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DayZ standalone suggestion: Seasonal loot balancing. "Hunger" season, "Cease fire" season, "Zombie infestation" season etc.

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Sorry for thread resurrection, but after i read this one : http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/139952-russian-community-consolidated-suggestions-a-huge-presentation-for-rocket/ , i couldn't resist to bump this idea up again, so people might notice it ;) and it might gets moved to the SA section of the board....^^



But as fuenke said (more than a year ago...time is running...) : And you must take care of the problem of player changing to a server with no adverse season. So I suggest to make those seasons at the same time on every server

Edited by LaughingJack

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How about Mikhail, these seasons become actual seasons; Summer, Autumn/Fall, Winter and Spring?


Summer: Hot, dry, more chance of infection. Less water and food. High temperature leads to heatstroke and sunburn. Fire season.

Autumn/Fall: Wet, temperature drop. High wind speeds affect aircraft, character requires more clothing etc.

Winter: Snow, Namalsk temperature. Less zombies/animals, can boil snow/ice, water freezes, food takes longer to become inedible. Vehicles take effect.

Spring: (best season) More animals, plants, water and food. More zombies.


I don't know but I think you can combine your suggested seasons into these somehow. I just like realism and a reason for something to happen.


My two cents, would like any suggestions..




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Moved to the Standalone suggestion area for better viewing.

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In my opinion this is pretty worthless topic.



Having actual seasons of spring, summer, fall and winter with their weather are the only worthy things added in this aspect

(which are suggested on their own topics), but this is just mix of a bit confusing scripted events that most pretty much

 fall in the category of weather.

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