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  1. My friend was playing minecraft and he said that he was going to sleep, I was in DayZ and thought "why not?". So here it is : Players when disconnect should : -Equip a heating blanket so they don't get cold when night arrives -Choose a safe location to disconnect to not get killed/looted, his body will keep for 5-10 minutes in the disconnected area. -When connected to another server, will take about 3-5 minutes to wake up, but if a loud noise (3 -4 bars of noise) is made, the player automatically wake up Benefits -Add more realism/intense to the game -PvP disconnects would be way less eficient, because they would go to sleep in front of the player that is trying to kill, and the body sleeping would keep in the server until joined another. -Ghosting should be less efficient, player should take 3 - 5 minutes to wake up depending if he used or not the heating blanket and if he is inside a building ( inside a building should add +2 minutes to wake up, if blanket being used -1 minute to wake up) Edited for balancing Feel free to discuss this suggestion and try to make it even better! Peace! ~MinxinG
  2. BearGravy

    Controversial Topic: BANDITRY IS DEAD.

    I agree 100%, but the problem is people are already accustom to just leaving the game and coming back in to reposition and shoot whoever had them at gunpoint. They do it because they can get away with it. Keep in mind this is still a Alpha, and a mod to another game, exploits like that won't be fixed until it's a standalone game or in the end of alpha, early beta. (Although I hear they are working on it right now.) None the less I would do this if they have something I want, if not I let them be, and if they come to close I blast them. But until this exploit is fixed, people will not bring someone to gun point nor will they stop ghosting. You also have to put into consideration that some people (Not smart ones imo) play the game with no volume, or ignore the chat entirely, so if you tell a guy to put a gun down or type it in chat that person would pay no mind and become a possible threat. But like I said, this will not happen until exploits are gone. I honestly don't think people care anymore also due to the fact that you do not have a face to show your humanity anymore, humanity is still there, but if it's nonexistent to the eye it's nonexistent entirely.
  3. I only have the fraps of me firing on you. I stopped it after i entered the forest and saw you were gone. And like i said, the bike appeared on the map where i last saw it right?? Then why were you NEXT to the bike when i turned and faced you when you shot me in the head? Also, one my clan mates who plays on the server also says he notices you logging on and off constantly whenever he see yous on the server. DC much? getting rid of those zombies huh? Or you DCing on players still? Tyler dont be a troll tard. I dont care that i died. I care that pvp is gone to shit due to people abusing DC and ghosting. Big difference. I dont care what people believe all i know is what i saw with my own eyes and that is Hellspawn next to a bike behind a tree when i turned and faced him. I wouldnt put it past people to logout for 5 minutes and then log back in thinking someones moved on. He's already shown he's a tard for not taking higher quality weapons over a lee enfield.
  4. Abandonedcartoon

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    And to you sir I simply say idk why you think you're hot shit? Ghosting is a complete fail in my book especially after the fact that it took you o say.... ten minutes to kill us ocne u ghosted in so thanks for the level palying field nub =) Have fun exploiting the game =)
  5. Yeah totally fix the fucking ghosting piece of shit. Seriously now by just writing this I am pissed off. Me and a friend were camping up on a building because 4 people were below us and had already killed our friend. We told them to come up and shit if they wanted a fucking war. Two of them came up the ladder boom dead, one sniper started to shoot and broke my leg, my friend took him out with his as50 then the last one with a fucking 1911 went onto another server climbed up the mother fucking ladder, went back to our server shot my friend from behind quit and ran to the ladder came behind me while I was at my friends body. Ghosting piece of shit, this need a fix right now, ban people that presses alt + f4 and make a timer of 15 seconds for a abort. Fixed.
  6. hordeslicer

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    Can't really make a fort yet with server ghosting still being a problem. Perhaps in the future when people can't use exploits to gain a upper hand.
