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Your way of saying "friendly"

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I only play on private hive, because public, you know...

I usually avoid contact, but if I meet someone, I speak through direct speak and demand from them to type their name in direct speak so I see who he really is (our server has has disabled death messages).. That way I later know who I can trust and also do offer every friendly survivor I meet food, drinks and medical treatment (I always carry medical supplies with me).

I do get shot sometimes though.

Edited by VidKo

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Today I met 7 unknown people who said they were friendly.

Out of the 7

6 were actually friendly, one we shot because he threw a grenade and we got scared, and 2 of them saved me and a friends life.

All thanks to side chat

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If someone runs in to the room that I'm in, armed and without warning then I'll kill them, or at least knock them out, bandage them and run away. Sucks but it's the only way to survive these DayZ...

If I see them approaching I'll call out and ask if they're friendly, if they don't reply I'll type it, if they still don't reply I'll pop 'em. If they do reply I'll ask them to switch to a handgun or flashlight and tell them that I'm not looking to team up but I won't hurt them and ask if they need anything (food/drink/meds, assuming I'm geared myself).

If I see someone near me but not coming towards me I'll just watch them to make sure they don't get the drop on me and allow them to go about their day.

I prefer not to team up with randoms I meet in game, can't trust them and a lot of them make really bad decisions and get themselves killed while I watch in horror... xD

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From what I do I just stay away from people completly if someone is around me I'll hide and wait for them to pass by hoping to god that they don't see me if they see me well it depends on the situation if they try and shoot me I'll shoot back if they call "friendly" I'll reply If they are to far away and they are carrying a sniper rifle I'll unload bullets into them from a distance can't trust people with sniper rifles. If they need medical supplys I will go out of my way to find some for them.

Edited by Mr_Reaper

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Well done on following them and then taking their stuff! Great vid. :thumbsup:

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When i say friendly i tell them to not turn around and keep wep lowered until i can trust them. But that is pretty hostile, What are you're ways of saying friendly and talking to someone without getting shot?

i do the same lol
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No offence but I am not asking if you are freindly or not. I want to know HOW you let someone know you are freindly and how you talk up and talk to them without being shot in the face.

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I simply hit the mic and talk. Generally something like "oh hello, don't mind me, just scavenging and trying to avoid zombies. How are you?" And I suppose most are afraid of girls because they don't reply and they leave me alone. It doesn't happen often that i encounter other players anymore, but I know two days ago I saw someone with an Enfield near me that I chattered at, and I was ignored. But someone else (also fresh and with a hatchet) was killed in the area I left about two minutes later. The side chat was full of anger about it.

Basically, I am just, well, me! I think it intrigues people.

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I simply hit the mic and talk. Generally something like "oh hello, don't mind me, just scavenging and trying to avoid zombies. How are you?" And I suppose most are afraid of girls because they don't reply and they leave me alone. It doesn't happen often that i encounter other players anymore, but I know two days ago I saw someone with an Enfield near me that I chattered at, and I was ignored. But someone else (also fresh and with a hatchet) was killed in the area I left about two minutes later. The side chat was full of anger about it.

Basically, I am just, well, me! I think it intrigues people.

People are in shock that they are being talked to by a girl on dayz :P

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My are way of saying friendly is destroying the bone in their legs and send them unconscious...I then bandage them up, speak to them, blah blah blah


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No offence but I am not asking if you are freindly or not. I want to know HOW you let someone know you are freindly and how you talk up and talk to them without being shot in the face.

Well to start, play on private hive servers which have side-chat as that way you can ask who's in a certain town and then ask if they won't shoot if you see them.

This works and if you don't have a squad you can make some friends, I did the same yesterday after a guy asked for parts to fix his bus, I came to him and repaired it for him then we added eachother on steam and now we survive together with our cars and tents which we found!

