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Ever been in a group with "that guy"

Aka, the guy who no matter how well you play, somehow gets all the kills.


We've got a few characters in our group:

Lancer: always no matter how careful he is, will get shot first. Doesnt matter if he is ghillied up in a bush 1 click away, he will die first. He will also be the one to die from terrain vehicles and general misfortune.

That guy: Kills everything, headshots everywhere. Almost never speaks on coms. He scares us.

The scavenger: Randomly vanishes and then comes back the next day loaded with awesome gear. No-one knows how he does this or where he goes. We suspect he sacrifices bunnies to the god of dayz

The Noob: Has no spacial awareness, is trigger happy to boot. A friendly fire incident waiting to happen. Also panics when attacked by zombies and often dies to them. Has not improved in six months of play... We abandon him from time to time.

Edited by JCDenton
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I think Derpy would clarify as "That Guy" at one time in Fallujah...

But enough of THAT map...

I would count towards being a scavenger, since really, I am not going to wait several days for my friend to get back on DayZ, so whenever he bitches about me leaving, I simply say, "You don't want to get on? More gear for me..."

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I think Derpy would clarify as "That Guy" at one time in Fallujah...

But enough of THAT map...

I would count towards being a scavenger, since really, I am not going to wait several days for my friend to get back on DayZ, so whenever he bitches about me leaving, I simply say, "You don't want to get on? More gear for me..."

I only killed myself once and RazorPT twice.... purely by accident, bar that i got 21 confirmed kills in one life :D

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I only killed myself once and RazorPT twice.... purely by accident, bar that i got 21 confirmed kills in one life :D

Hence why you were "That Guy".

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I love being 'that guy', with the M249 SAW ripping everything apart. Only time I speak is to tell people to 'STOP STEALING MY GODDAMN KILLS BITCH'

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