  7. The only problem with your story is where you killed me is where the bike was parked. Not that extreme distance you're showing. I did not run that far south out of those woods and i saw the bike showing up on my map where you have it listed where i died. So please explain to me why there was a bike right next to the tree you were behind near where i died hmmm? Also i dont buy the "server admin" claiming that the logs said he didn't DC. Considering Hellspawn and him replied to this thread he is most likely covering up for his buddy hellspawn. also i dont give a crap about gear. i have 4 more SAWS in my tent with ammo. I care that people bitch out of PvP thru DC or Ghosting. Also yall try hitting a target going 50km an hour at 250-300m while kneeling since the grass is long in the field and blocks your aim and getting kickback from the SAW. i actually have that part frapsed. Like i said though, I checked the area around the bike thoroughly (the place where i died where the bike actually was). Also what kind of fool are you to not drop the enfield and take either my saw or m107? The only thing fabricated here is your family circus map.
  8. Server: US 673 hosted by HOG Time/Time Zone: 1:00-1:30 p.m. Pacific Standard Time The incident: My friend and I were traveling around north of Elektro when we see a group of 3 (possibly 4) survivors. My friend open fires with his sniper. The bandits instantly run for a tree, and one of them stops to put their ghillie suit on. He get's taken out by my friend, and i move down to check out the tree. All of them are gone except for ghillie suit guy. He is dead standing up. (Name was "Incasssss") I search his body for the loot and continue into town. My friend moved onto a tall hill to overlook the town. 5-10 minutes later a sniper lays right next to my friend. He kills the sniper (Named "Taibas") and I make my way towards my friend for support. When i get there we spot 3 others. We take 2 of them out. One named Incasss again. (incasss had the same exact gear on this time as he did when we first killed him) The other named USER. I suppress the last one behind a tree and flank him to find that he had logged out once again. Quick summary: 1.Find 4 bandits 2.Open fire 3.They log out 4.Loot broken body 5.they ghost on a different server then log back in 6.we find them again and kill 3 of them 7.the last remaining bandit logs out YET AGAIN NOTE: The names of the players may not be exact. We did not have very long to write them down as they kept disconnecting from the server. Usually running into people who disconnect during battle does not bother me, but doing it multiple times to ghost for an advantage to murder someone is unacceptable.
  9. deadlyslob (DayZ)

    Bandits: Law and Order.

    I thought how awesome it would be if there was a certain set amount of players inside of a city at a time, Zombies would cease to spawn after they've been killed allowing squads and gangs to control spawn locations and allow the start of server societies and trade. I think trade is something that needs to be implemented some how. It basically means that a currency would have to be implemented. Obviously, I don't know what would count for currency.. maybe zombies could have money of them possibly but there really isn't a GOOD way to implement a currency with the current structure. Ghosting and Alt-F4 would ruin any chance for societies to exist in this game. As soon as those are fixed I am sure we will see something come out of this. And the only way to fix Ghosting would be to have everyone re spawn back at the coast when they log out... but again, I can see this being exploited as well.
  10. Title says it all. We were shot at from the front and I started fraps only to have the guy pop up behind my friend and then DC to escape. Video for proof.
  11. blondinchik

    DE102 EU8 (ASG Server)

    24L4N Can you do this post first please? Official DE102 EU8 server thread. Global information: Status: Online Hosted by =Olut= Server Name: DE102 EU8 ASG Server Slots: 40 Vehicles: Yes Version: 1.62.95208 - Beta Required Day Z Version: Settings: Difficulty: Veteran 3rd Person View: On Auto Aim: Off Auto Spot: Off Players on Map: Off Crosshair: Off Tracers: Off Death Messages: On In-Game Voice: On (Direct VoIP only) Max Ping: 100ms Rules: No Ghosting/Death Dodging No item duplications No DC in PvP You are welcome to place here any suggestion or complaints and another information about server
  12. No longer a current project! With the current state of the game it is a very large undertaking and nearly impossible. I will restart this thread once a suitable patch is in place and fixes the issues listed below and or adds these things. -Ghosting -Base construction -More team based objectives -A way to lock gates or doors from inside
  13. Thank you for a reply. First of all this is not bannable. You can't even kick from server for that. Second of all, can you at-least provide any evidence? Like video? Why I ask for it - because I never quit PvP, unless second person starts ghosting. And please remove ban.
