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Found 43107 results

  1. Malaclypse

    This is why some servers don't have vehicles

    Without vehicles, there really isn't much left for me to do but hunt other players.
  2. had the exact same problem with 2 crashed helis i encountered. also found a repairable car near stary sabor but wasn't able to enter it. i believe repairable vehicles are also glitched.
  3. normandy

    This is why some servers don't have vehicles

    I don't think they respawn yet , went around on my server looking for vehicles affter but i couldn't find any , and i know our group got alot of them when the server launched i think we managed to get 1 pickup 1 motorbike 1 atv 2 camo uaz , 1 White Uaz , 1 Vaz .... and a heli. We are a group +-25ppl so it makes sence , but i haven't seen any of these vehicles anywhere as now we have 0 vehicles , and are looking for the ones we lost. I'm constantly looking for cars and helicopters , as somehow it seems my only goal on dayz now . . . We have come to a point where we have alot of gear and cars would be nice . . . Im really waiting for them to bring it back in , as when they where in we had so much fun and half of our play time would be ops with cars and heli drops . . . . but yhea lost them all when our camp got exposed. . . . . . Pls if any of the staff can read this, get the vehicles back in and respawning as soon as possibe , been wating since 1.5.6/7
  4. finalstraw

    What to do next?

    Me and my friends have spent the last week looking for vehicles, we found and recovered a UAZ but nothing else. It's like the vehicles spawns are broken. Finding crashed choppers is nice also.... but none of the 2-3 had any loot. Even on the pilot/soldier zombies around them the best item we could find was a Cola... Woo!
  5. EmotionalFartBlender

    This is why some servers don't have vehicles

    Dallas 5 have vehicles. Found one, but was not able to fix it. After this patch its gone. Im sure i was not the only one aware of this pickup, so as soon as it became repairable, someone went and took it. I believe fixing vehicles is working now, but i have no idea if the destroyed ones respawn. Does destroyed vehicles respawn in I really hope this hope the respawn thing is fixed and that we get cars on every server soon. I want my bling bling. I will cruise down Electras streets listening to Mungo Jerry´s summertime without a care in the world. Wish me luck, i dont think my joyride will last very long...
  6. rayburn.aaron@gmail.com

    Dead Zone

    The idea kinda struck me when i was playing a while ago that the general atmosphere felt like the world itself was dying, espeacially in Cherno or Electro. The large industrial centers of the towns just screams hazards from anything like nuclear, biological, or chemical (NBC for short) decay. After realizing the potential of creating more hazards or "fear" from the environment aside from the zombies, infections, or PvPers, some inudustrial centers are always dangerous, and without constant up-keep they easily fall victim of decay. So keeping up with realism, (to a certain degree) i would think it would be interesting to add "Dead Zones" throughout the map areas that is dangerous to players with out some kind of protection (gas mask or something). These areas wouldnt be massively large, just small areas to increase exploration for players, for example, a small area of cherno's industrial center, would be a Dead zone where people with out gas masks would suffer breathing issues, or could cause blood loss (similar to how the infections work) within these dead zones could be better loot, or certain things to repair vehicles etc. another possibility would have a truck (military or civilian) wreaked on a road and it was seeping chemical waste, the truck was under armed guard by police or military. this would open the possibility of better weapons, or better gear. Remember this is just a thought. I respect constructive criticism anything more then that is not necessary. If you like the idea, jot down a response, if not, say so maturely, or give constructive criticism on how to make it better.
  7. hved


