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  1. Would a server owner/admin locking/passwording a server so they can gather rare items and vehicles count as abuse?
  2. mofokk

    The definitive VEHICLE SPAWNS thread

    it's been said already by someone that if vehicles are "lost" under certain conditions. They are removed from the servers database and never return. even after a server restart. Look after them if you find them. I Have played 4-5 hours minumum a day for the last 2 weeks and seen ONE car, despite visiting many servers.
  3. xenofei

    The definitive VEHICLE SPAWNS thread

    I've been to most of the areas (the ones away from the coast) in search of a vehicle and server hopped to an endless extent; I've yet to find a vehicle. Are there only a certain amount of vehicles per server? How many spawn? Do they rotate spawn points once taken? This is frustrating and on the verge of losing hope of ever finding wheels to drive. All the parts needed, and yet nothing to use them on.
  4. DemonGroover

    Survivor Society

    Does anyone know of a place that can be heavily fortified with the right equipment? Surely sandbags, fences etc are there for a reason? What i am game for is a large group of Survivors fortifying a place and once done sending smaller groups out for recon missions (finding food and weapons, protecting the area from bandits, repairing and keeping vehicles). Who knows one day there could be a massive conflict between Survivors and Bandits (as well as aggro-ed Zeds). Surely after the Apocalyspe there must be some survivors who want to recreate society again?
  5. dharion@drahl.com

    [Suggestion]Not enough realism (yet again)

    - Well, do you know how to treat a dead boar to get the max meat out of it? Ehhh, shoot it, slide open the stomach, remove the intestines, jab a stick through it and hang it above a fire. - Do you know how to repair a Helicopter or fly it? Repair.. no, but give me a week or so and I can get quite far. Flying.. well, aside from all the buttons, that shouldn't be to hard. practice makes perfect. Must add that I usually suck in games with vehicles aswell, so need to learn it either way. - Can you remove a bullet out off your leg? Sure, don't ask how much damage I will make while doing so, but that bullet will get out. - Can you repair a nearly destroyed car? See repairing a helicopter.
  6. andrey.grigoriev@gmail.com

    [MAP]Grid/Coordinates outlined Chernarus map

    Nice work. Can they add firestations icons and mark vehicles spawn points (click on icon and u will see which vehicles can be spawn in this area)? All loot spawning buildings are now on map. Items from latest patch are in loot lists. I'm investingating things regarding vehicles, stay tuned.
  7. Ok, i was reading through a few threads and made some thoughts what would be some good improvements to make DayZ more realistic. Actually it is more a mess and far from being anything near of realism. It's not about PvP, although i dislike the actual situation, it is part of the experience, fair enough. IMHO the players do not have enough reasons to care for teamplay or at least not in the same amount as it would in real. Loot: That is actually the biggest problem. You go into a barn, take some loot and play along. Later you disconnect, the next day you reconnect (same server or different one, doesn't matter) and go to the very same barn and magically new loot appeared. Well, i would like to have such a magical barn near my place. In reality, goods don't appear magically, they have to be produced. This leads to the next ideas. Skills/abilities: I might be dumb but in reality i couldn't repair a UH-1 even if my life would depend on it. In DayZ, everyone is a highly qualified engineer. Let alone flying a helicopter. I play ToH but i wouldn't take seat in a real Helicopter on the pilots place. Same goes for other aspects, let me name a few that came to my mind: - Engineer: can repair vehicles (non-Engineer could try also but with much higher chance that vehicle breaks down again in a very short time) - Scientist: bring him your empty shells and the chemical ingredients and he will turn the empty shells into usable ammo (therefor the no-loot idea above). You can try yourself but be aware not to blow off yourself while mixing gunpowder. - butcher: you can hunt but you will only get 2 pieces of meat out of the killed animal. Bring it to a butcher and he will make 6 out of it, 1 for him and 5 for you, since he did the job for you. - Pilot: if you don't know how, you shouldn't try to fly a helicopter. Period. - Medic: There are surely more possibilities, will add them as they come up to my mind. Point is, to have a reason to keep people alive, maybe even protect them, they should have more value than just the stuff they're carrying. Wouldn't be smart, having a repaired chopper but a few mins ago killed the only player on the server who could fly it. ;) So, to make it short, give players the ability to gain one of those skills (not multiple) to make them more valuable alive. Although i wouldn't deny some general abilities for everyone, re-read the butcher. Unexperienced players can also do this things but by far less effective. Once they've gained a skill, they should become better. Often i saw the statement "it's me or him" when justifying playerkills. They are completely right, no doubt. I wouldn't remove that aspect so i'm also against punishments against bandits. Point is, not punishing anyone but to give more and better reasons to think twice before pulling the trigger. Oh, and one last thing, although a little OT now: every blood donor can tell you that blood regenerates itself. ;) P.S. Since now we can have female characters.....remember what Lt. Ellen Ripley said in Aliens: Ressurection? "Who do i have to f*** to get off this ship?" Think about it. ;)
  8. blackaciddevil