  14. I'm starting a public campaign against players that intentionally abuse systems. So, any time I can land video evidence of players death dodging, ghosting, etc. etc. I'll be making a video to sully their name a bit. Our first one thankfully, is a nutshot with the crossbow! It's not as intense as it sounds, but still, the sweet vengeance of killing him makes it worth the video upload.
  15. I'm not going to lie.. U.B.C.S has intrigued me quite a bit. One: Because I mean come on... I'm probably one of the biggest nuts there is when it comes to Resident Evil. Respecially 1, 2, 3, CV and REMAKE. I've seen some videos of these guys operate and any clan that revolves themselves around the umbrella corporation is cool in my book. Now, anyway... If you guys have room for another player, whose been playing this game for a month, knows exactly what there doing, is definitely going to raise an eyebrow as far as my interest goes. I'm not going to get my hopes up, but I just want to let you guys know about me. 1. 26 years old. Mature. Respectful. Friendly. Also loves to joke around, and bust each others balls. I've been playing this game for two months now. I've gotten pretty much everything I need minus a rangefinder (Coyote, AS-50, M4A1 CCO SD, 1911, NVGs,) and I know my ins and outs around this map. I'm a bandit, but I won't always shoot on sight if someone makes there presence known that they are friendly and would rather go on their merry way. I'd never think about pulling the hammer on those guys... but what I'm looking for is a tight knit community of mature gamers who love to have fun. Whether it's raiding, owning up the airfrield, playing tactical, getting the best gear possible, goofing off and everything else... I'm all for it. I'm also interested because these guys seem to be Resident Evil fans which makes them awesome in my book. Now, I'm not going to bed. You may be full and that's fine, however... if by the slight chance you'd be willing to accept more guys, with the gear I've already stated, and would have a use for me, I'd love to join. I'm 26, I'm mature. I love to joke around and laugh, and have a good time. To be honest with you. it would take one play station with me in vent to fit right in with most people. I'm just a normal dude, to put it politely I guess? lmao. Anyway, I'm looking for a more seriously clan, and if you guys happen to stumble across this, please add me on steam: kevin51501. I go by KFieLd in game, or Kevin. Doesn't really matter to me. I've been playing fps games competitvely for the last 10 years. Starting with Medal of Honor, Call of Duty, Call of Duty 2,(Both CAL League), CS 1.6, Battlefield 2, Battlefield 2142, etc.Even some blackops (gasp) and BF3. I have a working mic with surround sound, and when it comes to tactical gameplay, I'm all about it. I never did get a chance to play Arma but I did play america's army for about 6 months and that game requires the utmost professionalism. If you guys have a website you may want to point me too, please let me know. I will gladly make an app there. I'm just looking for a more serious group with players on every night, doing raids, and whatever else. And if it helps even a little, I've beaten pretty much Resident Evil/Biohazard game on the market. Yes, shoot me now. I collect the jap Biohard boxes. Anyway, shoot me a shout. And if you guys are full I apologize! Again: Steam: Kevin51501 -- I do not hack. I do not condone combat logging and I have NEVER done it, nor will I ever do it unless it's due to a hacker, but I do not support ghosting or any other kind of exploit. I hope you guys give me the chance to talk with you on comms so you can figure out what kinda guy I am. You may not be disappointed. I mean I'm a new yorker, who happens to be 26. I'm not a negative nancy who complains about everything, ESPECIALLY loot. Hope to hear from you guys.