    Hello everyone, here is another few thoughts about zombies, wall of text ahead. If you are a solo survivor your gamestyle is pretty simple: 1. Find town. 2. Equip with survival kit (compass, 1866, matches, etc.) 3. Head inland. 4. Find AKM/M16/Sniper rifle/etc. with ammo. 5. Seek some pvp : P 6. Die. 7. Repeat this multiple times with some variations (exploring, vehicles, helicopters). Even if you are in group with friends this gamestyle is chasing you like a running walker :dodgy: But the thing is that zeds are everywhere and lots of us (i hope) are seeking revenge for what they have done with our precious Pleasantville. Sweet classic shoot-o-rama. Tons of dead bodies covering the streets. True zombie apocalypse. :heart: My suggestion is pretty simple - slightly increasing chance of finding stuff per zombie kill. For example +0.01% for 20-30 dead zeds. Or +1%, don't know, it is a question of balance. I know, it sounds like carebearing but it is not. I think if zombie hunting will be rewarded it will add much more motivation for keeping your character alive and kicking. I think that gameplay will change and become more intense and interesting: 1. Less crawling, more shooting everywhere - in towns, villages, barns. 2. Gunshots reveal your position -> more player contacts (coop or pvp). 3. Out of ammo for your AKM/M16/Sniper rifle/etc -> have to visit PVP active areas to find some. 4. Or find M4A1/Kobra/DRM with lesser chance of ammo spawn ::f**kyeah:: 5. Kill more zombies with nice looking weaponry. 6. Search for new ammo, kill moar ::arggh:: 7. Suddenly die from sniper. 8. Loose everything. 8. Emorage in chat :P Maybe this is a good idea, don't know. But for me - gunfire is much more fun than crawling. Killing zeds must have a meaning. Also, if this idea will be accepted, zombie count statistics can be stored only on local servers, and maybe this will decrease the server hopping syndrome. Thanks for reading, welcome to discussion : ) P.S.: sori fo may inglesh, from russia with love™.
  8. ansojak@gmail.com

    Cant fill Jerry's, Vehicles lose inventory

    Yep, confirming this bug, at least at, six different vehicles with tons of stuff inside em, all gone after a day.
  9. Bandit Hunter

    Looking for clarification on cars/tents

    Some more details for the both of you. When a tent is placed in game successfully, which as of the current build is already very difficult, it will remain in that server as long as you are alive. If the server is shut down traditionally, as in for a reason OTHER than the normal server reset, the tent can dissapear UNTIL the next normal server rest. It will than appear again. It may also vanish due to various Alpha stage bugs, though this isn't, in a word, common. Vehicles can be affected by the same bugs. Tents will vanish 48 (i believe) hours after death of owner.
  10. Does anyone know what the story with cars and tents are? I want to begin stock piling weapons with my buddies but i've heard that if a server is improperly restarted the tent won't be there/will be empty. Cars also seem to dissapear on us when we log back in after a couple hours (presumable after a server restart) I've seen plenty of videos with people who own 1-2 vehicles and multiple tents but how reliable are they at the moment?
  11. iPlumbum

    Trading Post, volunteers required

    Well, Me and my army would love to help you guys out (we were planning this ourselves) but now that you have came with it to the forums first we have considered joining our forces and making one successful army holding out in cherno (or a little town close) where we will setup our trading outpost. I normally roll in a brigade of 15 strong men and women willing to lay their lifes on the line for the protection of Cherno city against the infection! We have looted a fair bit in DayZ already and have a few vehicles and 1 chopper, few camping tents where we can drop loot (we usually do this when scavenging). If you want our help just let me know man, youll have all the protection you need. We are all arma vets, ive got dedicated snipers who love to spot incoming targets and well do well with communicating if there is a raid party incoming. Whilst my close quarter marines love to get up close and personal (these are the mercs you could really have working for you right in the centre of the trading post) because they love to kill those darn bandits who pose a threat to humanity!
  12. bobtom

    More vehicles

    Difference is that my Dynamic Vehicle Spawning (DVS) system used in Wasteland took up a lot of network bandwidth. Wasteland is basically Dynamic Zombie Sandbox with the zombies taken out and with more RPG elements added. DZS is plagued by network issues because of the large amounts of CPU intensive zombies and vehicles. DayZ uses many more zombies than DZS, and I think Rocket's reasoning behind limiting the Vehicles is performance based.
  13. f0und

    More vehicles

    Totally agree on this. 50-60 is a good amount of vehicles and you would still need to take your time to actually find one. To actually make a vehicle working can either be the easiest or the hardest part. Sometimes you got to run around the map for hours just looking for parts. It would still be a challenge, but it would make it a bit more fun if it was added a few more vehicles.
  14. dallas

    Benefits for being in group

    As already said groups are already vastly supperior in strenght, plus if you play as a clan/community you can already design Squad XML logos for your vehicles and some uniforms(not sure about DayZ clothing).
  15. sanchezlike

