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About codyjamesp

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  1. codyjamesp

    Evil Gamers is recruiting!

    Hey, my name is chupacabra. I spoke with trippy about joining.
  2. codyjamesp

    Lookin for 2 guys to complete squad

    I am on now.. I have yet to play namalsk, but I am interested! Never a better time for a first right? Hit me up on skype or steam or here.. codyjamesp ( here and skype )
  3. codyjamesp

    Cant connect to servers

    They just did an update, that may be the issue.. Have you updated?
  4. Not sure.. but I went over to my friends how to help him set the game up.. Got everything installed and his pc ran it super slow.. I came home to find out the game had been updated and I had the same problem after the update.. Anyone know whats going on?
  5. codyjamesp

    New Namalsk server

    I would love to join up, i am yet to try that map
  6. codyjamesp

    Looking for a semi-decent group.

    codyjamesp on skype bro
  7. codyjamesp

    Bravehearts looking for mature players

    Hello, I am interested in joining up, this game is just not quite as fun by yourself. I am 23, currently active duty air force, i play from 330-10pm central. My skype name is codyjamesp, let me know if I could play with yall
  8. codyjamesp

    edited - PVP and PVE best of both worlds

    I don't think there are enough guns to be honest.. It makes the game quite boring when you just run around picking up tin cans and empty soda bottles.. Badass guns are what it needs more of.
  9. codyjamesp

    [W.O] Woodlands Order is recruiting.

    Age:23 Name: Cody Skype: codyjamesp Country: usa Timezone: central [Steam Name: codyjamesp Experience: (1-10, see chart) 5 Game Style: (Sniper, scout, infantry, ect) scout / sniper Currently active duty military, familiar with military tactics and most of my work has been done with SOF forces.. ( Support role ) crew chief on ac130u gunship. Farily new but learning fast, mainly joining a group for comradere and to learn from friends.