  16. Honestly one thing I think would help keep rampant banditry down a little bit is locking gear to servers much the way you do tents because this way friendly players could band together and create a "police" force one that reacts to reports of bandit camps and moves to clear them out. Because are you going to log into a server where you are the noob or the server where you are the predator if you have the choice? Also perhaps log out position as well so "ghosting" into a defended area to surpise the defenders isn't a viable tactic.
  17. Its terrible that this amazing event (wish I would have known) had to be ruined by POS hackers with no since of fun and a good time involving anything peaceful. I really hope this can be a message for Rocket to fix ghosting. No reason for people to be able to warp in the middle of this and ruin it. Oh well, next time you guys are hosting I'll try to plan on being there passing out GPS and NVGs to all that show up for the good time.
  18. www.5thelement.torlaunch.com Welcome to the 5th Element general information and recruitment thread. This thread has been created to prevent information from being spread all across the forums, and will contain all the latest news and updates about 5th Element in one compiled "All you need to know'" thread. Officially originated as a Tera Online guild in May 2012, 5th Element added a DayZ branche in July and as a result it grew exponentially and continues to do so. What started out as a public Teamspeak hub for fellow players to meet and group up, quickly evolved into a structured organization. While we may have evolved, the original "open door" policy for the teamspeak server will never change. Wether you want to find some fellow survivors around the globe to group with or just hang out and chat a bit, everyone is still welcome at all times. You can even use our teamspeak to create seperate channels for you and your friends only. Some may call us a clan, guild, team, squad or community, we simply refer to ourselves as 5th. While we are not a leaderless organisation. the 5th Element will always aim to keep it's members and guests as free from restrictions as possible. Effectively allowing them to enjoy their games in the way they enjoy most. We are a international community with members from all around the globe, set in a democratic environment. All 'Major' decisions will be decided upon by internal polls. No matter where your from or what you look like, everyone is equal. As the organisation grows you may find some members empowered with additional rights. This does not effect their 'importance' at all, as their votes and voices will have the same volume as those of a newcomer on it's first day. Please bear in mind that some situations might require instant adjustments, therefore the 5th Administration team holds the right to edit or modify any rule or regulation without prior notice. This will only happen rarely, and you can be sure of it that the person(s) involved had good reasons for doing so. 5th Element Teamspeak Server No password required *Slots will increase once needed. See below for the 5th Element Teamspeak rules and regulations 5th Element DayZ Server US 2890 5th Element SurvivalServers.com No password required See below for the 5th Element DayZ rules and regulations The final server config we will be using is as followed: 3rd Person: On (Allows you to view your character in a 3rd person perspective) Tracers: On (Gunfire will dsplay visible tracers) Map waypoints: Off (You cannot use shift+click to set a ingame waypoint) Crosshairs: Off (3rd person crosshairs are not displayed) Nametags: Off (Other survivors name and distance are not displayed) For any questions, suggestions, idea's or complaints, please visit our server section on our forums, by following the link here While 5th Element will never force it's members or guests to pay a single cent, donations are encouraged to keep our services running. Press the button below to donate. Thank you! *All donations that go over the required monthly costs will go to the next month* While we much rather refer and limit them to general guidelines, certain boundaries must be in place. Some may be rules, some are guidelines while others are just tips and suggestions. Below you will find a compiled list of the general behavior that is requested, aswell as a description explaining them. 5th Element 1. Maturity and common sense. As it is 5th Element's policy to keep limits to a minimum, we do not impose a age limit. We have members from all cultures around the world, and while there is a higher probability a older person is more mature, it is definatly not defined by age. We do expect our members to resolve situations in a mature and appropiate manner, using their common sense to the best of their ability. There is a flipside to this 'All age' policy, since we do not limit our members profanity either. Upon joining or using any of the 5th Element services, you may be subject to abusive language, 18+ discussions or any other form of communication that may offend you. The 5th Element withdraws itself from any responsebility in this area, and exercises a 'own risk' policy. Often one just needs to get a thicker skin, but in extreme cases for example racism or legal issues, measures can be taken. All issues can be thrown up and open for discussion on our forums. Again, common sense. 