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edited - PVP and PVE best of both worlds

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When a 'new game' first starts make ammo abundant but gradually reduce the amount that spawns in, until, as would be the case in real life, ammo becomes rare and eventually runs out and stops spawning altogether. You could apply the same principle to processed food and drink, giving hunting, foraging for food and access to drinking water a whole new level of importance.

The game world would gradually evolve from Deathmatch heaven, a world of chaos and violence with plenty of resources for all (as you'd expect in the months immediately following an apocalypse), into a slower paced hardcore survival sim. With melee weapons, bows and arrows etc (and those wise players/groups who kept well hidden stashes of weapons or the occasional discovery of a long forgotten tent) keeping PVP an integral part of the game, just in a more subtle, less cartoonish way.

Of course the KOS kiddies and PVP lovers will have jumped servers to a 'new game' long before this happens so they can enjoy the deathmatch gun-fests leaving the survivalist players to get busy playing against the environment

Everyone gets exactly what they want.

Edited by Rastamaus

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Good idea!! I managed to dodge gunfire for around 2 minutes....they(plural) must have wasted at least 100rnds M240 ammo and at least 3-4 clips as50 or m107 ammo, all that to get my ax.

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I don't think there are enough guns to be honest.. It makes the game quite boring when you just run around picking up tin cans and empty soda bottles.. Badass guns are what it needs more of.

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Eh, make ammo less common, make zombies easier to hit so you have a reason to shoot while still being able to conserve ammo, have more common guns, have less .50 cals. We should be happy campers together.

On a side note, satchel charges are not common enough, nor are cars. My problem? Not enough explosions while in Cherno.

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I don't think there are enough guns to be honest.. It makes the game quite boring when you just run around picking up tin cans and empty soda bottles.. Badass guns are what it needs more of.

I think a lot of players will agree with you dude. In a way so do i, however, DayZ is unique because of the survival element, if it becomes a deathmatch based game then it will be just like all those other deathmatch based games. I love Counters strike, BF3, COD and all those games but I love dayz for the things that make it so different.

I know the mechanics and maps and vehicles etc do make it a unique platform for pvp gameplay, but there is arma 2 (arma 3 soon) for all that stuff.

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This wouldn't change my playstyle at all, except I wouldn't use up a couple extra bullets to make sure they fall.

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If you reduce the amount of guns, you'll end up creating a HUGE divide between those who play for 16 hours a day, and those who play between casual and maybe 8 hours a day. That divide will basically result in those with too much time on their hands slaughtering unarmed people who can't spend as much time hoarding weapons. Oh, yeah, you'll also see more people camping spawns and hoarding guns, which will make that divide even bigger. Ultimately, the only way to keep the game fun and make sure everyone has an even chance is to keep guns abundant.

I've said it a thousand times, and I'll say it again....

Gameplay > Realism

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If you reduce the amount of guns, you'll end up creating a HUGE divide between those who play for 16 hours a day, and those who play between casual and maybe 8 hours a day. That divide will basically result in those with too much time on their hands slaughtering unarmed people who can't spend as much time hoarding weapons. Oh, yeah, you'll also see more people camping spawns and hoarding guns, which will make that divide even bigger. Ultimately, the only way to keep the game fun and make sure everyone has an even chance is to keep guns abundant.

I've said it a thousand times, and I'll say it again....

Gameplay > Realism

That's a very good point, I hadn't considered that.

I agree, keep guns common, especially those you would find in real life like shotguns, hunting rifles and pistols. Of course those who play more will have an advantage but that is the case now and always will be the case no matter what you do. it is a persistent world, real-time MMO and more time played will always be advantageous.

edit - as an aside, with less ammo in the game people will die less, at least from gunfire, so those who play less will get more time to develop their character and amass gear, the playing field will be a lot more level than it is now, I agree with you about not making guns rare and have edited the suggestion accordingly, beans for you.

Edited by Rastamaus

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Are we setting the game in Japan? Or maybe 200 years after the apocalypse?

I see your point, no mags is just not realistic, i take it on board and have adjusted my suggestion.

Edited by Rastamaus

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