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About dancebeats

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. dancebeats

    I'm an idiot.

    if you were on dayz commander, you would have a log of your recent servers.
  2. dancebeats

    Logging in to death

    what happened to me once was that, for some reason, the game bugged out and i ended up out in the middle of the dessert, while in midgame. this happened as i was changing into a camo clothing i had recently found. when i realized i was in the dessert, my first thought was that i was the victim of a hacker and was going to be completely annihilated in the next few seconds. so i did what anyone else would do, i unloaded on anything and everything around me. it wasn't until the third or fourth person that i realized these people were paralyzed in place, unable to move and had no weapons drawn. in fact all the shooting was coming from me. the second thing i noticed was that the first 2 and 3 people i had killed were coming straight back and spawning in the same places. i realized that while loading in, a server may load you into a native location out somewhere in the dessert, as it gathers your character information, or character create. these people that i had just killed were in fact just loading in, and on their way to get started with their game. feelsbadman.jpg
  3. dancebeats

    North American Trading Company

    hey, we just met you and this is crazy but notataco dieded so going out of business sale..... maybe?? .....eh 5/10
  4. dancebeats

    need help im not a F*cking bandit...

    if you killed someone with pellets you're going to have a bad time. try looking for clothes, camo or Ghillie Suit. there is a known bug that will reset your humanity when switching clothes.
  5. dancebeats

    North American Trading Company

    NVG for two tents if possible. i will be on six hours from this post. i also have other items up for trade. :)
  6. op what versions of each are you using ?? arma 2 version arma 2 OA version dayz mod version also, are you able to launch arma and arma 2 OA??
  7. did you ever get this to work?? try this http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/72253-are-arma-2-update-versions-backwards-compatible/
  8. WOOT!! i got it to work. all day yesterday and today i spent uninstalling/reinstalling play withsix, six launcher and six updater to no avail. i then went to reinstall arma 2 installed the beta patches, updates etc.. launched the game once just to be sure. good up until now. then went for the mod and started from zero. reinstalled play withsix. i even went to dayz commander. still no good. dayz commander, play withsix was still not helping. i was still getting the same error. i did some googles and found this french guy (dont worry, you dont need to understand french) he points out that for some reason the latest updates, including 96015 specifically on dayz commander miss the file path to launch arma 2 in the game directories settings. (i am using arma 2 free) after looking up the correct file path to launch arma 2, plug this into the location noted in play withsix/dayz commander. it should look something like this C:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 Free Presto. fixed.
  9. same here, im stuck with 6 launcher until i figure this one out. *sigh* edit: Latest beta patch: ARMA2_OA_Build_96015.zip DID NOT fix this.
  10. dancebeats

    North American Trading Company

    wait a minute... i cannot in good conscience do business with someone that has "no" and "taco" in their name.
  11. dancebeats

    noob sniper looking for noob scout

    ... still open.
  12. dancebeats

    noob sniper looking for noob scout

    dancebeats on skype
  13. dancebeats

    noob sniper looking for noob scout

    bandits*...and yes, sometimes thats what would happen. they would in turn watch my back and sides. they would get their share of the loot just for "laying down and watching me snipe". roles can be swapped as we see fit. we would also both carry side arms and run into the occasional gunfight, ward off agro etc..
  14. I’ve been playing Dayz for a couple weeks now. I have learned the basics of survival, looting and scavenging. I’ve learned how to move around zeds and how to move from town to town. I’m looking for someone else to partner up with as a sniper/scout team. We move from town to town looking for some action. A greater part of this can be counter sniping bandits and providing cover for survivors. This is open to discussion of course. We can also go over loot breakdown (50/50? ), and other things. I am at GMT -7, US West Coast. I play mornings and late night. Skype available.
  15. dancebeats

    Found an "unusual item" help.

    i heard this was initially going to be removed but was left in as some early planning was intended to make this a functioning item to power up certain things. i don’t think this materialized rendering this item useless.