2. Be friendly, patient and show respect. 5th Element is a new(bie) friendly organisation. Not everyone has aquired as much knowledge of a game or any other mechanic as you do, we therefore ask you to be friendly and patient when someone runs into a issue. We are all human beings, wich also means people can have a shitty day and we dont expect them to smile all the time. You can be who you are, and if things dont work out simply take a step back and try again later, or look for a other solution. Communication is key here. 3. Ability to speak English. As we are international, we can expect people to less adept at our main language for communication. To some people, English may be a 2nd,3rd or even 4th language. This is perfectly fine, aslong as people can understand what's being said. Out of respect to others we also speak English in any form of public communication, like Teamspeak and Forums. People are allowed to talk in their native language if there are no other people present, or they have clearly stated they do not mind. However, it is advised that you simply create a temporarely channel if you feel the need to speak in your native language. 4. Short, clear communication and use of appropiate channels. As the membercount and teamspeak users increased we quickly experienced a clusterfuck in our main lobby channel. Having 20 people in a channel spread across the map trading goods, asking questions and calling out enemy positions obviously does not work all that great. We have therefore implended tons of specific channels, make use of them. I'm not saying it's not possible, as we had large amount of players in the same channel with perfect communication. It is up to the users wether to cut down on the chit-chat and use short/clear communication or simply join a different channel for the time being. 5. Fair and legit gameplay. Surely we are not saints and have made smart use of certain glitches or faulty game mechanics. However, we will never make use of hacks, exploits or cheats that have a direct influence on other people's gameplay experience. This includes but not limited to: Alt+F4, ghosting, 3rd party programs, admin abuse etc. As upcoming server admins we promote a fair and equal gameplay experience for everyone. Since we are not completely in control and have eyes and ears everywhere, people are encouraged to state their issues on our forums. 6. Activity. Pretty self explanatory, be a active part of our community. We all have our responsebilities and duties to take care of. So we do not mandate a required hours online. Play with us whenever you can and want to, no strings attached. We do appreciate it however if you leave a short notification if your about to make a 6-month world trip. Also, it is highly suggested you visit our forums on a regular basis to stay up to date on all the latest news, events and updates. 5th Element is currently running 1 event(s). Click to proceed. 5th Element Combat Rescue Operations If you like to play in a group, hang out and make friends and approve of the way we go about things, you have come to the right place. Due to the huge amount of enthusiasts,we have intensified our application methods. It may require a bit of work, but to many it has been worth the effort - and then again, what kind of members do you think we are looking for? ;) Step 1. Write up a application as a reply to this thread, or on our own forums located here For easy acces you can use the optional format below (This has 0% influence on the probability of acceptance) Keep in mind this is your first impression, it's better to review it once than to do a quick half-assed job. Simply copy and paste the code below. [left][color=#ffffff]Nickname:[/color][/left] [left][color=#ffffff]Age:[/color][/left] [left][color=#ffffff]Location:[/color][/left] [left][color=#ffffff]Timezone:[/color][/left] [left][color=#ffffff]Activity:[/color][/left] [left][color=#ffffff]Additional info:[/color][/left] [left][color=#ffffff]Have you read, agreed and fully understand all of 5th Element's rules and regulations?:[/color] [color=#ffffff]Name:[/color][/left] Step 2. If you haven't already, register