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I Can't Keep Playing Like This

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Last night while playing with some buddies on our usual Panthera server, a random new spawn asked for a pick up from the helicopter.

They decided to go get him but ended up shooting him while he was on the bridge. I guess at one point they changed their minds. After finding him again, and killing him again i felt bad for the guy and started chatting him up seeing if he wanted a pick up. i told the heli to leave me alone in my UAZ so that the guy would think im not with them. i ended up picklng this guy up at the north airfield. We drove around and talked in vehicle chat for about 20 minutes and he seemed like a real cool guy. On our trip we pulled up to a car on the side of the road, and both got out to take a look. Well.. as soon as he got into the gear i put a couple rounds of my M9SD into the back of his head.

He just typed "zzzzzzz" into side chat and logged off. Now typically i would laugh and keep playing but i genuinely felt bad for this! I dont know whats gotten into me lately, for i am usually about as dirty of a bandit as my imagination permits me to be.

Could it be that the Bandit playstyle has gotten old? Is it possible that i actually want to help people now?

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I find this to sound quite heart warming.

Not because I am a bandit myself (not the cherno sniping guy, or the stalk a guy witha helicopter, just because I can guy)

But because you are starting to feel guilty after killing someone.

If you never spice up the bandit lifetyle, you will end up like the people calling themselfs bandit's on Pl@net-dayz.

They believe that being a bandit, is camping a bush at the north west airfield for 3hours with an AS50 and an L85, and killing people who comes in from one angle is all there is to it.. But then again, what more to expect from people with an IQ lower than a mentally handicapped person?

I stopped being a pure bandit now, and I tend to let people live instead, and I even help them out.

A fun thing to do, is help someone get a weapon.

Then tail them, and see what they do when they meet someone.

The last one I tailed, who I'd help get an M4 cco, he tried to help a guy, and ended up getting shot.

So I killed the imbecile who shot him, and just took everything he had, which also included a white pickup, coyote backpack, gps, rangefinder and nvg's.

I brought everything down to the 'bambi'(Thanks Frankie) who got killed by him.

And that guy nearly cried when he heard the truck pulling up next to him, and hearing me asking if he need's a lift.

And he got overjoyed that I brought all his gear down to him aswell..

He said he did want a lift to Berezino to farm Ghillie's and Camo's.. So I gave him the truck and the kit, and let him drive off..

There's more to the game than killing people on sight, just because you think that makes you any better than them.

If you think so, then you are DEAD WRONG.. Ambushing someone makes you nothing more than weak, unless it's someone who has been proven to be better than you.

'Ambushing' 'Bambies' Like Frankie call's them. Is the lowest form of banditry, and I shake my head in disrespect to everyone who does it..

Edited by U.B.C.S. Zantiago
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Fascinating game this. Allows folks to behave like assholes and dress it up as "being a bandit".

Of course assholes make the game more interesting for us normal people but they're still assholes. Even if they only realise it after the fact.

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I'm just not convinced that "bandit" necessarily needs to equal "douchebag".

That's not my definition but apparently that's your definition. Being a bandit isn't a competition to see how big of an asshole you can be.

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Hello there

I've yet to meet an interesting "out of the norm" bandit. It's usually snipe snipe snipe. I'm not saying they don't exist, I just have never encountered one.

If a chap/chapess "held me up" and essentially mugged me or kidnapped me and used me as a pack mule for example, although frustrating you at least make it uber interesting. How could I escape? bide my time or make a run for it?

I know game mechanics don't allow that sort of thing at the moment, but there are other ways for a bandit to ply his trade with just a modicum of imagination..



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I really don't follow this "lets meet and be friends" I'm affraid, if you have a weapon, you are a threat and will be killed or kill me:

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Yeah same man. I killed a guy yesterday, and he answered with 'u dick' I felt so bad I went back and gave him a weapon and stuck with him for a LONG time. Seriously, getting to know people is so much funner than killing them. I just feel so bad. I wouldnt, however, if there was a PvP ONLY (and PvE) server, where people didnt get so sad and cut after being killed. Cause I never really do.

