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Epic Crawl

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So I was derping along an open field outside of Bor when two shots ring out from an unseen assailant in the treeline. My leg is broken. I unload a half dozen M1014 shells in the general direction of my attacker as suppressive fire, hoping to get to cover, and lo and behold my enemy is killed.

Alone and with no morphine I begin to crawl. I hit every deer stand I find on my way from Bor to Zelenogorsk...Stary Sobor...Gorka...finally making it to Berezino. I thought for sure I was going to get capped just as I got to the hospital, but no. I lay my hands on some precious morphine and regain my feet.

In some sick twist of fate suited for this game I found a dose of morphine in the first deer stand I checked after making it to the hospital.

Now I'm off to find some other way to die....

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Damn son. That's a hell of a crawl.

I had my legs broken in Dolina once and had to crawl to Polana to get food so I didn't starve to death, then to Berezino.

That took a long ass time, I can't imagine from Bor to Berezino!

How did you not get dominated by zombies or bandits especially around Stary!?

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Well, the pro of having your legs broken is that you are tough to spot. I did have a hard time getting into the deer stands with a broken leg, often getting stuck with my pants down dangling off the side with agro zeds below.

I stocked up on beans and pop at the Zeleno supermarket, anticipating a long trip ahead. I did not linger at Stary, no sign of anyone there when I was visiting.

Just glad the whole ordeal is over. I considered offing myself at the beginning, but my will to live was too strong. It was boring as hell, mind you. On the plus side I did happen on some decent weapons on the way, and now am reasonably geared up.

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I imagine something like this:

Spawning at coast, crawling to cherno and elektro to get starter stuff, leaves with a hatchet, crawls north and loots stuff on the way reaching NWAF. Looting the barracks getting military gear, ghillie, NVGs, crawling into the forest, finding a helicopter, flying North someplace, sets up a base, sits and eat beans from a happy day with broken legs.

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i once got my leg broken with no morphine somehere n/w so i just crawled under a tree and attracted zombies to kill me so i could retrieve my gear with a new character.

interesting fact was that it took me almost 10min to get killed by 5 zombies since they always lost sight because i was prone...

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Why would you go to Berezino from Bor with a broken leg? Surely Cherno is closer?

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I just did the count - I searched 17 freaking deer stands on the way to Berezino. 17. Plus all of the military tents in Stary. Only to find morphine in the FIRST FREAKING DEER STAND I search after getting morphine from the hospital. That made me rage harder than when my legs were broken in the first place :)

I saw no heli crashes on the way either.

Another time I broke my legs on the stairs of a barn on the road between Moglievka and Novy Sarbor. Rather than crawling anywhere I just stood up in the middle of town and fired rounds into every zombie that came my way. Once out of ammo, I started hacking them with my hatchet. By the time I started bleeding and passed out I was surrounded by over a hundred zed corpses. Must have been a sight for the next person to happen along that road.

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Why would you go to Berezino from Bor with a broken leg? Surely Cherno is closer?

Cherno is a clusterfuck, I would rather crawl over broken glass to Berezino than set foot in Cherno. :)

That, and I was hoping to find morphine in a deer stand long before I got to Berezino, it just didn't work out that way for me.

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I've had my legs broken at a factory in the middle of nowhere and had to crawl over the hills and through the woods to Berezino, busted the windows with a can, and patched myself without a run in with another player. :)

I keep two morphine syringes on me at all times now.

Edit: I also had to lose the zombies that initially broke my legs too.

Edited by Tabris07

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Bump warning.

I made a similar crawl sometime ago.

Leg was broken somewhere near Zelenogorsk so the original plan was to head north and ruthlessy farm the military stands there until the morphine dropped. Someone snitched to the game which - without blinking temp indicator I swear - gave me a flu somewhere north of Sosnovka. Since I now needed both antibiotics and morphine there was no other alternative than Berezino (Cherno was quickly ruled out).

