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About lex__1

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  1. lex__1

    Experimental Update 1.11 (Changelog)

    That is the problem: 1. Players are forced to refuse to use game mechanics or game objects in places where any problems arise. 2. I have not seen before so many mods, which are also broken in different places, or cause a conflict with each other. This is not really a claim to the authors of the game, but it shows how poor the tools and functionality are for creating mods and getting more compatible mods. 3. Buy the game, but if you don't like our problems, or they don't fix it so quickly, don't play it. 4. Advertising of the game in the store, description of the game, do not correspond to the state and concept. A game about the infected and trying to survive in a changed world. But most of the servers are PVP, as in the game the PVE scenario is not a priority. Removing the infected from the game will not change anything and will not affect anything in the gameplay for most servers. It's silly to release a game about the infected, but not create a server with a PVE scenario and an exclusionary PVP mechanic. 5. Find Your Best Private Server - This is a frequent tip for players who realize that they bought the game but it does not correspond to their idea of how it was in the description of the game. The state of the product is the game for an extended period of time, as if it were still at the beginning of a release, before getting closer to the end of the path.
  2. lex__1

    Experimental Update 1.11 (Changelog)

    You have a feedback tracker. There are many signed correction tickets without correction progress and there are many missing tickets without a mark or signature. This is about looking at broken elements for 2 years. If we talk about the continuity of the game DayZ 0.67 and DayZ 1.00. Many game features were added (or implemented) before DayZ 0.67 was released. But many features or items for DayZ 1.10 are not implemented (or are missing) or are in poor condition - this refers to the 6-7 year perspective on promises. This creates a big picture of an eternal lag in overall progress and fix progress. As for broken updates, I mean the release of updates that breaks any functionality in the game, or interaction with objects, or visual problems. If breakdowns occur in places where they did not exist before the release of the update, then this is a broken update. This update brings fixes to some parts of the game and breaks to other parts of the game. Go back to the feedback tracker and look at the tickets - which updates weren't broken. In other words, all the long progress in the development of the game is on a large scale, a lot of work has been done. The work has its own positive assessments, each in its own time. But the old players are in a state of déjà vu, we are returning to issues that were resolved earlier, or not resolved before that time.
  3. lex__1

    help, voice problem in the game!!!!!!!!!

    Do your friends tell you they can't hear you? They may be joking, check it out for yourself. Turn on the voice in the game, take the megaphone in your hands, turn it on and raising the megaphone to your mouth, say something in the game, you can hear how your voice works in the game.
  4. lex__1

    Stable Update 1.10

    You're right. Indeed, the guy proposes to create even more lag in the server's calculation of the visibility of the players by skill. DayZ has a lot of problems without it. Frequent Mega lags and server desynchronization make the game unattractive as a PvP simulator. When there is a danger, in order to gain an advantage, the players run in a zigzag fashion, causing the problem of desynchronization of clients on the server - the player gets a strong lag in movement. Due to desynchronization issues, DayZ is even weak as a PvE game. I see no point in changing anything in the game if the server desynchronization problem is not solved.
  5. lex__1

    help, voice problem in the game!!!!!!!!!

    You should understand that the OS "App volume" tool is designed to enable the user to determine which applications and games can simultaneously access the audio device. The "Default" setting allows only the active application or game to receive and output sound. At the same time, background applications that use the resources of the sound card can be blocked by OS tools, or cause a conflict of sound input / output in the active application. It is necessary to change in "App volume" "Default" to "sound device" for all active and background applications and games - this will save you from a possible conflict of input / output sound in applications. When DayZ is running, you will see in the "App volume" all active and background applications using the sound card, change "Default" to "sound device" for DayZ and for all applications available in the "App volume", after that restart the game.
  6. lex__1

    help, voice problem in the game!!!!!!!!!