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Yeah same man. I killed a guy yesterday, and he answered with 'u dick' I felt so bad I went back and gave him a weapon and stuck with him for a LONG time. Seriously, getting to know people is so much funner than killing them. I just feel so bad. I wouldnt, however, if there was a PvP ONLY (and PvE) server, where people didnt get so sad and cut after being killed. Cause I never really do.

I was going to try and really help him if he would have still trusted me, but he logged off.

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your losing your touch


and i'll never lose my touch, i'll just change it into a different type of touch... o.O

killing people will always be fun, I just found out that helping people can be fun too.

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I was going to try and really help him if he would have still trusted me, but he logged off.

Why would he ? You made him feel like a dick :) Wheres the joy man ? If he acted like a knobend then fair game..being a bandit does not mean shooting for shootings sake..or does it ? Play your way of course :)

Thing is..you more than likely put him into the kos mindset now, or you are at least tipping the scales.

I like his zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz approach, that would have been exactly my reply.

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Thing is..you more than likely put him into the kos mindset now, or you are at least tipping the scales.

That was also something i was worried about.. I know that if i were in his shoes I wouldnt trust him twice.

So.. honestly i would have just killed him again out of fear that he would shoot me for killing him the first time.

Then i would feel bad for betraying him again...

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I'm just not convinced that "bandit" necessarily needs to equal "douchebag".

Me neither, that's not what I'm saying at all.

Asshole =/= Bandit =/= KoS'er

I understand why folks would shoot others on sight. It's safer. I understand why folks would kill others for their loot (Banditry). I also fully understand why folks would kill others just for fun. It's all part of the rich tapestry that is DayZ.

No, all I am saying is that I find it interesting that this mod allows asshats to justify or label their asshattery as banditry. IMO there's a difference between being an out and out asshole and being a bandit.

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Are those FEELINGS?!? You gotta lose those, they will only hinder your bandit playstyle.....just kidding. Personally I never shoot first, it tends to get me killed more than I'd like but that's the way I'd rather play. IMHO it's more challenging and therefore more rewarding to engage in conversation and see how a situation plays out rather than clean the blood off my new gear that I got by shooting a dude in the BACK of the head from half a click away. But hey, to each their own.

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Aye I know the feeling mate, but most of the time shit happens ya'know? I've been killed and have killed enough to know sooner or later you well feel like this then decide whether or not you truly enjoy being a bandit, i've simply followed my own rule: Shoot first questions never

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So I guess it's back to killing anyone I come across again. I tried the whole "be nice to people" idea and it didn't go well. I was playing medic on Namalsk. I had a Van, and a load of medical supplies. I was completely unarmed, and wanted to just help people.

I was answered with gunfire everytime. I ended up dying 4 times in an hour, since i spawned close every time and got my things to try it all again. I commend the people who play medic and are actually successful at it, because it must be a pain in the ass.

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I think the game is evolving. More people are starting to see the point in daring to do something different, and maybe even get to know someone. This game is nothing more than what you make it. ;)

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I think the game is evolving. More people are starting to see the point in daring to do something different, and maybe even get to know someone. This game is nothing more than what you make it. ;)

95% of the time, if I can sneak up and someone and tell them to drop their weapons they'll disconnect, and if I comply for someone else they just kill me immediately. Hopefully you're right that it's evolving and people are willing to experiment in the future.

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Honestly, being friendly made me experience the best out of dayz. I never had so much fun.

We were 4 people rolling around namalsk with a UAZ picking up friendlies along the way. Played for hours and I never did anything funner. Running around solo killing everyone is boring, why kill a guy when you can roll with him.

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I used to be a bandit, not the sniper on the hills sort, but more of a stalk people to their camp and then fuck them up. I have changed though. I find it a lot more fun to just actually trust people, obviously being a little bit cautious, but just the last two days I've ended up getting to know people, going to a teamspeak and just talk - having a good time.

It's a lot more fun honestly.

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Its the problem every other shooter has:

Just being a bandit 100% of the time doesn't cut it, it gets boring real quick

if you try to play friendly a week, you'll want toplay bandit again, or even after a day

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Ya know, it'd be nice to see the average life timer to rise too. it went up one minute in the past few weeks. i'd like too see it up to at least an hour and thirty, but it probably wont happen

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This doesnt mean I wont kill anyone anymore either, but I will be more inclined to help newspawns.

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