I chose a route along deer stands in hope of finding the morphine on the way and to have something to do during the trip (also cooked meat when possible). South-east of Stary I alt-tab into the game and find a sniper pointing his rifle to my face at close range. It turns out to be a friendly hacker, he spawned some medic boxes and shot into the ground suggesting I should take them. I declined and crawled away waiting to get shot any second but he just moved on.

No luck with the deer stands. I constantly fell off them. Luckily that don't matter much when you already have broken bones. So I made it to the last deer stand before Berezino and see a heli crash site just outside the city. I didn't know if antibiotics could spawn there but couldn't afford to not take a chance. Besides if I find morphine the way to Berezino hospital would be safer.

So I approach the site and once there I find a M249 on the side away from the city. Nothing else of interest so I decide to make a full circle to pick up the M249 and then continue to Berezino. A zombie aggroes. Having a Winchester in that situation is pretty good I think. It is quite loud zombie-wise (don't let that pop fool you) but 15 often-1-kill-shots before reload still gives good odds. First one goes down, two other arrives. One of them goes down and perhaps the other too but then I'm knocked unconscious. As the last life is beaten out of me I realize I had crawled to the site with 6000 blood where the flu puts you, but the backpack was full of meat that could have brought me to max (lasting long enough to complete my business there).

Ah well, it was an adventure. <_<

Edited by platecloak

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Bummer :(

My character that did the crawl is still alive. I have an M4A3 CCO and a load of supplies. I'll probably get sniped by some unseen bandit, or offed by a scripter....

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I didn't have the mind for the long crawl, the one time I broke my legs without any morphine. I was at the northwest airfield. So I stuck something on my W key and went AFK. I was dead at the hands of zombies by the time I got back. I hoofed my way up north from the coast, and reached the airfield without incident. I couldn't find my corpse, and so I gave up, but six hours later I was passing through the same area on another errand, and I found my body with all my gear. : D

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I once was on my way to stary sabor , got shot in the leg by a sniper at Morgilevka who must I thought I was dead or something because he didn't shoot again I began crawling. Luckily for me after I got shot my friend found a motor bike at North-west (he had morhpine) I crawled to Novy Sobor and we meat there he morphined me and we road into the sun set :beans:

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So this character had quite a run, making it to day 30. On that day I happened on a heli crash site in an open field outside of Stary. I took out all of the Zeds and found a pile of frag grenades and NV goggles (!). Happy with my new-found loot I run off, turning back to the heli to squeeze off the last three rounds in my STANAG magazine so I can get it out of my inventory and reload a fresh mag. I press fire, but nothing happens. As soon as I see that little green circle on my screen it dawns on me, right at the same time that the frag greande I threw lands at my feet and detonates, killing me.

Such is the way of DayZ: a heroic life snuffed out in the most brutally insignificant of ways. On to the next story....

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So I was derping along an open field outside of Bor when two shots ring out from an unseen assailant in the treeline. My leg is broken. I unload a half dozen M1014 shells in the general direction of my attacker as suppressive fire, hoping to get to cover, and lo and behold my enemy is killed.

Alone and with no morphine I begin to crawl. I hit every deer stand I find on my way from Bor to Zelenogorsk...Stary Sobor...Gorka...finally making it to Berezino. I thought for sure I was going to get capped just as I got to the hospital, but no. I lay my hands on some precious morphine and regain my feet.

In some sick twist of fate suited for this game I found a dose of morphine in the first deer stand I checked after making it to the hospital.

Now I'm off to find some other way to die....

wow, i would never had done that

going away from spawn without morphine, i mean

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And this is why I keep morphine as the top priority. Keeping allways 3 of them in backpack. If I run out of them I go thru hell to get more.

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Yeah, me too. In this case I was a relatively fresh spawn on my way to try and recover gear from the corpse of my last character. I had not happened on morphine yet when this happened.

This was also a contributing factor to how I got ambushed from behind while running across an open field. I normally would not leave myself so open to that, but in this case I was running hell bent for leather, only stopping to grab some food, drink, and a primary for the journey.

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