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Did I just kill a hacker or a legit player?

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So I was on a server about 15 mintes ago, UK 5 maybe? Just chilling round elektro loking for an AK or something, at the time I had a lee enfield and a revolver. On the middle floor of the office/school thing I came across a guy just standing still. He had bandit skin, so I shot him with my enfield (think he might have been logging in), looted his body and found the best gear I had ever laid eyes on. M4A1 CCO & AS50 in his coyote backpack, NVGs, Rangefinder, GPS. Quickly picked up all his stuff and ran the fuck out of elektro at full pelt. mayve not the wisest thing to do actually. It just leads me to think, what wold a legit player with that kind of gear be doing logging in on a very high pop server in the middle of elektro. He must have been a hacker, right?

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Nahh the gear you are describing is kinda commen. and he could have another server just for his camp

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Jesus, no offence, I know hacking is an issue but there is literally nothing in your post to suggest he was a hacker.

I've seen so many accusations of hacking purely because someone can't understand another players behaviour. My fav was "He must have been a hacker, why else would a man carry 8 cans of Pepsi?" (this was from an official cheat report and that was his evidence) along with "but there's no reason someone should be there, I was way up north in the woods". People have infinite reasons for acting differently in DayZ, unless you see a hack being used, it's not a hacker.

Edited by Fraggle
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Alright, thanks. It's just that I've never even seen gear like this and I dont wanna leave of trail of servers behind me that I'm banned from...

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Even if you pick up hacked items you won't get banned. My L85 came from what I'm pretty sure could only have been a hacker's tent. ^_^

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You can get banned from the server by the admin but not globally banned, just to clarify.

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In fairness, the eight cans of Pepsi is highly dubious.

If i had the space and nothing else to carry i'd grab as many as I could find... if you need the space for say a mag of ammo, just drink a pepsi, job done :)

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Most people who end up with high end gear and who can't aim worth a damn usually end up in elektro, to get some easy kills against fresh spawns. But no, all that gear is legit, and I'd wager that he's probably not a hacker.

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Jesus, no offence, I know hacking is an issue but there is literally nothing in your post to suggest he was a hacker.

I've seen so many accusations of hacking purely because someone can't understand another players behaviour. My fav was "He must have been a hacker, why else would a man carry 8 cans of Pepsi?" (this was from an official cheat report and that was his evidence) along with "but there's no reason someone should be there, I was way up north in the woods". People have infinite reasons for acting differently in DayZ, unless you see a hack being used, it's not a hacker.

I always carry 8 cans of Pepsi. I'd drop them in a second if I found some decent loot!

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In fairness, the eight cans of Pepsi is highly dubious.

Yes, because hackers are famous for being thirsty... :blink:

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DayZ: Where EVERYONE is a hacker. (Especially if they kill you, have a good weapon, see you running in the open, talk to you, or have a vehicle).

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DayZ: Where EVERYONE is a hacker. (Especially if they kill you, have a good weapon, see you running in the open, talk to you, or have a vehicle).

Everyone who kills me is a hacker and everyone who I kill is a scrub. Doesn't everyone follow this logic?

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Yes, because hackers are famous for being thirsty... :blink:

And having awful taste in soft drinks. B)

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In fairness, the eight cans of Pepsi is highly dubious.

Yes, because hackers are famous for being thirsty... :blink:

And having awful taste in soft drinks. B)


I nearly died one night because i had a can of pepsi on me and could not find a coke.

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So....running around the NWAF with a crowbar makes me a hacker?

shit I only use a hatchet 98% of the time and comb the map like barber in the ghetto.....Hacker? definately not. Thirsty? i'll consume eight cans of pepsi. Mountain dew? hey! who put that there?