    Add ultimate objective/end game?

    When I first began to play DayZ I didn't like/hated the idea of having a objective or an end, other then death. I loved to run around the cities/towns/landscapes and explore. I started to play when 1.5.6 was released. After a while it gets kind of dull. And I haven't found all the "good" stuff, machine-guns, vehicles, tent etc. I'm kind of an "rpg-geek" and like to PLAY the game, not to run around collecting the best shit. A possible objective that I would like to see is a rescue. A reason to stay alive. I don't find that reason now. I don't know if Rocket and The Devs is planning any kind of backstory or something. But lets say, 1-2-3 times a week any day any time. A rescue helicopter or a boat down the coast arrives at random spots. If you spot the vehicle (or hear it's call on the com-radio, if it's going to be implemented) run to it, it will just stay for 5 min or so. If you make it, end, or if you'd like to stay to evacuate with your friend, then stay and wait for him. You hit a high score table or something, THE list of survivors. Maybe I don't like my own idea tomorrow or till the next patch, just a thought.
  9. PREPARE YOURSELF, FOR A MASSIVE WALL OF TEXT I've wrote down some ideas that I feel could add a lot of variety and depth to the game. Giving the player more avenues into and out of situations, as well as adding more goals and possibilities to the mod. [][][] [Non-Lethal Weapons] These would not only open all sorts of opportunities for hilarity, but it could allow a little less PvP qq'ing with the ability to lose a confrontation, yet still come out alive. [=] Tranq Rifles - [Fire/police stations, deer stands] Rather than outright killing a foe, the pacifistic player could quietly incapacitate a potential threat. Allowing him to quickly desecrate his victim and escape without being forced to make the kill. Incapacitated zombies would lose aggro. [=] Riot shells - [Fire/police stations, military] Special shotgun slugs that cause severe pain, incapacitation and even potential fractures. Doesn't kill outright, but allows the shooter and victim to survive for another day. Incapacitated zombies would lose aggro. [=] Riot grenades - [Fire/police stations, military] Forces extreme pain and mild bleeding. Maybe not as useful in a fight as a frag, but it beats having nothing and forces your opponent to either treat his wounds or fight in a compromised state. [=] Tear Gas - [Fire/police stations, military] Functions like a normal smoke grenade. Causes extreme vision problems and panic effects to those who are inside it. [=] Flash bang - [Fire/police stations, military] You know how flash-bangs work. Temporary blindness for anyone looking into the flash up close. Mild bleeding and hearing damage to anyone nearby. It gets interesting when the noise summons every zombie on the block. [=] Bear traps - [barns, farms and deer stands] Deploy-able traps that cripple their victims. Useful for defending entrances and booby-trapping encampments. [=] Flare gun - [Fire/police stations, light houses, military] Pistol that shoots road flares. Those of you with night time experience will understand how many tactical advantages being able to launch a flare provides. Don't expose yourself, expose your enemies! [=] Air Rifle/BB Gun - [Residential] Silent firing weapon that enrages zombies, sending them running in a random direction. Seemingly useless, but potentially deadly in skilled hands. [][][] [Homemade weapons] Homemade weapons would really drive home the "survival" aspect of this game in a hugely unique way. It adds a sense of ingenuity, while giving players even more things to scrounge after. [=] IED's Not only does this add a little more excitement to the PvP realm, if fully implemented IED's could create more incentives for exploration as well as more flexibility within the player's arsenal. IED's require multiple parts that can be difficult to find. [*] An explosive -----[*] Non-military - Dynamite from the