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Have I done wrong?

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so I was just chillin in the woods taking my time scanning the area being careful and stuff until the woods opened up to a wide clearing I was feeling reckless so i decided to quickly move through it, anyway as I was crossing I noticed another player, this was the first time I had seen another player aside from playing with one of my friends from school, the player was lying flat, but since i had never seen another dead player in the game I couldn't tell if he was dead or prone, I eventually decided he was dead after I observed him for a few minutes and he didn't move at all, so i advanced towards him and was just about to search him when his head shot up staring straight at me, after reading about how you can't trust anyone in dayZ i instinctly shot him in the face, he died, but the thing is, he had a normal/survivor skin on but a bandit balaclava, was he a bandit or did I just kill an innocent man?

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If he had the bandit balaclava, then you're fine. It was most likely a bandit laying there to ambush you and steal your beans, so you did the right thing.

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Well, it's a matter of opinion. You could have just walked on by, or told him not to move, that you had a gun on him but that you were friendly and didn't want to shoot but you would if he moved. Then you could have questioned him. You chose to shoot and it is understandable why - instinct - a reaction to a new threat. But you always have a choice. If you keep on making that same choice, you'll end up with a bandit skin.

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You shot someone for looking at you, sounds like preemptive self defense.

Did you also loot his corpse in self defense? :)

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Dead man comes to life when I get close? That would scare the piss out of me... anybody would shoot at that point.

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he was probably just afk, taking a leak or so

and as long you only shoot bandits you won´t become one yourself :P

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That's nothing. I do not consider this a bad thing, if he was sittin' in a field, and got killed, you taught him a lesson. You actually taught him a lesson he'll need later! Nice!

I once ran up to someone, while yelling, "FriendlyFriendlyFriendlyFriendly!" in Direct Chat, then fired a clip into his head point blank.

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Dead man comes to life when I get close? That would scare the piss out of me... anybody would shoot at that point.

He turned Zombie. You acted appropriately!

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anyone who shoots on sight is a douche but if he had a gun and lked at you then its kill or be killed sometimes, also just because they have a bandit skin doesnt mean theyll kill you, they could have killed someone to save a friend

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If he was a REAL survivor, he would've probably panicked and scream "FRIENDLY, FRIENDLY!" or something like that. If he doesen't say anything, it's his own fault.

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"Friendly" is overused imo...Like when they didn't attack vehicles marked with the red cross because they transported wounded until they found out people actually moved military stuff "under camoflage".

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If it has a white towel on it, shoot it until it dies.

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As previously posted, all tea-towel heads need to be fired upon until their blood is part of a painting.

Bob Ross their ass and paint pretty trees.


Edited by HeYSeXe
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