yourself at our forums located here In case you applied using this thread, make a new thread stating your name as title here, and post a link to your application in this thread. (This is required so that if and when you are accepted we can add you to the forum usergroup granting you acces to the members only sections.) Step 3. Connect to our teamspeak at ts3.instantvchat.com:10918 and notify us you have applied. Once your application has been reviewed and approved, a server admin will add you to the 5th DayZ try-out group and a tag will be added behind your name. Step 4. Hang around our teamspeak and forums, make friends, play and have fun. Step 5. After approximately a week (Depending on activity) a internal vote will be held that all current members can vote upon. This poll will run for approximately 2 days and should you have the majority of the votes by the end of this period, there is only one thing left to say,- Congratulations, you are now officially 5th! Welcome and enjoy your stay. For any questions you can contact us using the following methods. Our Teamspeak: ts3.instantchat.com:10918 Our website: Click here Our forums: Click here Private message DayZ Forum: Click here Private message 5th Element Forum: Click here Phonenumber: +31652086037 Justin 'Drasqo' van der Woude (Lead admin 5th Element)
  19. Thom_Dee

    Safe Zone Idea

    Not necessarily safe areas, having so few villages it'd just make it bandit hell and half the fun is how tense the game is when coming across another player and observing to see if you can figure out if they're a bandit or survivor. I think the problem at the minute is its easy to be a bandit and it's hard to trust people. I'd like for there be a way to encourage player co-operation but I think artificially forcing safe zones isn't the way. I do however think they're should be specific log out zones that occur frequently enough that means both people can easily reach one and make it harder for bandits to predictably camp out, I think this would help with the alt-f4 and the ghosting issue that people exploit. You could even have it so you can still log out anywhere but it leaves your character sitting there vulnerable for another 2 minutes. Just my thoughts.
  20. You maybe heard of the minecraft server mod "MineZ", if not go looking here. It's literally DayZ just within minecraft and without guns. You still have to scavenge for food, search for equipment which randomly spawns etc. But the reason I post here is not to advertise, but to discuss certain features of MineZ which make it a more enjoyable experience than DayZ. Let me list those reasons here: The shouting distance is 250 blocks, which is like 2,5 miles in ArmA. Basically if you see them, you can talk to them. There is a universal "peace" sign, which is easily accessible and highly visible. If you log out, a copy of yourself stays at your current position. When you log in it vanishes. If your copy gets killed, you die as well. The copy stays for 5 minutes. Upon logging out you receive a 30 seconds ban. If you log out multiple times in a row the ban-time increases and resets again if you don't log out for a while. If you die you get banned for a minute. If you die again in an hour the banning time increases rapidly. When someone murders a fellow player, a global message appears reading "X killed Y" and you see the names of others when you hover over them. So let me explain why I think those small adjustments make MineZ more enjoyable then DayZ. 1. By being able to communicate with somebody as soon as I spot them, it is much easier to identify their intentions. If they don't respond they're to avoid. You can also team up easily with strangers, while inside a town, because everyone in town hears you and not just those in the same room with you. I think this should be relatively easy to implement somehow. 2. Blocking with your sword is for MineZ, what's the question "friendly is for DayZ. It is highly visible even from afar and is fast which makes it great if you stumble upon someone else in a house. In DayZ we also have the option to salute, but the problem is, it's clunky, takes long, leaves you vulnerably and only works with a main gun equipped. This is what makes saluting a terrible option, when you run around a corner and meet a equally scared survivor. I'm not sure how a similar feature could be added to ArmA. 3. & 4. This is the ultimate solution for ghosting, combat logging and loot hopping. Period. If one gets mauled by zombies and disconnects? His copy gets mauled. If you ambush a group and they try to ghost themselves to victory? They get themselves banned for several minutes while you snipe their lifeless copys. Those guys sitting in a fire-fighter station just switching between the servers, farming his "starting" gear together? Well it will take a lot longer if they have to wait 15 minutes after their third relog. 