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Mercenary for hire - Trained Sniper, Either Give me a rifle or I'll bring mine.

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I am a trained sniper, ready for any action. Will cover trades, camps, Even be hired for clan fights. Whatever you need, I'm here.

Long amounts of training on the shooting range plus countless DayZ combat situations

-Can shoot any rifle though I'd prefer if it has zeroing.

-Either put me where you want or I will find a spot

-Tell me what the job is and I will select a rifle, Bare in mind, that I was killed recently by a glitch. I've got an m24, which is effective up to 800m but I can use up to 900-1000m.


Trained with basically every sniper rifle.




DMR (Although I'd not like to use it unless it's a close up)

I also can be hired as a footman. I'll come with you to close combat situations, with some sort of assault rifle.

Proficient in:







I'm not a weapon of mass destruction. If you choose to hire me out, It'll have to follow these rules.

- Not responsible if you give me a gun and expect me to run in there and kill everybody. I won't do it.

- If you start getting titchy and decide to shoot me don't blame me if I bitch log.

- Not responsible if you die by your own actions, I.E. Running in and getting yourself killed.

(CHERNARUS ONLY) Though I will do Fallujah or Panthera if I'm given supplies.

-YOU MUST TELL ME AHEAD OF TIME WHERE I'M NEEDED. I'd like to have atleast a day (AU time) Notice, so I can scout the area and get my zeroing to check.

-I do go to school. Home at 4-5PM AU time. Ready for action until about 10PM AU time.

-I reserve the right to turn down any contracts.

-Accepting pay in camo-ghillie suits, Guns, NVG's, RANGEFINDERS, AMMO (But only specific types), Car Parts (Although only on certain occasions)

-I come prepared for the job. If you want me to do extra afterwards, the items I packed may not cover the time that we are there.


My in-game name is Wildernes84.

I'll be watching you.

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vendredi j'ai découvert la clop électronique, je me suis mise à vapoter et remarquée que vapoter provoque une sensation de sentimancho ! Ce qui m'a poussé d'écrire un site pour donner mon avis.

Evidement je ne veux pas vous inciter à fumer, juste vous expliquer pour que vous puissiez comprendre ce qu'est un vrai sentimancho.

Je n'ai rien à gagner, je désire juste partager mon ressenti. Si toi aussi tu veux en savoir plus alors je te conseil de venir voir mon site

Mais je te préviens ce site n'est pas à prendre premier degré, alors ne le regarde pas si tu n'es pas fun ou tu seras déçu

You mind if you speak something other than french?

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At least you put some effort into this post, when I click topics titled such as these I expect a 5 year old saying "k guis so im an uber snip3r im a hitman, please acept me into you're clan please".

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Trained by whom?

I'm trained by myself. Like most snipers. Although I am an experienced veteran, Sniping experience through ARMA 2, CO, and dayz, and then numerous other games. I'm not saying that I'm an uber awesome snip3r pwnz0r extremely accurate tricksh0t 5 year old. But I'll do what I'm asked to do and if it's sniping I'd want me covering my back too.

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If you can't snipe the pilot of a helicopter with a makarov and bring down the chopper with it's crew in one shot, you need to increase your level of skill. Sorry mate.

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A makarov round is a 9x18mm bullet, Not only would it not pierce the chopper's armored glass, It probably wouldn't kill the pilot at that range. I get that you like to troll, but this is a serious gun for hire post. Go play COD. 9x18mm ammo wouldn't even go that far if it was any more than 100m. Probably would veer off into a tree. Even if I was standing right next to the guy a 9x18mm bullet wouldn't kill the chopper, Plus, I didn't specify I was trained in using a makarov. Truth is, I hate them since the patch and this is why I resort to sniping. "Mate".

Well shit.


I forgot that you're new to these forums. Sorry.

edit: In other terminology...it was a joke; I was making fun of the post that I linked.

Edited by Inception.

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I believe you heard about the new North Korean missile threats against the U.S. tell me... how far can you make a sniper shot. tell me all the necessary things you need to check before taking the shot. which weapon will you use? and what pay would you want? be specific...

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I believe you heard about the new North Korean missile threats against the U.S. tell me... how far can you make a sniper shot. tell me all the necessary things you need to check before taking the shot. which weapon will you use? and what pay would you want? be specific...

Good for you, ressurecting an old thread.

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Me and some friends have been having problems with a warlord/clan leader gone crazy on our server. One time, his clan kidnapped four or five people and invited us to watch as he broke their legs and fed them unarmed to zombies. He plays on and off, and I've tried to snuff him in the past. The guy ALWAYS plays in a squad, and he can't do squat in a battle. But he IS a strategic mastermind from what I've heard, so its sort of a Master Blaster affair. He's master, and his cronies are blaster. I can pay you with one of two items. A PKM w/ NV scope with three magazines on our private hive, or a SVD Camo with nine magazines. You will be operating with three others including me. Oh, and one more thing. This dudes clan, has anywhere from six to twenty active members on the server at once. So, it'll be a bloodbath. Pvt. message me if you're considering it.

Edited by Cap'n

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Mercenaries in dayz....That actually sounds kinda awesome, are beans the official dayz currency? :P

Edited by harley001

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I love seeing people resurrect old threads, and then people replying to the OP that was wrote 6 months ago.

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