    More vehicles

    Did you know only 28 vehicles spawn on server resets? and that only 15 of them are cars? Did you know when vehicles blow up they don't come back? Honestly when I played Taw_Tonic's wasteland before Dayz came out the balance of cars was pretty nice. For this I would expect 50-60 vehicles on the map. More civilian cars should be introduced there is too little variety. Vehicles in dayz should play a bigger role. Considering how many parts you find laying around.
  16. Heres a bunch of stuff that I've been thinking about for a Zombie survival Horror game for YEARS, but I know I'll never get into the gaming industry so I might aswell help out the DayZ Devs with some improvements that I've always wanted to see, so lets get started. EDIT: New idea I just had, Death Screams: -When a player is killed by either a shot to the body or when they are torn apart by Zombies, they will let out a loud death scream that echos around the vicinity. I feel it would add SO much immersion, imagine walking through quiet woods, all of a sudden -BOOM- "AAAAARGGGHHHHAAARGRAHHHHHH" and then silence afterwards, warning you of the danger. Dogs: -VERY rare, domesticated dogs mostly died off pretty quick since infection as they have a hard time adapting to no masters, locked indoors, no hunting skills, etc. -Because of this I would suspect only breeds such as German Shepards, Rottweilers, Cattle Dogs, Border Collies, and other more predatory or robust dogs could be found. -Most would avoid you, go rabid, maybe even a few infected dogs -However some, with memories of their human masters who they once loved may be more friendly towards you, and in exchange for food will start to follow you around from a distance, over time and over the course of several feedings, it will gradually stay closer and closer to you, representing that it trusts you more. -Perhaps with small piece of wood and string you could fashion a dog collar and engrave a name you choose onto the wood, just a thought, not necessary. -Once "tamed" they will follow you around and attack any Zombies that you shoot at, if injured, they heal obviously better than humans do just as in real life, lick their wounds to stop bleeding, and after a few hours should fully heal on their own, though you could easily add some mechanism to speed the process, maybe use your own bandages on them or something. NEXT. Player Infection: -I was thinking that infection should NOT be curable, but only slowable, meaning you could introduce a new icon along with the hunger, thirst, etc, that shows how long until infection, after being bitten ofcourse. -Each time a Zombie hits you, there should be a small chance of them inflicting a bite aswell, after two hours your vision will start to blur and you will have massive headaches, 15 minutes later, you will die and come back as a zombie after a short while. EDIT: NOT A CONTROLLABLE ZOMBIE... THAT WOULD JUST BE DUMB. -By slowable I mean that you should add a new, semi-rare form of pill that doesn't kill the infection completely, but restarts the timer. Yet another thing to have to manage, IF you get bitten. -Your zombified self will be easily recognizable as a fallen player, giving more incentive to kill those zombies, as they still carry all the gear that the player died with. NEXT. Sleeper Zombies: -After a long period of inactivity, zombies will fall to the ground, seemingly dead, and can be snuck past easily enough, though any gunfire or loud running will wake them up. NEXT. Vehicles personalization enhancements: -The ability to modify vehicles using gear and objects you find, barbed wire fencing, knives, Stop Signs, wooden planks, literally anything you could think of. Nail wooden planks to the sides for extra protection from both gunfire and Zombies, then add an extra layer of protection with barbed wire fencing. Tie two Stop signs to the hood of the car, extending to either side, possibly decapitating zombies as you drive past. -Spray cans to colour your vehicles, maybe your bandit clan has a symbol or banner? Spray it onto the hood of your vehicles and drive into battle against rival clans. -More vehicle types, hippy vans, armored trucks, Mobile homes! Imagine driving around in your ultimate moving fortress of Zombie death, a mobile home covered in knives and barbed wire, a ladder to the top with make-shift guard rails of wooden planks. You could drive while your buddies shoot and snipe from up top. NEXT. Base kits: You should be able to dismantle army tents you find, the ability to dig trenches with shovels, set up barbed wire perimeters, wooden palisades, towers, etc. actually FORTIFY a set base for yourself and friends or clan-mates, a place to defend, a place to call home, a place to store supplies, a place to plan your scavenging from. NEXT. Tracking: -All living creatures, human or inhuman should leave tracks, depending on weight. Rabbits leave close to nothing, and after only 20 minutes, all traces of them being there are gone. Players have a unique style of walking obviously, they dont randomly shamble about as zombies do, you should be able to tell that by looking at the tracks, zombie footprints should be arranged oddly, toes pointed strangely away or towards eachother. Where as Survivors have a regularly, both foot pointing in the direction they were facing. -Depending on how much gear you are carrying, how many guns, how much food, everything, should deepen your tracks and cause them to stand the test of time better than someone with close to or no gear at all. -Rubber shoes should be added to the "loot table" dampening how obviously your tracks appear, and decreasing the time it takes for them to fade away, also decreasing footstep sound by a drastic amount. NEXT. Zombie Run Speed: -Fix it please, they run far too fast and zig zag all over the damn place, while some might say that it should remain this way for difficulty's sake. There is no way that something that essentially has no brain would know the serpentine maneuver, and would be able to coordinate their legs THAT well. They should shamble, running is fine, but either make it the same as the player's or slightly slower, and their animation should not look as if they are the same as any other person, sprinting, give them limps, lurches, etc. You know what I'm talking about, we've all watched the Walking Dead, those zombies can run, but their run gives off the feeling that they obviously don't have much control, and simply go towards food, with no predatory instinct really, just mindless hunger. NEXT. Melee Weapons: -Baseball bats, shivs, knives, machetes, daggers, letter openers, ceremonial swords, pencils, ANYTHING SHARP. -Surprised they aren't in the game yet, its terribly annoying when you have a single Zombie standing over some loot, but you KNOW that the entire building is surrounded and that if you take the shot, there's no way out. I understand the hardcore element of having no melee weapons, but think about it. In real life, you'd probably want as many silent ways to take out Zombies as you could. Aaaand there ya have it, thats all I can remember right now, but I know that I had far more than whats written here. Please send the link to the post around and spread the word to get the Dev's attention! Want this game to be even more amazing than it already is :) Also, Planes. that is all.
  17. Please note that we are now currently no longer recruiting! Hi all After playing this game for a while now I've come to realise that working in groups is much more effective/easier than trying to survive alone. I therefore want to form a group of people that can work together looting, killing and exploring. The long term goal is to eventually get a base setup with tents and vehicles where we can store all our loot. All you need to join is Teamspeak and a mic (obviously). Oh, we also require that you speak English, even if only a little. If you think you're man (or woman) enough to join, reply here or PM me. I'm always online. PM for details of the Teamspeak address and hop on :) Edit: The server we shall be using as our home server has not yet been decided. In terms of group size I have only just started this group so there are only currently 3 people involved (including myself). However, there are many people currently looking for groups to join so I will be recruiting more members over the coming days. Just jump on TS at anytime if you have any further questions or PM me. Looking forward to starting this. Edit 2: We now have about 6 people joining, keep this up guys, we still need more :D
  18. From what I've seen since the latest patch, crashed helis and repairable cars can't be entered. The scroll menu option for it just never comes up.
  19. dead3ye

