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About superftlol

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. superftlol

    Even with a broken leg I try to take on a squad of 5

    Thanks for the feedback. I tried to use the ironsights to aim initially but just couldn't see the target well enough from the distance. This footage is from an earlier build where right clicking whilst in ironsights didn't zoom the view very well, I countered this whilst making the vid by magnifying the footage to make it more visible for the viewer.
  2. A vid showing my progression on a first person only server. From gearing up to the inevitable ending, watch from about 10:30 for the Berezino fight where I manage to enlist a fresh spawn to help me.
  3. Yeh I didn't have the shotty in the aimed stance so when I went to zoom it delayed so I clicked again and that brought me out of zoom. Cost me that :/ Cheers man It happened to me prior to this, I should've just told him to put it on the floor. Cheers and thanks for the like :) Yup the lure of the phat loot :) Thanks - yeh I kinda had to go back as I had no primary. I was all up for more fighting. Cheers dude, Yeh some people do loot lying over bodies. I just feel I can make a fast gettaway if I stay moving.
  4. It's hard not to give spoilers out and the title has done so to some extent. The final moves and interactions of my character that I created (and played for over 50 hours) 2 months ago.
  5. Breaking point attempted to add insanely hard and unpredictable blood suckers to their mod - at the same time people left in droves. I concede that if a title is themed as a zombie survival it has to have zombies, it's just a case of prioritising. The bottom line - there is zero point increasing their threat until they aren't clipping and wall walking. Fix the collision and then buff the threat. But that fixing the collision/pathing bit is gonna take some work.
  6. ....And they have to play by the rules. We can't have wall clipping/floating/sinking/teleporting zombies that kill you in a few hits. If you think about it they haven't yet managed to perfect player collision, something that surely must be addressed before working on the Z's. I will admit that I am happy they aren't devoting too much time to Z's as ai will always be ai. No matter how you dress it up people will work out the dynamics and before long the ai becomes essentially, at best an annoyance and at worst redundant. I prefer my Dayz experience to be player driven not scripted ai. The goal is 150 players on a server all adding to the story, hell even writing it. There's no way (in this or any game) ai can ever replace the random nature of a human so the less time and resources spent on it the better. I do agree that currently the Z's are next to useless and frankly might as well not even be there. Even on experimental, where they respawn on you, they pose little threat. But I totally disagree that they need to focus on it as to me, Dayz will always be about you and your interaction with others and not about a scripted event or ai.
  7. superftlol

    Rare night time encounter

    Cheers dude, welcome along :) The ole 1st/3rd person debate. Likewise I don't want to get into it really, although I will say with the encounter on the hill I felt I had the best view of the overall situation remaining in 3rd. And as you suggested, Jez the other guy with me, had his gun set to sights ready to engage. For what it's worth I do play 1st quite a bit even on 3pp servers and of course have 1pp only characters for days when I don't feel like being cheap shotted :)
  8. superftlol

    Rare night time encounter

    I'ts just the rules I have for myself and the group I run with. I have let people go at Balota - the NW and NE airfields I find the stakes are too high.
  9. superftlol

    Rare night time encounter

    Cheers guys thanks for the feedback
  10. superftlol

    Rare night time encounter

    A vid full of player encounters, we try to play friendly but sometimes that's just not an option. The night time encounter is at around the 10min mark. Hope you enjoy - criticism and feedback always welcome :)
  11. superftlol

    Surviving Chernarus & its inhabitants

    Cheers man, I hope you and the cat are doing fine :)
  12. superftlol

    Surviving Chernarus & its inhabitants

    A longer than usual vid for me, if you don't fancy watching it all please make sure you check it out from 16mins. It has quite an ending:
  13. superftlol

    2v2 in the new town - Svetlojarsk

    Cheers man, the track is: Suspenseful and Victorious Underscore Composer - Jake LaVallee
  14. superftlol

    2v2 in the new town - Svetlojarsk

    Glad you enjoyed guys :p
  15. superftlol

    2v2 in the new town - Svetlojarsk

    Two stories in this episode. First one is the search for morphine, and the second is a firefight in Svetlojarsk, which starts around 11.20