quarry, manure from farms and jerry cans. -----[*] Military - C4, Satchel charges, hand grenades, rockets, shells etc. -----[*] Special - It'd be cool to rig up a car horn to summon zombies. [*] Wiring kits - Rare bundles of wires that could be found in industrial loot piles. [*] Toolbox - At the moment it's only useful for vehicles, but a toolbox could also allow a player to create/defuse IED's. [*] Detonator - multiple varieties, depending on what the player uses -----[*] Timed - Requires a watch (making watches multipurpose) -----[*] Remote - Requires 2 radios (making radios multipurpose), detonates on saying a keyword on radio frequency. One radio is lost when the bomb explodes. In addition to the damage output, the noise should summon every zombie in a huge radius to the area to investigate. Essentially, the ultimate fuck-you. Extra fun if bombs could be placed into inventories after they're primed, allowing you to do all sorts of fun stuff. Booby trapping bodies, car bombs, suicide bombers, you name it. Once all applicable items are in the inventory, right clicking an ingredient should give the option to "Create an IED with [explosive] detonated by [detonator]" [=] Can mines. By pulling the pin on a grenade and putting it in a can, you compress the handle and essentially prime the grenade. Tie a string around it, and once someone trips over that string the grenade falls out and...well...you can imagine the rest. Requires a [*] Tin can [*] Hand Grenade [*] 2 bandages They can can be placed on any surface, and could allow the player to select another point within a certain proximity to be the anchor for the other side of the "trip" line. Any movement across this line will drop the grenade. Line should be visible, and cut-able with a hunting knife, hatchet, or toolbox. Once all applicable items are in the inventory, right clicking any ingredient should include the option reading "create a can mine" [=] Fire bombs Finally, a use for those empty whiskey bottles. Great for area denial, impromptu lighting, and roasting z's. Requires [*] Empty whiskey bottle [*] Bandage [*] Jerry can [*] Matches Once all applicable items are in the inventory, right clicking any ingredient should give the player an option to "Create a fire bomb" [][][] [Poisons] Poisons allow you to add harmful effects to applicable inventory items. Any consumables (food, water, blood packs, medicine) and non-bulleted weapons (crossbow bolts, future melee weapons?) could realistically be poisoned. Adds an element of paranoia to looting after a lengthy duel, and gives players increased flexibility. Interface wise, when a poison is in your inventory, the right click menu for any applicable item would include the option to poison it. Possible effects: There's all sorts of nasty possibilities [=] Tranquilizers - knock the victim unconscious. [=] Sickness - Forces the "low temp" infection or similar, requiring meds. [=] Pheromones - The player will attract zombies like a dog in heat until the effects fade. (lolololol) [=] Psychoactive - Forces heavy panic effects [=] Deadly - Causes death unless treated rapidly. (Transfusions/meds?) Uses: [*] Know you're about to get killed by some douche? Poison your beans. [*] Life in the wastes becoming too much? Poison your beans. [*] Want to mess with an unconscious person? Poison his beans [*] Want to add some extra 'fuck you' to the crossbow/tranq rifle? Poison the bolts. [*] "I need a blood transfusion in cherno!" Here man, take this blood pack. BAM - AIDS [*] Getting chased by zombies? Tag someone w/a pheromone dart. Their problem now. Obviously, nothing on here is super high-priority. I had more ideas, but I've stuck to posting the ones I thought wouldn't take any aspects away from the game, or require hugely extensive code-work (aka melee weapons like a bat w/wire fencing wrapped around it). Really, I'd just like to see some discussion started about more unconventional weapons. I'm sick of just shooting people, I want to get more creative!
  10. naizarak