    Weapon Light?

    Yes, hit the L key, turns lights on in vehicles also, you dont need batteries or anything. The remington 870 shotgun also has a torch.
  20. Found a couple of crashed venoms recently, both were inaccessible. Couldn't mount the gunner seat. Also found a repairable car but wasn't able to enter it either. Anybody else having these problems?
  21. normandy

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    So are vehicles added in or are they respawning now ?
  22. I was thinking more along the lines of "something to do". I already have the models for generators, so we can add some stuff to that. Like maybe light towers as someone suggested. I'll focus on the vehicles more this update too, and add in that when you kill someone it has a chance to destroy some of their gear. And again to reiterated. Don't expect me to be perfect, I'm never going to be. The sooner people realize this the better.
  23. Can't wait, the pace of the bug fixes and updates is real nice. Just as I'm getting burnt out on dayz you pull me back in...Downloading 1.6.0 now seeing as you stole my hatchet and heat packs idea directly from my mind. In case you can't read my mind I'll share some more of my ideas, listed from bad to worse, as my patch files slowly download from this German mirror... * Sparse Bears and Wolves in the woods that attack and can be killed for special meat that restores more then 800 blood would be swell. * Add some sort of ghillie tarp to throw over and better hide parked vehicles. * Some kind of quick wave emote or gun lowering mechanic to show (or trick) fellow survivors that you are friendly. * C4 Make it rare enough and being killed by it will be an honor. * Parachutes, Reusable and slightly less rare then night vision goggles. * Bicycles with space bar bunny hop functionality. * Landmines make them as common as tin cans. No one will complain.
  24. belgarionnl

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    damn no fixed tents and vehicles!
  25. normandy

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    sweet ! Vehicles ?