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If they are unaware of my presence, I will carefully move in, wait until they are looting something/doing something, then I will state who I am, tell them to crouch and drop their gun and side arm, say I don't want it, they can have it when I'm done, it's for safety. If they turn I usually am forced to shoot them. If the player see's me first, I will do 1 of two things. One, I will attempt to make contact (i.e. make them drop their gun). Or two, I will make my way to a safe location, away from them. If I ever come under fire, again I will do one of two things, depending on my situation. If I am on an operation such as a medic operation, I will either just get the hell out, and let my bodyguard deal with it, or I will return fire buying myself enough time to get out. If I am alone and just playing, I will usually get out of there, but keep eyes on them, then flank around to their 6'oclock, or side, and I will put a round or two in their head. But I never fire unless fired upon, or have seen that person kill another player.

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I alert the player of my existence (hoping he understand that if I'd be the regular bandit he'd be wasted by now) and then make myself less dangerous by pointing weapons away and keeping a distance. In the beginning I usually equip the flashlight so that if I have a hatchet I can switch to the flashlight and be less dangerous that way.

I don't say friendly anymore and are sceptical of the QE. If someone wants to kill you he will do it right away no matter what you say or do. The reluctant will kill you if you become too dangerous to them.

People need to understand how extremely alarming it is to have a weapon pointed at you in close range. Any second there could be graffiti and classical music. Point the gun away, pretty please.

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i have given up on the whole idea of approaching other players.

of the dozens i have approached while gun lowered or unarmed i have been killed every single time but twice.

fuck that noise. now i avoid others. and when i do happen to run into someone i attempt to flee if they see me, stay hidden or worst case scenario shoot them. just today i was grabbing some stuff from a barn when i ran into a ghillie dude with a sniper rifle on his back and a pistol in his hand. when i moved towards the barn i felt something was off. i was cornered and had no choice but to drop him with a round from the enfield.

sadly the dude did not travel alone. while i was helping myself to his gear i took several bullets to the back.

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People are in shock that they are being talked to by a girl on dayz :P

If shock and awe keeps me alive, I'm thrilled and I'll keep chatting, I know there are a few of us girls who play, though I've never seen proof of any others except for some posting here, and maybe in a YouTube video.

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Shoot his legs from a distance and pretend it was a zombie, give him morphine and say that he was lucky to survive.

Good friends :D

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Personally I have overwatch if I'm going to approach someone, I'll take a relatively hostile approach by saying something along the lines of "You make a wrong move and your head is going to be 3 feet to your left" although at one point a guy I was with saw someone head towards us and tried to get him to head in a different direction, so he ran up screaming "Drop your gun bitch" sadly though this approach usually ends in a alt+f4. Not sure why though!!

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"You are way of saying "friendly"


I am being invaded by grammar police.

Edited by harley001

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My friendly way of making contact, I snipe bandits attacking the player who is unarmed or snipe zeds when they are trapped and down to their sidearm or I think they are in trouble.

They carefully creep out minutes later wondering just what the hell happened to the zombies or bandit and why no one is now shooting them.

I usually leave a zed or 2 nearby so when they break cover I snipe the zombies in front of them so they know im not going to kill them.....doesnt stop them running away though in panic most of the time.

Then I dissappear.

I rarely have to make contact with another player, 18 days now with no up close contact. One or two snipers have seen me, but still im doing well. Killed bandits that killing other players and avoiding the close up meetings.

When I have to make contact, which is rare, I make sure to take cover before speaking, in which case I tell them im friendly, but if you dont drop your weapons or turn and face me ill shoot them......most people turn and then die, but a few just face the wall and wait until im gone. Ill transfuse them and give them supplies if they need it, it doesnt work with groups.

If there is more than 1 player in a team, there is little chance any of them will drop their weapons, so saying 'we have you surrounded, we are friendly but if you dont drop those weapons we will kill you'

Only time I met a group up close was one that I suspect were friendly as I met them before once, turns out the 7 guys I approached were friendly and gave me a coyote pack and NV goggles just because I have a hero skin :)

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