5. In MineZ there are fixed spawn-points, 150 people per server and lots and lots of deaths. So the spawn areas are pretty cramped, I'm not saying this is good, but you'd think it is a massacre, because everyone starts with a weapon. In DayZ it sure would. 12 guys with guns in a place? One of the will go nuts. The death ban increases something like this: 1 min, 2,5 min, 5 min, 15 min etc. And gets reset if you don't die for an hour. So if some survivor starts going ape shit crazy at the spawn area, he'll get banned for a while after a few deaths. In DayZ this would also counter those who spawn, collect a basic weapon and then start hunting for other players for the fun of it. 6. When I say that we should add a "who killed who" message and showing the players name, I'm sure some of you start screaming "This is unrealistic, you wouldn't know in reallife, etc..." But we all agree that the with the bandit skin we could at least figure out who was NOT a manhunter, those without a bandit skin, and that it is now just "fire on sight". Games just try to emulate the real world, but they need some "unrealistic hacks" to convey information which they can not simulate. For example 3rd person is a great solution to make up for the lack of spatial awareness in games. In DayZ, right now, we can't even tell our friends apart when they have similar skins. This is neither fun nor realistic. Therefore adding names when you look at them would make DayZ, in a way, more realistic. By displaying informative death messages people who kill a lot will get noticed. Everyone gets a kill once in a while and that won't disturb anybody, but if you see three or four kills by the same guy you be sure he's sniping. Also going sniping will still not brand you as a bandit/killer, because only those currently on the server know about it. You have to build up a certain kind of "fame" before people recognize you as a bandit. Just like in reallife. We just created something like a "meta-humanity-system". yey
  21. Okay, I'm going to jump in here. I don't speak for everyone in that group that night, I am speaking for myself. The reason why I agree with it being posted on the reddit, and on these forums and on DoA forums is for two reasons. First, because he is a clan admin. Second, because he is a server admin. In being both of those you accept responsibility that you are supposed to set an example for your community. The admin sets an example that everyone is able to see, and if the admin of that server is saying that it's just a dirty tactic to use ghosting, he's not a very good example for anyone in the clan and the server. It doesn't bother you one bit that, that guy is your clan leader and he's condoning cheating to try and win a game that is about survival? This isn't Grand Theft Auto, where you spawn weapons when you die in a cheat to get everything back. It's played as a simulator, trust me IF we decided to run off because we couldn't see him for 1 minute while one of our buddies was being shot and killed and we lost that AS50 it wouldn't have mattered.. We aren't exactly that bad off in game, we're doing alright weapon wise. The point is, there was ONE person shooting and one person only.. There were 7 of us, why would that group even decide to leave? Now if that one person had legitimately, without ghosting, killed 2 or 3 of our guys you bet your ass we would be out of there and cut losses with the weapons, but why would we leave when a dude is ghosting and unless he ghosts all 7 of us and kills all of us we can get all of our loot back? To the person saying don't be attached emotionally to you're loot, we're not. We were playing reckless, the only reason we wanted him killed was because of the fact he was cheating. I won't reply again, because it's obvious that asses will be kissed and it will start a flame war further than it already has. tl;dr - He's a clan and server admin, they are supposed to set examples for their community. He doesn't set a positive example, and should not be allowed to be put in a position where he can negatively influence others and make them think it's okay to do that and make the problem worse than it already is because he is a clan and server admin.
  22. They might very well have seen him, but he ghosted. Which means he can move freely on another server just to spawn behind them, and then move away again, without them having a change to spot him. And it's a fair fight - this game is about survival, groups have a higher chance of surviving. People can't ghost for real, but people can group up. Ghosting is an exploit that should be dealt with harshly.