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Of course he was an hacker and whoever say otherwise probably uses the same cheats to cover their own asses. It would take long time to get that kind of gear legitimately, as50 is fucking rare so the rest of the shit like range finder and gps.... Why in the right state of mind you would disconnect in the middle of elektro or cherno knowing is a battle ground to reconnect with the high risk of being killed in seconds??? Because he couldn't give a shit about loosing it when after few seconds of the new respawn he would have run his shitty gay ass script to spawn a box with everything inside ready for grab. The number of active players is half of what it was months ago, but for whatever reason the number of cheater and hackers is the same of before if not more. God i know it because i play often and this game mod has been run into the ground by them and the ineptitude of shitty battleye. Don't you realize that the same day there is a wave of ban from BE you can get the new cheats and hacks for free on the same infamous website? Yes all of them, navigator spawn boxes etc... Just yesterday some punk took over my char, moved me about, took away all the ingame chats while i was trying to tell the admin what the hell was going on, left only the green one (group) so i couldn't communicate, took away all my gear and i mean all, and after a few seconds he instant killed me. No idea what rocket is gonna be able to do with the standalone but don't hold your breath, the engine is the same one and is just not right for this kind of game and typology of players! Open your eyes ffs!

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Everyone who kills me is a hacker and everyone who I kill is a scrub. Doesn't everyone follow this logic?

Of course, because this is Counter-Strike.

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Of course he was an hacker and whoever say otherwise probably uses the same cheats to cover their own asses. It would take long time to get that kind of gear legitimately, as50 is fucking rare so the rest of the shit like range finder and gps.... Why in the right state of mind you would disconnect in the middle of elektro or cherno knowing is a battle ground to reconnect with the high risk of being killed in seconds??? Because he couldn't give a shit about loosing it when after few seconds of the new respawn he would have run his shitty gay ass script to spawn a box with everything inside ready for grab. The number of active players is half of what it was months ago, but for whatever reason the number of cheater and hackers is the same of before if not more. God i know it because i play often and this game mod has been run into the ground by them and the ineptitude of shitty battleye. Don't you realize that the same day there is a wave of ban from BE you can get the new cheats and hacks for free on the same infamous website? Yes all of them, navigator spawn boxes etc... Just yesterday some punk took over my char, moved me about, took away all the ingame chats while i was trying to tell the admin what the hell was going on, left only the green one (group) so i couldn't communicate, took away all my gear and i mean all, and after a few seconds he instant killed me. No idea what rocket is gonna be able to do with the standalone but don't hold your breath, the engine is the same one and is just not right for this kind of game and typology of players! Open your eyes ffs!

Are you talking to me? If so can you go and read my first post properly, cheers. And with regards to player numbers dropping, they probably have to some degree but the numbers you're using don't take into account private hives. That's where the cool kids hang out now days. You should try it. I haven't seen a hacker for at least 6 weeks.

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Of course he was an hacker and whoever say otherwise probably uses the same cheats to cover their own asses. It would take long time to get that kind of gear legitimately, as50 is fucking rare so the rest of the shit like range finder and gps.... Why in the right state of mind you would disconnect in the middle of elektro or cherno knowing is a battle ground to reconnect with the high risk of being killed in seconds??? Because he couldn't give a shit about loosing it when after few seconds of the new respawn he would have run his shitty gay ass script to spawn a box with everything inside ready for grab. The number of active players is half of what it was months ago, but for whatever reason the number of cheater and hackers is the same of before if not more. God i know it because i play often and this game mod has been run into the ground by them and the ineptitude of shitty battleye. Don't you realize that the same day there is a wave of ban from BE you can get the new cheats and hacks for free on the same infamous website? Yes all of them, navigator spawn boxes etc... Just yesterday some punk took over my char, moved me about, took away all the ingame chats while i was trying to tell the admin what the hell was going on, left only the green one (group) so i couldn't communicate, took away all my gear and i mean all, and after a few seconds he instant killed me. No idea what rocket is gonna be able to do with the standalone but don't hold your breath, the engine is the same one and is just not right for this kind of game and typology of players! Open your eyes ffs!

Yes, I totally agree...

Lol such ignorance. The other day I went around looking for crashed helis and found three AS50s all up. That was within half an hour.

And last time I checked, I wasn't a hacker.

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Yes, I totally agree...

Lol such ignorance. The other day I went around looking for crashed helis and found three AS50s all up. That was within half an hour.

And last time I checked, I wasn't a hacker.

Consider yourself lucky but don't bullshit me, as50 is extremely rare and so is written in the wiki weapons of dayz. Weird that everybody have a as50 nowaydays! You even find 3 in one heli crash LMAO. Sure!

Edited by Fabrix

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Nothing solid. But the fact that he was retarded enough to be in the school in Elektro with an m4, AS50 and range finders and still get dunked by an enfield is obviously fishy.

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