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Protecting the Citizens of Chernarus: Hope prevails

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I awoke upon the shore of Chernarus. The church of Chernogorsk blocked the sun as I stood before it. Some go there to pray, others to kill. But there is no God in the apocalypse. No place is safe. There is no light, at the end of the tunnel. What was once found is now lost. All that remains are you, the infected--and death.

You cannot survive the infestation without the basic supplies. Such a thought must be kept in one's mind in order to live, and that is exactly what happened with me. So I headed off to the church in search of loot.

Ahh, barbwire. How I shall forever abhor your existence. It was blocking the church doors, so that was not an option. Where next? Of course, the supermarket. Beanz for dayz. Hopefully a weapon and a backpack.

What was found? Merely a ghillie suit, revolver and supplies. Nothing more. How unfortunate, I thought to myself. Alas, I could only move forward; the Station of Fire was my next target...

Tin cans...tin cans. How fascinating! Oh but wait, what is that? Ahh, the AK-47. A perfect weapon in a realistic zombie outbreak. A few mags, too. That's not so bad. Time to move on to the apartments...until I heard bullets come from the firestation and impact with flesh.

Matthew was killed

I knew what had to be done. An innocent citizen of Chernarus had been murdered in cold blood.

It was a quick death for Matthew's killer. Once I found him I whispered him a short goodbye and unloaded lead into his skull. Time to move on, again...or not.

Now this is where I was put into Ghost mode. Several shots from the Colt M1911 were fired from the firestation, a few minutes after I had moved out. Perhaps the player was only killing zombies?

Not a chance. Two AKM rounds and several M4 rounds were fired off inside the firestation, as well.

James was killed

Things were about to become interesting.

I went straight to the firestation, avoiding zombies and staying out of sight. [The ghillie suit helped when dealing with grassy surfaces.]

Two figures dressed in the mislabeling 'Bandit Skin' crouched walked out the back door for the building, ignorant to my presence [which was right next to them, in the shadows]. I felt as if they were in deservation of death, or so I thought...

I followed them for a good six minutes until they made their way back to the firestation. They entered it and closed the doors. Bad move. A smile grew upon my face.

I silently moved around to the back and find the ladder, which I proceeded to climb.

After reaching the roof I positioned myself to be able to kill whatever came out of either doors. And then the conversation started...

"I know what you have done," I typed, "Filthy, filthy murderers." "What do you think you deserve? Life, or death?"

"Your makarov doesn't scare me," they replied, via voice chat [which was another bad mistake made by them: it let me pinpoint their precise location below me].

This was a good thing for me. They believed I had a makarov, not an AK-47. [Which obviously means that: I have no fired a shot nor have been spotted by them prior to our 'conversation'. This is a key aspect in surviving, so make note of it new players.]

"Shit. How did you know I had a makarov?" It was perfect. We all knew that the makarov is a pathetically weak weapon and thus they could escape easily even if I fired upon them with it.

"We heard you shoot it off earlier," they replied, sounding a bit more in control of the situation [which in fact, they were beyond so].

"Darn, this blows everything..." Pity. I kind of wanted a challenge...so that's why I fired off a shot.

"*cough*" I typed.

*twang* went the bullet, bouncing off the roof.

"That's not a makarov...AK?"


"Look, we don't want any trouble. The guy we killed earlier was in self defence. Didn't you hear the M1911 shots before our shots?"

This made me think. I did hear them earlier. So maybe these two bambies were innocent? Yes, they were. They were also in deservation of life, not death. Well, at least not by my hand.

"Alright. Look, this is how it goes. You don't shoot me, and I don't shoot you. I have the complete and utter advantage over you both so it would be un-wise to fire upon me unless fired upon first."

"Okay, I'm going to open up the middle door, and we won't shoot. We'll be on our way," responded one of the other players.

"Goodbye for now, mate."

I waited for them to move on until I hopped off the roof of the firestation. It was an interesting turn of events, I think.

I began running towards the apartments for the second time when I saw them again, heading in the opposite direction. They didn't spot me for a few seconds...but when they did, I quickly broke their line of sight. I was unsure to whether or not they would shoot me, as they did not know that I was the guy that spared their lives earlier.

"There's no need to shoot. Are you friendly?" They asked. It was at this moment that I knew they were in deservation to live, and were nice players.

"It's me again. The guy who let you live? Yeah. Haha."

"Oh, it's you. I'll make note that you're the bush wookie. We'll be on our way."

So, I rid Chernarus of a murdering swine and met two lovely gentlemen. I learnt from this short time of playing DayZ that not everyone is a killer. So thank you, whoever you two were, for doing what everyone should. Hope will prevail. Do not lose it, fellow survivors.

That video proves such a thing, as well. Frankie is such an amazing player, in every aspect. You people should learn from him.

Farewell, for now.

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... Frankie is such an amazing player, in every aspect. You people should learn from him.

QFT, Frankie is a hero.

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I always laugh when Frankie says "See you in a bit" whenever he breaks off from another player after meeting them. Cause we all know, he probably wont.

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Inception nice story. Frankie is hands down a beast. Where he uses skill tho, I use big BOOMS and bullets o'plenty!


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Nice. Unfortunately, in that ghillie i would probably have nailed you Inception :) Unless of coure we have had some direct. Which you did in the above scenario..which makes that irrelevant. Hmmmm..

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Nice. Unfortunately, in that ghillie i would probably have nailed you Inception :) Unless of coure we have had some direct. Which you did in the above scenario..which makes that irrelevant. Hmmmm..

Yeah, that's what I thought before I put it on...until I said fuck it and become a wookie.

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The slender man in the fire house takes no prisoners.

Slender man needs to lose weight!

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