  23. ^Unfortunately our camp is on their server.. Good news however! Basically I respawned with a new name, went up to our camp as fast as possible, grabbed a M249 SAW and a vehicle, and drove up to the airfield. We saw earlier that they had a vehicle there as well so my goal was to park our vehicle at a safe distance and steal theirs. Along the way I got kicked off a dozen more times but I managed to get there. As I approached the vehicle I heard gunshots however, and I managed to locate 4 of them near a wall at the side of the airfield. I proned down in the grass, unable to see them but aware of their position and fired about 150 rounds at their position, scoring 2 kills. I was positive there were at least 4 however so I approached with caution, got kicked another 3 or so times, and while looting the 2 dead bodies a third one appeared, dead as well (guess he died as he DC'd). I wasn't sure where the 4th one was so I waited for him to appear, after a minute or 3 I noticed he was back in the lobby and saw him enter the game on the player list. Couple of seconds later I spotted someone sitting in a tree around my original position, from where I first opened fire at them. I took him down, pretty sure before he was fully logged in, and it showed the name of the 4th player in chat, saying he had died. Basically he tried to ghost me. I then got kicked again so decided to change my name to one of theirs, who had left the game after I killed them. Somehow they must have fell for it because I wasn't kicked since, being able to loot the bodies and steal their car and park it in our camp. A couple of items got lost because I was getting spamkicked while looting but at least they got what they deserved. It does suck that our camp is on a server owned by an admin abusing, DCing, ghosting group of people (AKA scum, worst people in DayZ) though.. TLDR: They abused admin rights, spamkicking us, and DC'd when shot at, yet 2 of us still managed to kill 2 of them. Then they killed me while logging in while my mate was getting spamkicked. I got back to the airfield and opened fire, killing 2 and causing 2 of them to DC, 1 of which tried to ghost me. I still killed all 4 of them, all the while getting kicked every couple of seconds. I stole their vehicle and most of their loot, a couple of items (M107, GPS, Coyote Backpack among others) disappeared because I looted them while getting spamkicked. Their names: Sloppzz (admin) Babelfish KINGPIN LoKi2 MyMateDave
  24. Good news! Basically I respawned with a new name, went up to our camp as fast as possible, grabbed a M249 SAW and a vehicle, and drove up to the airfield. We saw earlier that they had a vehicle there as well so my goal was to park our vehicle at a safe distance and steal theirs. Along the way I got kicked off a dozen more times but I managed to get there. As I approached the vehicle I heard gunshots however, and I managed to locate 4 of them near a wall at the side of the airfield. I proned down in the grass, unable to see them but aware of their position and fired about 150 rounds at their position, scoring 2 kills. I was positive there were at least 4 however so I approached with caution, got kicked another 3 or so times, and while looting the 2 dead bodies a third one appeared, dead as well (guess he died as he DC'd). I wasn't sure where the 4th one was so I waited for him to appear, after a minute or 3 I noticed he was back in the lobby and saw him enter the game on the player list. Couple of seconds later I spotted someone sitting in a tree around my original position, from where I first opened fire at them. I took him down, pretty sure before he was fully logged in, and it showed the name of the 4th player in chat, saying he had died. Basically he tried to ghost me. I then got kicked again so decided to change my name to one of theirs, who had left the game after I killed them. Somehow they must have fell for it because I wasn't kicked since, being able to loot the bodies and steal their car and park it in our camp. A couple of items got lost because I was getting spamkicked while looting but at least they got what they deserved. It does suck that our camp is on a server owned by an admin abusing, DCing, ghosting group of people (AKA scum, worst people in DayZ) though.. TLDR: They abused admin rights, spamkicking us, and DC'd when shot at, yet 2 of us still managed to kill 2 of them. Then they killed me while logging in while my mate was getting spamkicked. I got back to the airfield and opened fire, killing 2 and causing 2 of them to DC, 1 of which tried to ghost me. I still killed all 4 of them, all the while getting kicked every couple of seconds. I stole their vehicle and most of their loot, a couple of items (M107, GPS, Coyote Backpack among others) disappeared because I looted them while getting spamkicked. Their names: Sloppzz (admin) Babelfish KINGPIN LoKi2 MyMateDave
  25. Tfortacos (DayZ)


    Well if he combat logged, you have all the rights to ban him from your server and make him quit his bitchin. I mean, I would if he did. On our server We've banned a few people now, Combat logging, Ghosting, ect.