everyone on private hives, every admin makes up there own rules. In my opinion everything in SA should be locked down, to keep the challenge constant for everyone.

Are we even still going to be playing private hives when standalone hits? I assumed we'd all be on a main hive, for the sake of random encounters.

Private hives on the MOD should be allowed to do what they want. The experimentation brings some good ideas, but 24/7 daylight just amounts to a poor form of cheating in my book.

I sort of agree, but i dont think it would work practically. There is still the problem that if you made all the servers have the same time, what time would it be? I'd be very annoyed if it was US time I have to say. But I'd assume thats what people from the US would want? The game is set in the East. But if you did set the time to say Moscow time or whatever, you're making people from the other side of the world play in the dark all the time. Im British so I would prefer GMT, but why should I get my way? Rockets from Down Under, so if it was this time zone, I'd be playing in the dark too etc.

If you did it like this, then it would have to go the way or WoW where there is a EU version & US version etc. People from teh US cant play on the EU and vice-versa. I dont like that idea.

So yeah, although I would like it if it worked, I just dont see how it could.

But about the other settings, I totally agree. Make the SA standardised.

Edited by Rooneye

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While I would personally not want to play on 24/7 daylight.

Private hive hosters are free to do as they want to.

If you want to play with a standard dayz (official rule set) help us test new features and stability on the DayZ.nu servers ( check out www.dayz.nu for latest test files ).

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@Rooneye - I never said make every server the same time. There will always have to be servers for all different time-zones.

I'm in Scotland, but I wouldn't want to have all the servers I play on set to exactly GMT.

I don't always play at the same time when I'm on, sometimes I get a wee game through the day, sometimes I'm on from night until stupid o'clock in the morning.

I don't always want to be playing on a daylight game either, but I don't want to HAVE to play at night to get a night server :P

Edited by Chabowski

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