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suggestion for chernarus.

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i recently watched life after people and thought it would be good to see chernarus overgrown and decayed with little supplies and many zombies.

(1) have grass growng through the roads and pathways and have large cracks and creeper vines growing in houses.

(2) have barricades made in the streets with expended magazines and bullet cartridges everywhere.

(3) have abandoned houses with boarded up windows and barricaded doors.

(4)have abandoned military convoys and destroyed forests.

(5) add the possibilty of forest fires.

(6) since many nuclear reactors would be exploded/melted down nearby water sources would be undrinkable unless you had water purification tablets or boiled the water.

(7) radiation suits and/or gasmasks would be needed to explore some areas.


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1) yeah why not

2) I think it should be player made

3) I think it should be player made

4) check out the destroyed forest in shadows of namalsk, at night, with fog... man this atmosphere :)

5) too hard to code, will certainly look crappy

6) I agree add one major nuclear site with a new hazard radioactivity you would need special equipment and such (stalker fan here)

7) Yep

Even if it has been proposed several times, I think those ideas are great. Adding more environmental threats is the way to go.

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radiation suit to explore a post meltdown, decayed reactor facility would be reeal nice

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If a nuclear post is added then it should definitely be something like this:

If you go there without a radiation suit you'll eventually start losing health and get majorly sick, so sick that you can't be cured. In some occasions you should die and either have your body look mutated (an extra arm, deformed leg, etc) or turn into a mutated zombie.

Radiation suits should be REALLY rare to find, and maybe even rare to find in the nuclear post. You should be able to go in the nuclear post without a radiation suit, but you have to have a gas mask of some sort. If you go in with a gas mask there's a chance that you get mutated.

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How about whole Chernarus contaminated and your character dies every day due to radioactive contamination then you are resurrected as a Zed.

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what is shadows of namalsk?. and uh i am a stalker fan too

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How about whole Chernarus contaminated and your character dies every day due to radioactive contamination then you are resurrected as a Zed.

the zombies are infected not undead if you die you do not rise as a zombie you stay dead. and i would quit dayz if i died everyday

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the zombies are infected not undead if you die you do not rise as a zombie you stay dead. and i would quit dayz if i died everyday

And how did they become infected?

If you don't want to die on a daily basis then stay in your safehouse :P

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And how did they become infected?

If you don't want to die on a daily basis then stay in your safehouse :P

because of a virus obviously. rocket has said so himself that they are infected not undead his brother is a virologist and they discuss the matter on occassion so i've heard

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