    DayZ In a Nutshell

    ok so 3 weeks after the OP, and the game hasn't changed at all. if anything it's even more of a deathmatch now. doesn't help that vehicles seem to be glitched and are nearly impossible to find now.
  11. Simple suggestion: Once you get a vehicle up and running, a key ends up in your inventory. As long as this key exists, your car is persistent too. You can park it in a garage, leave it in the woods, whatever. It'll load in w/your character when you join a server. If someone loots the key, the vehicle essentially becomes theirs. If nobody finds the key, the car disappears. Now, you don't have to find and fix up a vehicle every time you join a new server. You have semi-reliable transportation, and, if you kill someone and find their keys, you have some exploration to look forward to.
  12. Reaper (DayZ)

    Ammo bags/crates

    Ammo bag sounds like a cool idea, kind of like how all your tools/gadgets are kept in a seperate panel to the loot you find. Ammo crates in vehicles only would be a pretty cool bonus for people who manage to build a vehicle.
  13. reasand83@gmail.com

    Ammo bags/crates

    Not a completely bad idea. But I'd rather have ammo crates only work in vehicles. (ofcourse vehicles would have to be fixed and what not first)
  14. One thing I've noticed about the Bandits on Day Z is that they aren't necessarily "evil". Sure, they might shoot you and your friends and steal your hard-earned loot, but what else should you expect in an apocalyptic wasteland! After watching "The Road" last night, I got the idea to implement a system whereby bandits could kidnap and imprison other players - perhaps even cannibalise them (I know, gross!). The specific scene in the film that got me thinking was when the Father (Viggo Mortensen) and the Son (Kodi Smit-McPhee) find themselves in an old decrepit Mansion inhabited by a group of cannibalistic bandits. These bandits occupy their time hunting other survivors in the hope of imprisoning them in the Mansion's basement before cannibalising them. Just imagine the fear of losing one of your group to these marauders! Would you simply allow them to take your friend, or would you hatch a daring plan to rescue him or her from the Bandit's lair? Perhaps you could even barter with the bandits for the safe release of your friend. I personally believe that this would add a whole new depth of what it means to interact with other players in Day Z - terror being the operative feeling. No longer would the zombies be the only flesh-eaters to fear! In order for this to work to it's fullest extent, I imagine a number of systems would have to be implemented: - Tranquilizer Rifle (For Catching live survivors); - Construction System (For building Bandit Forts and Cells - similar to Project Reality); - A system for handcuffing or restraining survivors; - A system for placing unconscious survivors in vehicles; - **Maybe a new skin for cannibals? Muddy and blood covered?; I think that this would give bandits more purpose beyond simply killing and looting. What do you think?
  15. I don't need a K/D ratio, statistics like these destroyed teamplay over the past couple of years, in all shooter series which introduced statistics. While BF3 is an excellent game, BF1942 had more teamplay going on. I'm a decent player in such shooters, but please don't introduce statistics like those common ones in DayZ. If there are statistics I'd be interested in it would be stuff like time survived, # of food/drink items consumed, distance travelled/driven, average blood level, # of times bandaged another player/gave him/her a transfusion etc. And carrying a certain piece of equipment or item just to gain some points (whatever they may look like) doesn't seem fitting to the whole setting. And I wouldn't want to do it so that CoD players could take a look on some kind of scoreboard and start hunting me for an item I don't even need to survive, no thanks. You want to survive. Stay alive as long as possible. Some more long-term goals like fixing vehicles and building a little camp with your buddies would be welcome in my opinion, but it shouldn't be a necessity to reach all of those goals. Besides that, I can't think of an additional long term goal which would be fitting. Oh and please no achievements.
  16. sherlock (DayZ)

    persistent stashes.

