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So how did the zombies happen?

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You will never know' date=' you are not supposed to know.


UMMM, Rocket did have a thread on here that he wrote himself, can't find it but the jist was:


Specifically, Prions in the brain. Same deal as CJD (Mad Cow Disease) or that crazy thing the cannibals in New Guinea get.

No need to yell. I was just stating my take on it. I know it was caused by a disease. Sheesh...sorry for trying to have a little fun with it.

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Isiah 26:19

But your dead will live; their bodies will rise. You who dwell in the dust, wake up and shout for joy. Your dew is like the dew of the morning; the earth will give birth to her dead.

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You will never know' date=' you are not supposed to know.


UMMM, Rocket did have a thread on here that he wrote himself, can't find it but the jist was:


Specifically, Prions in the brain. Same deal as CJD (Mad Cow Disease) or that crazy thing the cannibals in New Guinea get.

No need to yell. I was just stating my take on it. I know it was caused by a disease. Sheesh...sorry for trying to have a little fun with it.


I'm just used to having to shout through a sea of spam and troll posts to actually answer an OP questions or keep a discussion going on here. No offense meant.

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****Written retranscription of vocal record found on site

**** Med report 1337 [Top Secret] by Dr ---------- ****

Start of report for future retranscription

Behaviour analysis on Captured Subjects 1, 2, 4 and 10.

Personal note: While the subject seems to be close to what the capturers called "Zombies", they aren't "Undeads" as in usual folklore. They will therefore be called "Zeds" for short, until a suitable name of their affliction is decided.

The Subjects are still living as far as we know, but have gone irremediably mad. Their bodies still emit heat, and only their extreme aggressiveness against non Zed Subjects (Several subjects in a same room don't attack each other) and strange "idle" behaviour differentiates them from normal beings.

The reason why they don't attack each other is still unknow. This would either mean there is sort of a natural recognition, by pheromones or smell, or that there is a "supernatural" reason for them to be passive and ignoring each other, even while moving. The very strange aspect is while they react to "livings" movements, a Zed moving at high speed close or in sight of an other Zed will not trigger any reaction, therefore the "Supernatural" hypothesis.

There is also the fact that some people (survivors) aren't infected on touch/wound/bite. This means there is a natural immunity for some people. [Note: Carriers that don't suffer from the behaviour changes seem to be subjects with a natural urge for violence]

We can assume that whatever caused the Zeds to exist damages some sections of the brain, mainly sight that only recognizes movement and probably others senses. Hearing seems only slightly affected. But the Zeds don't have a damaged nervous system as a whole as the bodies are still able to move with very coordinated movements (running) while lacking multitasking abilities (attacking while running). however, pain will not register. [Note: Some Zeds, mainly subject 4 and 10, seem to suffer more badly: Subject 4 returned to "monkey" stage, while subject 10 spends its time crawling, at a surprising fast speed, but still attacks in a standing position, while others just walk straight, aimlessly and slowly until they see a prey.]

Contamination isn't by blood or contact: Bites don't transmit the disease and [as Dr ------- has pointed out], "sane" elements still seem to be carrying the illness.

[interesting note: Though we couldn't find a source, it seems that internal damage is happening as it often happens that blood finds its way out of the mouths and other orifices of the subjects. We'll wait autopsies for additional informati... [alarm sound] [sound of recording device hitting the ground and footsteps] [Various shouts and gunshots] [inaudible shouted conversation] [More gunshots] [sound of running and recording being walked on, probably crushed] [End of record] *****

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