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FR 34 / FR 129 RAID WINE Servers Thread

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A hacker teleported you.

you have to wait for few minutes and come again.

Have a nice swim.

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Hello, was banned 27.01.2013, but i don't know why. Before i left server i killed 3 cheaters without cheats and after met an immortal character, which start shoot in me from DMR and crack my legs. But before he send me in log list i got him 12 or more times from M4. After that i tried to loggin only today and find out that i'am banned, the reason of it i cann't to understand. Sure i hope that was only simple mistake, cause i like this server. Please, take actions to solve this problem. Thanks, Arpes.

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you are unbanned.

Some hackers injected some code to the server and then send some malicious code to the players.

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Good evenning, I've got an "ban" or auto kick without any message or warning on Fr34 and Fr129 under my handle newb. Whats going on? I was quite an frequent guest there.

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ban/kick without any reason is performed by hackers who send some malicious code to the connected admin players.

I developed a script that unbans players victim of this. For now I can't prevend any kick, but work is in progress to address such situation.

Edited by facoptere

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Salut les gars.

J'ai recu un ban il y a quelques minutes sur le serveur FR 129 (nom de compte: James van Houlten) et je ne sais pas pourqoui. J'ai joué avec un autre joueur anglais et on a été en train d'avitailler notre helico. À un moment la, 3 minutes avant le restart de 21.00h, nous sommes tombés par terre, mort. Quand je veux connecter au serveur maintenant, après le restart, il me dit que je sois kicked à cause d'un ban admin. Il me dit: "(BattlEye: Admin Ban (BP-remoteexec-1 James van Houlten 29.01.2013 19:57:00 <<xx.xxx.x)).

Pourriez-vous m'aider?

Edited by GyzmoGER
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ban/kick without any reason is performed by hackers who send some malicious code to the connected admin players.

I developed a script that unbans players victim of this. For now I can't prevend any kick, but work is in progress to address such situation.

I could connect to FR 129 Again, but shortly after my character was chreated i got kicked again =/

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On my logs:

19:47:58 Player Newb: Wrong signature for file D:\Games\Steams\SteamApps\Common\ArmA 2\addons\buildings2.pbo

19:47:58 Player Newb disconnected.

17:26:38 Player Newb: Wrong signature for file F:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\expansion\addons\wheeled_e.pbo

17:26:39 Player Newb disconnected.

17:26:39 BattlEye Server: Player #27 Newb disconnected

Your have some corrupted files, or there is currently a BattlEye bug. Please, use Steam menu to check files integrity, or reinstall BattlEye.

Edited by facoptere
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Thanks for the Tip, Arma2OA had 147 corrupt files- how in hell?!

But it my explain the total hang up my system had on my last try joining FR34.

Checking and redownloading my clients, i will give an update when finished.

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I make y new thread so its gets updated:

I could connect to FR 34 Again. Played about 2 Hours, was shot down with an helicopter.

More interestedly was the player Gay or Gav. He ate 2 Complete FAL Magazins and had a dog. It was at ~2:10 GMT+1 30.01

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dog is an hidden feature of DayZ It will be announced in 1.7.5.

this guy was in god mod, I banned him.

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I think you banned to wrong one - i was grinser ( arma2 somehow used profile name after the reinstall), and i was killed by Gav ^^

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Thats strange. When I try to connect i get "you were kicked off the game. "battleye: admin ban (bp-remoteexec-1 Grinser 29.01.2013 20:37:21 <<ip>>)"

I mean, yesterday at that time i couldn't even join your server under my nick newb... very strange.

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you have been banned due to a bug in a filter. it seems you exploded some buildings.

I fixed the bug and you are unbanned.

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Hmm, strange - i never had stuff for blowing up buildings. But nevermind, thanks again!

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Hey dude :) I was pretty geared up on FR129 until I logged in today and spawned like 50 meters up in the air and died from the fall. That wasn't so cool, so i was wondering if you could please help me in some way? My nick was Knut.

Edited by Patski

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I am sorry, I can't fix player inventory. Maybe a hacker teleported you in the air.

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Man that sux, i spent hours getting that gear and to where i was, for nothing. Well thanks anyways.

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Hi / Bonjour,

I was playing on FR129 this morning for a good few hours, I was booted when the server restarted but now it seems I cannot log back on.

I'm not sure what's happened but the message is something like "Admin Kick bp-scripts-16 PROX131". I'm not a hacker/spammer/scripter or anything like that.

My username in game is just Hoot.

I hope there is someway I can get to join the server again, it's a nice server. If you need my GUID or anything please let me know.

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I had the same kick message when I logged on, so it is not related to you. It's a bug in anti-hack system, It is fixed now.

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BTW, all RAID WINE servers are in now.

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