    I'm vairly certain that objects that were droped to the floor will not stay there indefinitely and will be removed after some time by the game. The only way to stash objects outside of your backpack is in tents or vehicles (repairable cars/choppers). Objects just droped to the floor will not be saved and will certainly be lost after a server restart if they were not removed automatically already. I hope this answers your question.
  17. CosmicOsmo

    DayZ has become Deathmatch / Team Deathmatch

    The reason people won't wantonly murder eachother in a real life zombie apocalypse is because (A) killing carries a risk of death' date=' and (B) people don't want to die. If we can replicate these two conditions sufficiently, deathmatching will be suppressed. A. Killing should be risky. It's already a bit risky because your target can shoot back, as can his friends. If people group up, then suddenly backstabbing your teammates will lead to a swift retribution from the teammates you failed to kill. There's an added bonus here, the other side of the coin: grouping up is safer than being alone! Adding small zombie numbers in [i']all areas, and making zombie more dangerous by fixing their indoor speed also makes killing risky because you'll draw zombies onto yourself. B. I addressed how to make people not want to die in my last post. A world where you only get 1 life is a world where people don't want to die, just like the real one. It's a very simple, realistic, and immersive mechanic. Reset the world every few weeks and the serious players will jump in to race to the wilderness, the military spawns, and the vehicles, encounter eachother, and have meaningful and emergent interactions.
  18. SteamTrout

    Add more objectives

    Disclaimer: I am obviously exaggerating in this post. However not by much. And I don't mean a point on the map telling you to go there, God no. Right now your average DayZ life consist of getting gear and then being bored to death. You don't need to worry about survival because food/water are so common you need to be very VERY unlucky to starve to death. You need to worry about medical supplies only if you have something other than ALICE backpack. You need to worry about having bad guns for about 1 hour. That's how long it takes you from spawn until you're sporting at least an AK. Most of that is just running in the forest looking at the scenery. Then there's nothing to do. You can't build camps because most suitable location for the tent is an airfield (empty even ground, yay!). Vehicles are temporary gone and if they're not, what do you use them for? Get more loot? Again, what for? Basically there's no long term goal you can work for. Technically helicopter could've been such a goal (build it, escape from the country in hopes somewhere other than here is better). But there just needs to be more. Because right now, after you get the gear, you will probably start deathmatching out of boredom. I think if you give people something to strive for, something to actively put effort in there will be less shooting because of boredom. Making survival hard would also help. Let's take rebuilding a power grid as an example. It could require an effort of more than a small group. It could require vehicles to transport parts. It will benefit everybody on the server. It will add more life. People will have a purpose, people will have a reason not to shoot on sight. Being able to create camps (like actual camps, maybe even with fortifications of sorts) will provide the same goal for a smaller group of people. Bringing back vehicles is also essential for that same reason. TL;DR Give people something to work towards which will require cooperation (like rebuilding a city power grid). Make survival actually hard by making food more scarce.
  19. anyone who has had their tent looted is one of the retards that puts them within 100ft of a popular loot location my team hides our tents and vehicles in the north of the map, and we have never once been looted
  20. CosmicOsmo

    DayZ has become Deathmatch / Team Deathmatch

    The real issue that should be addressed, the one that breaks immersion and realism, is that people don't value their own lives. So how do we get people to value their life, as if it is their one and only life? Here's an idea. I may or may not have lifted it from Diablo... Split servers into 'ladder' and 'normal' Every 2 week 'season', you can only spawn once on ladder servers. If you die, you have to play on normal servers until the next ladder season reset. Suddenly people will value their lives on the ladder and not rush around playing Makarov Kamikaze 2012. They will still attempt to snipe eachother for laughs, and will still backstab eachother for beans, but these are essential elements of DayZ. Suicide makarov battles are not. Perhaps there can be some sort of ladder standings to show off how long (online-time) ladder players have survived, or some other incentive to try to stay alive on ladder (ladder-only vehicles? special skins for surviving X hours during a ladder season?). Or perhaps the fact that Makarov Deathmatch exists on the normal servers would be incentive enough to stay alive on the ladder. With current mechanics, it would be very easy to survive out in the middle of nowhere on the ladder, so people will do this just to top the standings. Zombie spawns in wilderness and/or tweaks to the temperature system can balance this out, to make surviving hard everywhere. I think this is a better option than an X hour respawn, because it rasises the stakes on the ladder even higher (2 week respawn) while still allowing you to at least play the game, even if you're dying.
  21. belgarionnl