    You didn't make an effort to find the right way
  7. lex__1

    Got a problem with DayZ

    Got a screenshot or video of the problem?
  8. lex__1

    Got a problem with DayZ

    Does the screen flicker only when in the game?
  9. lex__1

    Stable Update 1.10

    This is when you see a player with an object in his hands, who tells you: - "I do not have this object in my hands." It looks stupid, since on his side he does not have any object in his hands. This is bad for the play of the scenario on the servers, and the identification of the player as peaceful or armed.
  10. lex__1

    DayZ 2/Arma Reforger rumours

    Our server can be configured to automatically restart by timer. But this does not solve the problem of desynchronization that is created by the server due to the lack of a correct synchronization mechanism on the server. The server continues to reproduce any client desynchronization error for all clients, even when the communication pause is over. Agree, when you see a player with a weapon in his hands, who says to you: - I am a "friend", it looks stupid, since on his side he does not have a weapon in his hands. If we ignore any problem, then we will not get an answer to solving this problem. You can skip this for yourself, but you don't need to convince everyone that you can ignore it. I need an official response from the authors, according to the instructions for eliminating this problem, or on solving this problem on the side of the studio.
  11. lex__1

    DayZ 2/Arma Reforger rumours

    The engine update was significant, but also the unfinished mechanics of server client synchronization were applied. DayZ cannot easily run for a long time, as it slows down quickly and easily, as the server quickly and easily reproduces the desynchronization for any client on the server.
  12. lex__1

    Stable Update 1.10

    The server easily reproduces desynchronization for any client on the server, since it is not able to synchronize clients in a stream, and will not synchronize its own desynchronization errors for clients.
  13. lex__1

    Lost interest

    Where should the studio's clients be who are dissatisfied with the studio's product? It was hoped that the studio would find a way to use a feedback tracker where tickets would receive a rating of desired and expected fixes. I had hope for A3 for six years, but I haven't played for the last three years. I had hopes for the preparation of A4 release, in this regard, I was interested in the development of DayZ after release 1.00. DayZ has a great solution to the server and client FPS problem, but client-server-client synchronization plays like a bad low FPS for clients. Server FPS is high, client FPS is high, but high speed LAN cable and low ping are not able to provide stable synchronization. The problem of poor synchronization is solved only if the client and server are on the same PC - the start of an offline mission, it plays with FPS 50% lower than online (I have an offline average FPS of 50-60). DayZ's poster and official video demo looks like a full-fledged product and a rich script. But in reality it looks like unfinished work. Players do not have the opportunity to fully play the offline mission, there is no editor, like an editor in A3, there is no scenario, there is no way to create a scenario, there is no way to save it. Throughout the year, players have been expecting solutions to client interaction problems with the environment that occur due to poor synchronization. But this is partially done for some of the character's actions. Information on the status of the solution to this problem - Not available.
  14. lex__1

    Lost interest

    In part, this is true about the roadmap for the development of a new engine for A4. This should not affect the development of DayZ. But DayZ in its current state is a bad advertisement for the A4 release. The work of the development team during the entire period of support and development of A3 is a bad advertisement for any studio product. The A3 has received a lot of good changes and studio work. But it was very extended for 6 years. I don't know who in the studio is regulating the care and attention to troubleshooting the studio's products, it's very frustrating. If A4 is released now, on the same error base as DayZ, it will be a big disappointment. I am surprised by the position of some important problems, the solution to which does not eliminate the problem, but transfers the old problems into the game to the new logic of program interaction. I mean client-server-client synchronization. There was no good synchronization before, and there is no good synchronization now. Moreover, poor synchronization of past products made it possible to populate servers with a large number of players on one server. Syncing from DayZ 1.00 to DayZ 1.10 feels really bad, creating problems for everyone, even with a small server population. Even the good other indicators of the DayZ server, which are significantly higher than it was on the servers in A3, are confusing and not understanding why it looks unstable and so stupid on more powerful hardware than it was for A3. I don't even want to think and imagine how the synchronization with the "client-server-client" in A4, with the AI level of interaction with weapons and vehicles will look like.
  15. lex__1

    Lost interest

    The first problem with the game is the long and endless troubleshooting period. The second problem of the game is the lack of a tool for creating game scenarios. All servers are PVP, PVE, RP with the same banal scenario. There is no struggle to obtain tactical advantages - for example, "King of the Hill", or the like. The third problem of the game - Mods often live for a long time in conflict with the vanilla scenario of interaction. Apparently there is a problem of lack of documentation or mods configuration tool. A player who has been playing for a long time is familiar with all the problems of the game - this forces the player to abandon many aspects of the game, due to possible scenarios for the occurrence of problems. This greatly narrows down the possible game scenario, which is already small.