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40 min into my first ever game of dayz

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Apparently I didn't log off correctly last night and started from scratch today. Then managed to find some water and misc supplies and was banned for having a hacked weapon. Unless you can kill with empty cans I definitely didn't have a weapon haha. Just paying my dues I guess.

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Good luck OP.

(And that other dude was riffing on the trend you sometimes see for a new player to come on here and start suggesting what to add to the game while stopping just shy of complaining. It's not funny when you have to explain it. :P )

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Apparently I didn't log off correctly last night and started from scratch today. Then managed to find some water and misc supplies and was banned for having a hacked weapon. Unless you can kill with empty cans I definitely didn't have a weapon haha. Just paying my dues I guess.

I can't imagine what happened.

Just skip that server.

Better yet, tell us which one it was so we can skip it too.

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Been crawling on my belly since I started. No idea how to use anything, no idea the detection radius for zeds, passed up a military base because I was pretty sure I'd be done in my first 5 min if I tried looting it, almost got caught by a monkey but managed to close a door on him, finally found my first weapon (m16a2), no idea what in the hell I'm doing. This is awesome. I'm gonn shit when I run across my first player and have to decide what's the best thing to do.

I miss this experiance. I am one of the few (who I know personally?) who still loves the core game despite everything else. I would play with you ANYDAY. Look me up sometime. I might create my own server farm in a few months.

Apparently I didn't log off correctly last night and started from scratch today. Then managed to find some water and misc supplies and was banned for having a hacked weapon. Unless you can kill with empty cans I definitely didn't have a weapon haha. Just paying my dues I guess.

If it was Vilayer server, they wiped everyone's everything the other day. Unfortuante, I know. Happened to all my characters on that hive.

Edited by Toastedzen
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I'm gonn shit when I run across my first player and have to decide what's the best thing to do.

Dude you don't have TIME to decide. Your actions will be decided by fight or flight instinct alone. No other game does this to a player, it's unique to DayZ.


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I'm gonn shit when I run across my first player and have to decide what's the best thing to do.

Shoot him! Then die honorably. Watch some tutorials. Come back.

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I started 5 days ago, or so. Same experience here. I do tend to die often though. I get into too much of a hurry playing after work.

Yeah definitely a game where patience pays off. The more cautious(Paranoid?) you are, the better off you'll be ;)

Reminds me of EvE Online, where awareness is a key to surviving.

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Wish I could go back to day one all over again reading this.

Yeah me too. Was so much more fun back then.

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Remember to enjoy being completely confused, like many already have said, we all look back at the first days with great fondness.

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Ok, I logged out incorrectly my first time and lost all my stuff, don't want to make the same mistake this time. What do I do to logout?

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AMF you can kill someone with tin cans! Hard work though. Quite funny to see someone bouncing a tin can off another player's head. :D

And zomebies too, and if you lob tin cans at a vehicle it will explode! True. :)

That's very poor of vilayer. They should get their act together. I wish we had a thumbs down icon for right now! <_<

Edited by Sula

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See a huge plant or factory off in the distance. A little apprehensive to approach it. I've seen 4 player deaths since I logged back in, 3 withing the last 10 minutes.

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I need some food too and really don't wanna blast zombies and put myself in a tight spot and haven't found any outhouses. Any suggestions?

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Been crawling on my belly since I started. No idea how to use anything, no idea the detection radius for zeds, passed up a military base because I was pretty sure I'd be done in my first 5 min if I tried looting it, almost got caught by a monkey but managed to close a door on him, finally found my first weapon (m16a2), no idea what in the hell I'm doing. This is awesome. I'm gonn shit when I run across my first player and have to decide what's the best thing to do.

Hehe, have fun mate ;)

This kind of post is refreshing.

Beans for you.



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You mostly find food in houses (not barns or military hangars, dunno about churches though!) remember that ^^

If you dont want to blast zombies, you dont have to. They're easy to get rid of by running past bushes (its their worst enemy!).

Or you could lead them into a building and take them out easier in there, if you have a weapon that is.

Zombies can only walk inside of buildings.

Hope you have fun learning everything about what Dayz is :D

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AMF3, regarding your loot loss :

You haven't done anything bad on disconnect (you never lose loot if you don't die) what happened is maybe you were'nt playing on an official server first time.

There are 2 types of server : Official and private.

Official uses a global database that is shared between all oficial servers. Basically you"ll have only one character across all these servers.

No matter how you disconnect, alt-F4 or even throw your pc through the window, your loot and position will be saved automatically.

Then you"ve got multiple private hive server. If you join one of those servers, they will pick one of your last character in the official database, but everything you do there will only be saved on this unique server.

It doesn't affect what happens on official or other hive servers, so just check in the server browser for an official server, or stick to one non-official hive server.

Hope it's clear.

Edit : If you're using DayZ commander, just tick "hide unofficial"

Edited by Bat
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Argh! I'm staring at this big new backpack and can't pick it up. I'm surrounded by zeds and inventory makes me stand up. I got really lucky when one saw me, ran up to me and somehow walked infront of this little wall between us and just walked away, not alerting anymore of them. I was basically wide open with more than 10 around. Now I'm trying to figure out how to swap my stuff and get the hell out of here. Would it be a really bad idea to try and throw a road flare away from me?

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Reaction to first post: Aw, man, that is awesome! Reminds me of when I started. Got to play on the character of a friend. He was all geared up with Coyote backpack and M14, and everything. I was scared of anything that moved, so I ran into the woods. Then, out of nowhere, a sniper bullet passed trough my head and I lost it all.

Nowadays the game goes a little like this for me: Friend does not know how to stay hidden from other players, and I end up having to avenge them. Otherwise I don't really like killing other players - at least not without making some kind of contact first.

Edit: Scroll your mouse wheel to open the backpack. Put your stuff into it first, then put it on.

If it's night, you will see much better if you throw a flare. However, everybody else will see you too, so it's not really recommended. Also, flares are mostly useless during daytime, however, it's a way of marking your position which is a little more discrete than throwing a smoke grenade.

Edited by kebman

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Haha dude I've been so paranoid of snipers. I've been in a low populated server all day and someone got killed by an as50. As soon as I saw it I was like "oh shit" haha. I was gonna go looking like him, then I remembered how big the world was supposed to be. So I just kept my head down and stayed prone while moving for a while. Now you've got me all paranoid again! Haha

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I tried to switch, messed it all up and lost half my stuff. Them while I was trying to figure it out I got jacked by a pack of zed. I got a ak, map, watch, food and water off of killing a bandit and lost it all because I wanted that damn backpack. Haha I never thought I'd feel horrible about dying in a video game haha.

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