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    so like the new outfits and female skin! nice addition to the female base that would prefer playing as a female! any ETA on the vehicles being fixed?
  22. Right now, there's absolutely no incentive to visit the krasnostav or bolata air bases, unless you're next to them. Otherwise, you'll constantly be moving between stary sobor and the airfield for loot. We need the airfields, and even other smaller bases placed in a couple diff cities to spawn loot items specific only to that base. For instance, the NW airfield will obviously have the best air equipment. Perhaps the NW airbase should be a nato air themed base. With plenty of parts to fix vehicles, US themed destroyed vehicles and soldier zombies, with only USGI weapons and accessories, and perhaps the only place on the map for something special like parachutes, an M32 with adjustable zero, or maybe even movable defense placement weapons such as M2s on bipods, perhaps all the way up to a M240 HMV, etc. The NE Airport, I assume is closest to Russia. And it's also very close to the largest industrial docks, indicating that it is probably incredibly well supplied. Being so near an industrial epicenter, and being occupied by the closest standing army outside of the CDF, I could see them having both a ton of Russian weapons, as well as construction materials. This place, for instance, could spawn building materials such as wood for barricades and deer stand like towers, netting for camouflage, un-deployed (folded up) Hesco barriers, or even one of the Russian dual MG trucks, as it's exclusive spawns. The Southwestern air base could be a Red Cross base (at the field hospital), with the BAF having overseen the flight operations and base protection for the Red Cross camp. This would spawn the UK rifles obviously, perhaps some UK emplacements, or perhaps even a Jackal that takes a metric shit ton of scrap metal to fix as it's exclusive spawn. A Red Cross camp would fit well with the Cherna area since it has 2 hospitals and a field hospital inside city limits anyways. Then there's the Stary Sobor camp. I personally think it'd go best as a mixed camp with CDF, bolstered by the US marines, giving the area specific infantry gear. M4s with m203 launchers, M16s with acogs, AK74 kobras and PSOs, M249s, PKMs, M14s, DMRs, Mk. 11s, m40s, and most importantly the Mk. 16 and Mk. 17 modes, etc. Maybe an officers sword? :D And it's specific loot could be claymores! https://dev-heaven.net/issues/32098
  23. Littlenorwegians

    After playing for a week or so..

    Keep looking for updates. And there's still the chaos factor when it comes to humans. It's one of the elements which makes this game unique. This is where you make your own fun. Everything from making vehicles, setting up a hunting camp in the forest, raiding airbases and towns, etc. You have all the stuff, you say? Then use it.
  24. Razor (DayZ)

    More Unlockable Doors

    Engine limitations, my ass. ArmA 2 is supposed to handle massive battles with armor and jets and you are talking about five time more static interiors in a world where there are rarely light vehicles moving around. And this is the release version. Yes, that was sarcasm. I thought people know what they are talking about. Sorry, my mistake.
  25. ikshadow

    Vheicles suggestion

    Please consider removing miltary type of vheicles and as well all air one's as helicopter. ( repairable ones ) We could use bikes and motorbikes but in general it would be great if we just stick with the ones available bellow: http://www.arma2.com/arma-2-vehicles/chernarussian-civilian-vehicles_en.html + Few of the boats. http://www.arma2.com/arma-2-vehicles/ships-and-boats_en.html Due huge distances it would be nice if motorbikes are added ( and not rare), they should be very loud but highely available.