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Your way of saying "friendly"

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When i say friendly i tell them to not turn around and keep wep lowered until i can trust them. But that is pretty hostile, What are you're ways of saying friendly and talking to someone without getting shot?

Edited by harley001
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I type into direct chat so they cant see where my voice is coming from. I say 'looking to team up' or something more group related, so its not hostile at all. If they start looking around with their weapon pointing around I say 'make yourself known' and if they dont after 3 or so tmes, I ask them to lower their weapon, drop it, or salute. If no response to this I pop them in the head.

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hello there

to let folk know i'm not a threat I A,D "waggle", they still shoot at me though.

This technique also works well in regular Arma games when folk don't properly PID their tgts.



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I usually follow people for long periods of time, and then when they think they're safe in the woods (or where ever they think is safe), I like to hold my breath lean on their back and whisper "hello" in their ear.

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Bullet to the head.

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Well first i spell it right.

Edited by Subtex
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Usually say "friendly man, I won't shoot you" if they have better gear. Then salute and keep weapon down.

If lower grade gear I say "hey kid, stay away. I won't shoot you but don't look towards me or I'll kill you quicker. Sometimes, I'll give tips (like how to equip a hatchet) or gear (once a revolver)."

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Usually I play squad battles on our server or run with friendlies so I rarely come across someone I don't know. Tonight, playing Namalsk for the first time I watched someone show up in a town while I was perched on top of a hospital watching him. Instead of shooting I said hello in general chat and went down to meet him. He gave me a working Ural. Being friendly can work apparently. Maybe I will try it a second time. ^_^

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I usually use direct chat and say "Friendly, I Won't shoot you" or if I spawned new "friendly, i'm unarmed". But often They will Ignore that and Shoot me. I've met only one Time a friendly person, which gave me a Makarov and some supplies.

After that, I said "please put your gun down or Salute" or something in that kind.But like I said, they Ignore me.

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People usually ask me if I'm friendly. I say Yes, Friendly! Nobody has ever asked me to lower weapon, salute, or anything else. I try not to do anything aggressive like point my weapon directly at them.

9 times out of 10 I've ran into genuinely friendly people. Maybe it's because I'm usually unarmed or MAYBE have a crappy handgun or shotgun so they assume I'm a newb and no threat?

I've been betrayed a couple of times. We ran around together and then they killed me. It does happen... I don't get too upset over it. I still seek out people and try to interact because otherwise I might as well play single player =P

Just today some guy invited me for a chopper ride! It was actually a lot of fun. I feel as though I'd miss out on fun stuff like this if I just avoided everyone or tried to kill them right away.

Edited by Penny Sue

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Today I ran around a private hive chernarus... 9 out of 10 times I was betrayed... only time I was not attacked or killed is when the person only had a hatchet.

But I wont give up I will still run and be friendly. even knowing I may get killed. I just hope one day people would rather buddy with me than shoot me for my can of beans...

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Today I ran around a private hive chernarus... 9 out of 10 times I was betrayed... only time I was not attacked or killed is when the person only had a hatchet.

But I wont give up I will still run and be friendly. even knowing I may get killed. I just hope one day people would rather buddy with me than shoot me for my can of beans...

Killing a medic, that's just rude. If I'm running solo I usually try to avoid other players. If I'm running with a friend I'll risk making contact knowing that the friend is watching my back from somewhere.

I was in Cherno the other day, climbed down from the stack at the medical tents and there was a guy in the tent bent down going through stuff. I stood there for a few seconds and then just quietly went away. He never even knew I was there.

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I have heard stories from other fellow medics that “TMW” is more of a target for hackers and bandits some have been willing to even follow us across servers as well. Therefore, most times, you would kill a medic and would not even know as some use random names, only way to tell is by checking the corpse to see if they carry excessive amounts of blood bags. As well since I joined TMW, my hacker encounter rate has increased noticeably. Been lucky so far but one can only be teleported, be shot at, and survive from it so many times...

Edited by Strazyplus

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"Hey dude, Friendly here! Need anything, Bloodbag, food, morphine...?"

Make yourself sound friendly. It's all about trust!

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I have Squad XML set, Hero skin, gun lowered, TMW Clan tag on right of my name from XML. Also when in vehicles a red cross appears on my doors signing I am a medic. :) and I speak in direct often announce I am a medic. But no effect on the player.


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Yeah, If my opposite is going to shoot me, I'm give hi a last try, say "Don't shoot or I'll Shoot back" but most of them killed me and took my things.Only one of... 20? put his gun down, I gave him some supplis and Ammo. he others tried to kill me.

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"Hey dude, Friendly here! Need anything, Bloodbag, food, morphine...?"

Make yourself sound friendly. It's all about trust!

Definetly this! Being friendly towards strangers is way more brave and adrenaline pumping than just shoot someone like a coward, which i actually never did so far. so yea I cant really tell how much fun it is shooting ppl for no reason - i just cant imagine that it is fun at all. I only defended myself sometimes..

Its all about the person, If I see people being friendly in side chat. I will invite them to our skype call or TS.

Yes this is great. You can easily get to know groups and lone wolves on the server you might just joined fast. Teaming up this was is great to get good gear fast cause you often walk into ppl who already have something on the server you choose. Just way better than go to sniper hill or idk and steal some lame sniper gear..

Edited by Queman

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